Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 95 This Wave, This Wave Is An Epic Level Of Strengthening!

this life!

Never had such a rich battle been fought!

"The abyss of desire obeys the command! Strengthen the Lord of Nature!"

"The abyss of desire is commanded!"


This is the handsome picture Li Mumu imagined.

in reality.

"Hehehe, master is so strong, master, master, strengthen master, my most, most beloved master~~~"

[Life-10 million years]

[The only professional nature master has been strengthened into a natural paradise!]

[Natural Paradise (eighth enhancement)]

Attribute modification: four dimensions +1 trillion

Professional Passive:

Elf King: You are the king of the Elf clan. Your orders are above all else, and all Elf units will obey your orders unconditionally.

Heavenly Creation: You can manipulate any naturally occurring elements at will and carry out any! Reshape you want!

Heavenly Control: All non-artificial creations in nature can be freely controlled by you, and have your four-dimensional attributes attached to them.

Inheritance: You can pass on all your levels to the next generation of Elf Kings without loss. (Note: Strengthening effects cannot be inherited)

Li Mumu glanced briefly.

Then he commanded Desire Abyss again.

"Strengthen again!!!"

[Lifespan-100 million years]

[The only professional natural paradise is strengthened into natural consciousness]

[Natural consciousness (ninth strengthening)]

Attribute modification: four dimensions +10 trillion

Professional Passive:

Elf King: You are the king of the Elf clan. Your orders are above all else, and all Elf units will obey your orders unconditionally.

Inheritance: You can pass on all your levels to the next generation of Elf Kings without loss. (Note: Strengthening effects cannot be inherited)

Incarnation of consciousness: You are the incarnation of nature, and everything in nature will be displayed by your consciousness. You think the wind has a smell, and since the wind has a smell, if you think a man should be pregnant, a man will become pregnant. Everything in nature will be revealed by your consciousness. You are in control.

Natural incarnation: What is nature? Objective existence is nature. As the incarnation of nature, no matter how your body is destroyed, as long as there is a natural place, you can reshape yourself again.



Really invincible this time!

Li Mumu took a deep breath.

With a thought, I even added vanilla flavor to this cold breath.

Now Li Mumu is truly invincible.

Nature incarnate!

What a concept!

Just ask what your concept is!

This means that as long as the universe does not explode, the entire universe will become nothingness.

Even Li Mumu can reinvent himself!

He is so invincible, it would be a waste of passivity if he didn't waste it!

There is also the concept of consciousness incarnation.

Retains the original most basic ability to control various elements.

He can now modify the rules of nature at will!

That’s right!

He is a regular skill!

As long as Li Mumu wants to.

Next time you face the enemy.

He can change the rules so that the enemy will become pregnant if he breathes!

And the growth is completed in three seconds!

How much energy does it take to develop a pup?

It takes ten months to gestate, what will happen if it is shortened to 3 seconds?

Enemies will be sucked into mummies!

Or play something disgusting.

His enemies will be scattered as long as they move!

At the same time, Li Mumu’s four-dimensional attributes have arrived in Beijing!

That’s right Kyo!

16 zeros at the end!

So much so that the bonuses of other professions and equipment can only be seen as a fraction.

Huge power filled the whole body.

And gained the ability to change the rules of nature at will.

Li Mumu suddenly had the idea that he was a god.

Why can't I be God?

What if this feeling of being in control of everything cannot be considered God?


Li Mumu slapped himself.

Damn it!

Is this his inner demon?

Fortunately, Li Mumu was born under the red flag.

Three views are upright.

I almost slapped it down and cleaned up the map of the Principality of Reiner.

This is different from Zulong's land washing.

The floor has just been cleaned, and players have been notified in advance.

The aboriginals, on the other hand, killed only guilty people.

By killing these people like this, Li Mumu can still find an excuse for himself.

You are practicing justice.

Now that I have slapped him, he really doesn't care about life and is killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Li Mumu shook his head.

His strength has improved so quickly in the past two days.

It can be said that he has been directly promoted from Xiao Xiami to the level of the World-Destroying Demon King.

And it only took two days.

My mood has not improved yet.

"Zulong, we will fully cooperate with Kagome to completely regain the Reiner Principality."

After Li Mumu gave Zulong an order, he went offline.

He feels that his current state is very dangerous.

In his subconscious, he was almost dividing himself and ordinary people into two species.

I need to go offline and adjust my mentality.

Li Mumu appeared again among the ruins of Lao Po Xiao.

The sky is dim.

Pheasants and cud dogs are still waiting here.

Li Mumu sniffed. In reality, the air level of Blue Star was getting closer and closer to the world of immortality.

The pheasants and cud dogs were too frightened to speak at this moment.

The difference in Li Mumu's aura between his two offline appearances was too big.

If we talk about the last time he went offline, Li Mumu was still a person who enjoys playing games.

Now he has a kind of aura.

how to say.

We are also fun-loving people, but last time we played together by ourselves.

This time, like a planner, like a child playing with ants or a human being fighting crickets.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Pheasant asked worriedly.

Li Mumu's current state is too terrible.

"Huh, my strength has improved too fast, and I have a mental problem."

Li Mumu's eyes moved and he glanced at the pheasant.

I really want to try what it would feel like to crush her and then put her back together again.

Then he suppressed this thought.

This state is too bad.

Even though it was just a passing thought.

But the pheasants and cud dogs also suddenly became wary.

If I had faced Li Mumu before, I would have felt like the person I was facing.

At that moment, they felt as if they were facing some ancient god.

A feeling of suffocation arises spontaneously.

"Master, your state is quite common in the early days of the immortal game. How about I find a psychiatrist to enlighten you?"

The pheasant spoke timidly.

"Hey, let's try it."

Li Mumu gained strength.

But the fun seems to be missing a little bit.

For example, before, he might have thought that he would go to Sakura to cause trouble.

Quite interesting.

But now I suddenly feel bored.

He can instantly turn all of Sakura's official citizens into human beings and pig heads.

And you must drink eight glasses of nuclear-contaminated water every day.

Otherwise, you will explode and die.

But I can’t get excited.


To put it bluntly, Li Mumu's current state is...

A very fun stand-alone game that can be played with great interest for several hours if played normally.

The same boss died dozens of times.

Still full of love.

But now I have opened an invincible blood lock that can kill people in seconds.

The boss was originally supposed to be a battle of wits and bravery.

Just walk over and hit a level A and it will be solved.

"Suddenly I feel that this world is so boring."

Li Mumu's sigh instantly made the pheasants and cud dogs stand on end.

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