Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 852: Layout

It's just that Tang Ao didn't know whether there was a place suitable for camping in the Poison Marsh. "Xin'er, let's go to Poison Marsh and see if we can find a suitable place to camp?" Tang Ao smiled at Bing Xin.

Bing Xin glanced at the people who were evacuating and nodded. "But Brother Tang Ao, we can only watch the outside for a while, and we have to come back and play with everyone."

"I see, let's go." After Tang Ao finished speaking, he hugged Bingxin and walked to a hanging basket. At this moment, more than a dozen hanging baskets here were constantly transporting people from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. Tang Ao didn't wait long before they were put down by a hanging basket. After Bing Xin arrived halfway up the mountain, the little demon Yuyu she summoned and the little fire dragon flew to Bing Xin's side.

Bingxin reached out and touched the heads of the two little guys, and then said: "Yu Yu, Hicks, we are leaving here. Now I'm going to the Poison Marsh with Brother Tang Ao to see if there is a place suitable for survival, you and everyone Wait for me once, OK?"

"Xin'er, the poison marsh is too dangerous, don't go, how can there be a suitable place for survival in places like poison marsh. You are still safer with everyone." Yu Yu immediately persuaded. Hicks also shook his head, obviously not willing to let Bingxin go to such a place.

"It's okay, Tang Ao and I just took a look around and will be back soon."


Under the leadership of Bing Xin, Tang Ao soon came to this place called the Dark Poisonous Marsh. Tang Ao shrouded his soul power toward the poisonous swamp, and immediately encountered resistance. Although this resistance could not stop Tang Ao's spirit power, Tang Ao knew that the spirit power of a spirit sea martial artist would definitely not be able to penetrate this poisonous fog barrier that shielded spirit power.

After the spirit power penetrated the poisonous fog barrier, Tang Ao searched for a suitable place in the poisonous swamp. But under Tang Ao's soul power's glance, almost all the poisonous swamp was soft mud, and in these muds, there were still many powerful poisons hidden. Tang Ao continued to expand the search range of soul power, but still could not find a suitable place.

Even if Tang Ao can deploy a defensive formation, he still needs a flat and solid ground, otherwise the Xueyu tribe and Feihu tribe will still be unable to survive. As Tang Ao's spirit power continued to explore, Tang Ao finally found an extremely spacious place. It's just that there is a long distance from the edge of the swamp, and there are still some problems going from here to that place.

When Tang Ao was thinking about how to get to that place, Tang Ao suddenly slapped his head. He can't use spiritual power, but there are many Yuanwu martial artists in Xueyu tribe and Feihu tribe. As long as he arranges a shield to shield the poisonous fog on the fourth-level spirit boat, these people can use the spirit boat to enter that place.

"Xin'er, there is a place where you can survive. I will show you in."

"Really? Tang Ao, you are so amazing." Bing Xin didn't doubt Tang Ao's words at all, looking at Tang Ao with big eyes expectantly.

A golden light flashed on Tang Ao's body, and then the Fighting Sacred Bone Soul was called out by Tang Ao again. After using the Fighting Sacred Bone Life Soul, Tang Ao's face paled for a while. Even if he could summon Fate Soul now, with the soul sea shattered, the burden of using Fate Soul on Tang Ao would be enormous. The golden light of the Fighting Saint Bone Fate Soul completely wrapped Tang Ao and Bing Xin.

After that, Tang Ao's spirit power protruded, and in a short while, he brought Bing Xin to the platform where his spirit power had detected before. Tang Ao hugged Bingxin in his arms, and continuously took out the formation flag with his right hand, which was still around within a certain range. As a group of flags fell, the originally dim space became brighter. Not long after, a five-level big formation was completed in Tang Ao's hands, and Tang Ao also took away the fighting sacred bones.

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