Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 77 How Pitiful Are The Hearts Of Parents In The World?

Come out!

My big horse!

The master of nature is passive.

start up!

Made from the purest iron elements.

Condensed into a tall and mighty iron horse.

The indescribable thing on the saddle.

It is the soul of this instrument of torture!

"Aunt Wang, should we go through the process or start directly?"

Li Mumu said with a smile.

Anyway, this group of people is inherently weird.

There was no pressure at all for him to torture.

As for their reasons for doing this?

Tired of hearing it. Tired of hearing it.

There is no other reason except for the good of the children.

Anyway, if you don't obey them, you are rebellious, you are in need of discipline, and you need to be reformed.

"I, I don't want it. I'm not wrong. I'm doing it for my daughter's good. Which parent in this world is willing to harm his own child! I don't want it."

Wang Xuemei said with a pale face.

After learning what happened to her daughter.

Although there have been times of sadness and regret.

But she is more cheerful.

If you don't listen to me, look what it's like.

All the reasons are because you are disobedient!

So she didn't hold the school accountable afterwards.

"What? You said it's not strong enough???"

Li Mumu took out his earwax.

This is the first time I heard such a request.

Must be satisfied!


Li Mumu snapped his fingers.

The iron horse, the instrument of torture, was quickly reorganized, and finally turned into something that everyone was satisfied with.

"Aunt Wang, are you satisfied this time?"

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it, I'm right, ahhhhhhhhh!"


Blood spilled everywhere.

In order to ensure that Wang Xuemei would not fall into coma.

Li Mumu also built a blood transfusion device for her.

Prevent excessive blood loss and lack of oxygen to the brain.

Then the old rules followed.

Gouge out your eyeballs and close your voice.

This is not a fixed position.

Because the iron horse is a torture instrument, allowing the prisoner to twist on it is also one of the punishments.

After finishing cooking Wang Xuemei.

Li Mumu looked at Zhang Xiaohua with a smile.

"Aunt Zhang~hehe~"


"Holy shit, in the past, the weird live broadcasts were all about watching weird murders, and I was frightened for the contestants. But this time it has become one of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Upstairs, the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty that you mentioned had better be serious."

"Scum, when you become parents, you will know the difficulties of parents."

"Difficulty? If you think it's difficult, don't get into it! (table-turning emoji)"

"It's so funny, then why are some families just harmonious and beautiful? Are their children rebellious from birth?"

"Some parents never think they have a problem, which is really sad."

"But this thing is really an ancient torture device. It's so scary!"

"Hey, this thing is considered low-end. Does Iron Maiden know something about it?"

Strange story in the hospital.

Li Mumu walked towards Zhang Xiaohua with a smile.

Put your hands on Zhang Xiaohua's shoulders.

Zhang Xiaohua was so frightened that her whole body trembled.

But because of fear, he didn't dare to make any move.

"Aunt Zhang, look, I'm quite easy to talk to."


"I'm not that unreasonable, right?"


"Then let's talk about your son first, okay?"



"Okay, okay."

"Logically speaking, your son is already 25 years old, working age? Why do you want to send him to a reform academy?"

"Because he is addicted to the Internet. This Internet is a bad product. We are afraid that his life will be ruined."

"Huh? Aunt Zhang, you are dishonest~"

Li Mumu put his hand on Zhang Xiaohua's shoulder slightly.

I could clearly hear the sound of several bone cracks.

"Ah! It hurts so much, it hurts me to death!"

Zhang Xiaohua immediately screamed.

"Aunt Zhang, I'm just easy to talk to, not easy to lie to. I'll give you a chance to say it again."

Li Mumu said with a smile.

After all, the information shows that Zhang Xiaohua’s son not only makes money by opening an online store, but also often subsidizes his family.

Logically speaking, there is no such thing as destruction.

"I...I said, I said, my son did make a little money, but the things on the Internet are fictitious. Who knows if he used some fraud to get the money, I don't worry, and Ever since he started making money, he has become more and more impatient when I talk to him. He won’t come to eat when I ask him to eat every morning. I get up at six o’clock in the morning to cook. Do you think it’s easy for me??”

"Every time he makes excuses, he says he has a lot of orders at night and is busy! Who knows what he is busy with, maybe he is learning bad things from others on the Internet!"


Li Mumu was angry.

I told you not to eat breakfast after staying up late at night! Still shouting!

Then if I don’t listen, I don’t understand you?

What the hell is this!

Hey, that’s all I can say.

Stay away from internal friction.

Stay away from families who cannot empathize.

But Li Mumu is different.

He is very empathetic.

Since Aunt Zhang is so worried that the Internet is a cancer.

Then simply schedule an electroshock treatment course!

After taking care of three patients.

Li Mumu opened the door and walked out.

Today's treatment is complete.

He planned to visit other wards.

Mainly because his original purpose of going offline today was to eat!

Although the Lord of Nature can make any delicious food at will.

But this thing is like a mage kneading bread.

I always feel a little uncomfortable with the things I create.

Go out and take a look.

Door 407 next door.

The little fat man was squatting at the door smoking melancholy.

"Hey, what are you feeling sentimental about?"

Li Mumu greeted.

"Ah, Master, you're done. It's nothing, I just feel a little bit."

Xiaopang handed one to Li Mumu.

However, Li Mumu waved his hand and refused.

He was in such a good mood now that he didn't need anything like tobacco to regulate his mood.

"What, seeing your patient remember his unfortunate childhood?"

Li Mumu said with a venomous tongue.

The corner of Xiaopang's mouth twitched.

You have to be a great god, otherwise you would have been a big mouther.

"I just pity their children. One of my patients has a peanut allergy and refuses to eat peanuts. His parents thought he was a picky eater and sent him to a rehabilitation center."

Xiaopang blew out a puff of smoke.

"Another one secretly opened the child's file bag, causing the file to become invalid. His child lost his temper. The parents thought the child was too rebellious and sent him to be rehabilitated. God, what do you think this is all about?"

After Xiaopang finished speaking, he stamped out the cigarette butt.

"Then how do you cook them?"

Li Mumu looked at Xiaopang's sentimental look.

I'm also curious about how he deals with these weird things.

So he opened the door smoothly.


Close the door.

"Hell is empty, the devil is in the world."

Li Mumu looked at the honest little fat man.

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

"Hey, Master, are you all here?"

Xiaoyu walked out of ward 406 on the side.

He walked towards them cheerfully.

"Let's go eat. My patient told me that we nurses have a special canteen."

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