Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 812: good fortune

Although these underworld energy pouring into Tang Ao's body were extremely powerful, they were also a kind of heaven and earth vitality. After Tang Ao’s ancient **** moving the sky was operating, the underworld invading Tang Ao’s body immediately turned into a trace of pure spiritual power that wandered through Tang Ao’s meridians. After a week of operation, this pure and vast spiritual power He went to Tang Ao's soul sea.

After looking inside, Tang Ao discovered that as soon as these spiritual energy entered the soul sea, they would immediately be assimilated by the soul power in the soul sea. But as the pure spiritual power continuously poured into the soul sea, some spiritual energy droplets gradually gathered in the soul sea. Seeing this scene, Tang Ao's heart was shocked, and then Tang Ao realized that this was a chance for heaven and earth.

Tang Ao immediately sat down and began to concentrate on running the ancient **** moving method to absorb and refine the underworld here. The underworld here is extremely rich, as if it is inexhaustible, no matter how Tang Ao absorbs the refining underworld, the underworld here will not become thinner. With the full strength of the ancient god's move to the original state, Tang Ao swept away the underworld like a giant whale sucking water.

Under Tang Ao's full practice, the strength droplets in the soul sea gathered more and more, gradually forming a small pond. Although the breath in the soul sea is still assimilating the spiritual energy droplets, the speed of the soul sea assimilation is far less than the speed of Yi Xuan's refining spiritual power. With the passage of time, the volume of small ponds formed by the aura droplets became more and more, and there was a faint tendency to develop like a lake.

Tang Ao knew that although he was only at the first level of life and death, his soul power was not much better than that of ordinary life and death level five warriors. But the spiritual power in his body is only equivalent to a warrior on the second level of life and death. If his spiritual power can reach the same level as soul power, then Tang Ao can now sweep the warriors below the fifth level of life and death.

Tang Ao had this idea before, but Tang Ao felt that it was impossible to realize it, so Tang Ao didn't think much about it, but now, Tang Ao's idea is obviously about to come true. There is a constant flow of dignity here, and he has a domineering technique like the ancient **** moving heaven. As long as he keeps absorbing and refining the underworld, transform it into spiritual power and store it. Soon after, it was not impossible for the body to form a spiritual sea equivalent to the soul sea.


Above the vortex, everyone's scramble continued.

"Situ Jian, could it be that all of the top-grade Ming Stones are not made by you alone?" It was a white-clothed youth who knew Tang Ao, and the two had a brief encounter because this person is white. Family's Bai Zhanyuan. Bai Zhanyuan's current cultivation base has been promoted to the third level of life and death, and this cultivation base is considered good here.

The Situ sword that had been shooting was a fifth-tier martial artist in the life-and-death realm, and his cultivation was two levels higher than that of Bai Zhanyuan, so Bai Zhanyuan did not dare to turn his face with Situ Jian directly. Bai Zhanyuan was quite depressed, thinking that he had gained a lot of benefits in the Mingdi Mountain Range. But after knowing the spirit transformation tower in the Mingdi Mountain Range, Bai Zhanyuan didn't think so.

Because Murong Xiao, who had been to the Spiritual Pagoda, is now also on the fifth level of life and death. He had to press Murong Xiao's head everywhere before, but because he missed the Spiritual Pagoda, he was actually overtaken by Murong Xiao. It is said that Murong Xiao and others have entered the inheritance relics of Emperor Shennong. At the beginning, he also knew that a relic was found in the Mingdi Mountain Range, but Bai Zhanyuan didn't care.

But now Bai Zhanyuan knew that the relics that appeared in the Mingdi Mountain Range were the inheritance relics of Emperor Shennong, and the three divine weapons in Tang Ao's hands were obtained from the inheritance relics of Emperor Shennong. When he first saw Tang Ao, Tang Ao was nothing more than a seven-layer ant in the Spirit Sea Realm. If he also went to the remains of Emperor Shennong, then the three magic soldiers would have nothing to do with Tang Ao.

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