137 Africa Corporation(1)

Egypt, which is a co-shareholder of Suez Co., Ltd. and is experiencing a wave of rapid growth in recent years, has been proposing waterway development and road construction in contact with the African emirates.

The condition included in their proposal was none other than the establishment of an African corporation.

In the spring of 1831, a meeting was organized for the establishment of the African corporation.

150 delegates from each country gathered in Sohagro, the capital of Egypt and the location of the precious metals market.

Thousands of tribes have been merged into 150 countries in Africa in recent years due to the slave trade and the export of raw materials, with some countries forming the backbone of empires or absorbing neighboring countries as a perfect centralized system.

Originally, a large number of advanced countries were established in Africa from ancient times, but over the centuries, they were pushed out by the Western powers and their national power was gradually declining.

However, recently, after hearing the news that Easterfield had provided a foothold for rapid growth from the North, he showed himself carrying out reforms.

Easterfield Deputy Foreign Minister Roel Asna participated in negotiations with representatives of African emirates and kingdoms.

hum hum… … !

With 150 delegates and personnel accompanying them, the venue was noisy enough to be reminiscent of the Dotegi market.

Roel Asuna asked such a delegation to be quiet.

“Let’s start the meeting now!”

Since the cultures of the African continent are quite diverse, it is difficult to find a language that can be called an official language.

However, recently, as the African continent was dealing with Western powers, royal officials often spoke European languages.

Everyone became quiet at the words of Loel Asuna.

It seems that Roel Asuna was chosen as the most important person in today’s meeting, so all the officials in the kingdom kept their mouths shut and focused.

“We, Easterfield Federation, are developing real estate owned by our company located in each region for balanced development in Africa and creating full-scale profits. As a result, the surrounding mining towns are developing significantly.”

“Hmm, I have heard of him. They bought land from some countries or tribes and developed them. But what is coming out of it?”

“It’s a diamond.”

In an instant, the officials of the kingdom widened their eyes.

So far, Easterfield has never revealed that diamonds come from Africa.

At the somewhat shocking remarks of Roel Asuna, officials in the kingdom all voiced protests.

“No, so you’ve been stealing diamonds from our land?!”

“It is not extortion. Didn’t we select a candidate site for a diamond mine through geological research and buy it for a fair price?”

“Even though we are being pushed back by the Western powers, how can we hit the back of the head like this?!”

Easterfield’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was well aware that there would be a backlash against diamond mining even before dispatching a vice minister here.

Of course, such a backlash could be suppressed by pressure with military force.

However, it was not the establishment of the sphere of influence that Easterfield sought.

This is because Easterfield’s overall national sentiment was not to mobilize military force unless it was imperialism that suppressed countries that were provoking military provocations or neighboring countries.

So Easterfield’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs handed them carrots.

“That is why our Easterfield Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked you to become a director of Africa Corporation.”

“What does being a director have to do with diamonds, do you?”

“From now on, you will have voting rights as shareholders and members of the board of directors of Africa Corporation, a subsidiary of East Stellar, and will have different types of shares for each industry sector. Countries with a large number of diamond mines, for example, share profits with Easterfield at a certain rate as shareholders of a diamond mining company, a grandson company that will be established under the Africa Corporation.”

“… … Are you going to share the profits?”

“We are legally the owners of that land, and we have taken on an astronomical amount of money for development as well as infrastructure. As a result, the surrounding area is developing, and the foundation for the city is soon being laid. Won’t you ignore our efforts like that?”

“Well, that’s… … .”

“In any case, we, Easterfield, are making a reasonable offer to you. Of course, a reasonable offer will be in vain if you are not willing to accept it.”

The kingdoms of Africa were immersed in thought.

If Easterfield changed his mind, it would be no wonder that Africa became their colony.

Didn’t Britain and France actually go to war to devour northern Africa?

If Easterfield had not defeated the Ottoman Empire in Suez and subjugated Portugal, northern Africa might not have been able to escape from being ravaged by Western powers.

From that point of view, the African kingdoms would not have many options.

“Hmm, I don’t think we have any more options.”

“no. There are options.”

Contrary to the ideas of the African kingdoms, Easterfield gave them an alternative option.

That was enough conditions to give them a crush.

“If we partner with Easterfield and become a shareholder of a joint-stock company, our federal troops will be able to settle disputes while stationing in each country in Africa and completely defend against the invasion of Western powers.”

“Federation Army… … ?”

“The 8th Fleet has already been established to secure the trade route between Suez Corporation and Portuguese merchants. With their power, no matter how hard the British may be, they cannot invade. Our shipbuilding technology is already two or three generations ahead of them.”

“Then are we going to be subject to Easterfield?”

“As I said before, we have the military because we have a duty to protect our shareholders. If you wish, you can pursue tremendous economic growth on unprecedented terms such as tariff-free trade and protectionism by joining the Federation. Like the Arab Union and Egypt.”


“If you don’t like these terms, you can make money by paying commissions and taxes instead of just mining gems in diamond mines. We never rob.”

It is Easterfield’s expanding philosophy to accommodate the natives and preserve the condition of the land as much as possible.

The kingdoms of Africa, who only knew this now, showed great affection.

“… … Can we join the Federation too?”

“of course. Of course, after establishing the African Union first, it would be quicker to join the Union on a lump sum basis. Only then will the voice of Africa be heard louder in our Commonwealth.”

“Are you saying, then, that we should be friendly with each other now?”

“Do you really need to blush with each other living on the same continent? It would be better to build economic development by connecting trade routes and drilling railroads across Africa.”


“There are many ways to increase national power, but I think the fastest among them is to acquire economic power. Instead of getting preferential treatment and growing the economy in the future, you can share the profits and share the defense cost as a condition.”


“It will cost money to run the army, so we want to share the cost of that.”

“… … It’s a share.”

“In return, some of the power to move federal forces rests with you.”

“Moving the Federation Forces?!”

The firepower of the Easterfield Federation Forces is already the strongest in the world.

Since no one doubted it, the conditions of Easterfield could be said to be truly unconventional.

“However, invading our allies or inducing civil war within the Federation cannot be condoned. Because it is the will of our Easterfield Federation to take decisive action against actions that harm peace.”

“That’s not a difficult promise.”

The African kingdoms seemed to be already well-intentioned to join the Easterfield Confederation.

Now, all we had to do was adjust the detailed conditions and we were done.

“Then shall we write a treaty?”


This brought Africa into Easterfield’s influence.


In Victoria, Australia, a huge iron fence was being completed at a fast pace, especially around the mines, where shingles and bunkers were already located.

Since bunkers and underground trenches were installed, there was no need to worry about enemies coming in.

In addition, strict surveillance was put in place around the gold mines, and trade was possible only at the Melbourne trading post along the coastline.

The entire commerce was managed by the garrisoned troops, so even merchants from England could never run wild here.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, factories began to be established in Australia.

Governor Rasan Lucusa, who will oversee Australia’s development, is a former mercenary administrator who has completed a master’s degree in public administration on the mainland.

He came from an African slave and went to subdue pirates before turning into an administrator a few years ago.

“Governor, the natives are coming down from the north.”

“Indigenous people?”

“Since the settlers are oppressing so much, the natives have lost their way and are moving south.”


When someone occupied the continent, most of the natives living in that land were reduced to slavery or to the working class.

Of course, there are cases where this is not the case, but imperialism often creates unavoidable discrimination.

“They say that Britain is aiming for gentleman rule, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

“Isn’t it wrong to rule a shrine no matter how much? Besides, the north is almost lawless.”

Until France was defeated and pushed out of Australia by the British, the indigenous peoples of this area suffered and are still experiencing constant slaughter.

Hana Easterfield accepted the natives unconditionally when they settled here, but as the rumor spread to the north, a population of 500,000 began to move south one by one.

“Wouldn’t it be a problem if the population density became too high?”

“Because this piece of land is so vast. After all, we bring trade goods from Europe and the mainland, so we never run out of food.”

“Ugh, that’s right.”

Australia isn’t all deserts.

In particular, in the southern part of the country, there are abundant forests, so if you farm, you can feed 500,000 people.

Lasan Lucusa decided to accept the entire southern population.

“Unconditionally accepted.”

“Then won’t neighboring countries react?”

“It is better for us to embrace than to kill. Send the letter back to your home country. There are 500,000 natives we can have, and there are people who persecute them.”


“If Your Majesty hears it, you will do everything you can to accommodate them.”

“Well, what we need now is population, not territory or money.”

Still, Easterfield was absolutely underpopulated.

If it can reliably accommodate indigenous peoples, as in North America, Australia will have explosive growth.

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