The sound coming from the smoke made everyone startled.

Then he saw a figure.

Slowly walked out of the smoke.

A black bear head came into view first.


"Did Lin Chenyi summon it?"

"How is it possible? When did a human become a familiar?"

"That's right, there's no point in turning a human into a familiar. Is he 100% loyal? It's better to give him enough benefits."

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. Lin Chenyi must have known that he couldn't summon a familiar, so he spent money to find someone to act."

"Hey! It's not impossible what you say. Although it's outrageous to summon humans, it's better than not being able to summon anything at all."


"Are you the familiar I summoned?"

Lin Chenyi's tone was trembling.

Some couldn't believe it.

Did he actually successfully summon a familiar?

Although a human being.


Li Mumu was stunned.

What is this young lady talking about?


Then he glanced.

Look at the humans in the audience.

Everyone is followed by a strange creature.


Li Mumu immediately understood his situation.

It's a familiar, you know it.

"Are you my fucking masta?"

Li Mumu crossed his arms across his chest, his eyes slightly lowered, and looked at the young lady in front of him.

How about it? Isn’t my appearance line domineering?

Do you have the spirit of a king?


Under the protection of the red dragon, Liu Yiyi, who was intact, let out a sneer.

"Lin Chenyi, Chen Chenyi, you want to find an actor to pretend to be your familiar, and you want to find someone with magic power. Now you have found a person with no magic power and a vulgar speech because you want to get into the Black Magic Academy." Are you guys laughing to death?"

The grade director looked thoughtful.

Are they really ordinary people?

I didn't see anything just now.

Either this person was really summoned.

Or his strength far exceeds his own, so that he cannot discover it.

But if you have this kind of strength.

Will you come again to act with Lin Chenyi?

Anyway, he didn’t quite believe the grade director.

"Whether he found someone to pretend to be someone else, we'll find out after we sign the contract."

Contract signed.

It can only be signed between the summoner and the familiar he summoned.

If you catch a random familiar, you can sign a contract.

Then this summoning ceremony seems superfluous.

And those wealthy families will also sign the familiars with the best potential and the strongest strength.

After the familiar summoning ceremony.

Every class.

Under the leadership of his class teacher, he will sign a contract with his familiar.

Although some people question that Li Mumu is an actor hired by Lin Chenyi with money.

But after all, no evidence can be produced at this time.

We can only deal with Li Mumu as Lin Chenyi's summons first.

"Are you really summoned by me?"

Lin Chenyi still couldn't believe it.

"Yes Yes."

Li Mumu became very playful at this time.

role play.

Can! like!

"But there has never been a precedent for summoning a human being in the Demonic Spirit Continent?"

"How are you sure I'm human?"

"If you were transformed from a powerful monster, how could you not have any magic power in your body?"

"Maybe I'm too strong and you can't observe me."

"Just brag! It's okay. It doesn't matter even if you are an ordinary person. If you become my familiar, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Is there a possibility that I never lie?"

Li Mumu said weakly.

Tell a girl, I will never treat you badly.

There is always a feeling of being taken care of.


It’s pretty cool!

"The contract will be signed later, I'll see how you get through it."

Liu Yiyi watched Lin Chenyi and Li Mumu chatting animatedly.

There is always an unpleasant feeling in my heart.

You know, Lin Chenyi has been under the soft violence of the college all year round, and almost no one communicates with her.

Seeing her chatting so happily at this moment made Liu Yiyi unhappy.

"I want you to take care of it."

Lin Chenyi didn't bother to look good to Liu Yiyi.

"Okay, okay, Lin Chenyi, let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant. Don't forget, there will be actual combat exercises after summoning the familiar. I hope your attitude can still be so tough by then."

In the Demonic Continent.

Before having a familiar.

Practical exercises will not be arranged for these students.

After all, having a familiar and not having a familiar are completely different concepts.

"Hmph, you better hope you don't get blown up by me."

Lin Chenyi sarcastically replied.

Although any magic I use will explode.

It's not as good as the fancy fighting methods of serious magicians.

However, it cannot be said that she is not lethal!

Lin Chenyi finished speaking.

He took Li Mumu's hand and left.

"Are you really sure you were summoned by me?"

Lin Chenyi was pacing back and forth in front of Li Mumu.

The patter of footsteps made Li Mumu feel a little restless.

"Sure sure."

"But you don't have magic power. What if the contract fails to be signed? Then everyone will know that the eldest lady of the Lin family has hired someone to play the role of a familiar. Ahhh, I'm going crazy, or I'm going to blow up the school!"

Lin Chenyi raised his head.

His eyes were firm.

It seems that in her eyes, the matter of bombing the academy.

Much simpler than signing a contract.

"My stupid master~ Just leave it to me without any worries. I told you that I am strong."




"Okay, the contract was signed successfully. Wang Yue, please take your familiar aside to cultivate your relationship."

Lin Chenyi's class teacher Hu Bawan was currently instructing his classmates one by one to sign a contract with his familiar.

"Liu Yiyi, it's your turn."

"Yes, Teacher Hu."

Liu Yiyi stepped forward.

"You don't need me to teach you the contract spell anymore. You may feel some pain when signing the contract, just bear with it."

"Good teacher."

Liu Yiyi stood on top of the magic circle.

A complicated spell was uttered in his mouth.

With the last sentence of the incantation uttered.

Liu Yiyi only felt a burning sensation on her neck.


"Great, Liu-san is an attack contract! It can increase the combat power of your familiar."

Hu Bawan looked at the curse mark lines on Liu Yiyi's neck and said happily.

Liu Yiyi condensed water into ice and turned into an ice mirror.

Looking at the lines on her neck, she saw the same lines on her familiar's forehead.

Attack the contract?

Behind the line.

Li Mumu watched these from a distance.

This is what the familiar contract in this continent originally looked like.


"Ajian Ajian, hurry up and search for me. How many types of contract rune patterns are there in this world? Find me the most awesome ones!"

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