176 Windman(2)

A letter from Easterfield I was delivered to Austria and the Netherlands respectively.

The United Kingdom of the Netherlands was all in favor of the expedition to Asia.

In particular, Archduke Richard Ben-Herren, on behalf of the merchants of the North, set out to invest gold in war.

“majesty! We, Ben Heren Corporation, will invest 3 million Central for Easterfield I’s expedition to the East!”

“Three million central… … !”

Normal merchants could not afford enough funds.

When the Ben-Herren family made such a huge contribution, the Belgian merchants and the Luxembourg nobles responded more enthusiastically.

“We will dispatch mercenaries!”

“We will transport goods and hire ships! Share your share!”

At one time the Netherlands had a sharp confrontation over the division of Belgium and Luxembourg.

However, now the Netherlands has risen to the ranks of Western powers under the influence of the Easterfield Confederation, and Belgium and Luxembourg have turned to their absolute opposition to division, even in order to enjoy their status.

Thanks to this, Elizabeth was able to organize an army.

“We decided to send 30,000 troops to the Netherlands. What are your thoughts on this?”

“If you can participate in the war as a group other than a combat force, you can float hundreds of ships. In our Benheren fleet, we would like to send all of our wooden ships to Asia.”

“… … Are you referring to nearly 50 modified flutes?”

“Yes, it is. After all, it is past time to replace the vessel, so I would like to be able to use the engine separately when purchasing a merchant vessel at a shipyard to be built in Asia.”

An industrial revolution would soon take place on the Korean peninsula, and Ben Heren thought that he could seize new opportunities there.

His thoughts were too strong to motivate Dutch merchants.

“We will participate too!”

“If you give up the position of the military commander, we will procure for free the supplies consumed by our Dutch Expeditionary Force to go to Asia!”

Participating in the Easterfield Allied Forces and establishing a foundation in Asia was not just about obtaining a seat.

It meant that the Netherlands could enter a second heyday of commerce based on a wide range of trade routes to Africa and North America, as it could participate in an exclusive business linking Asia and Europe trade routes.

Anyone who does not participate in this second age of voyage is probably a fool.

For those who would somehow join the expedition, Elizabeth made an offer.

“They said that in the Kingdom of Easterfield, only countries that joined the Federation would be given a seed to enter Asia’s first financial market to be established in Joseon.”

“… … It’s Asia’s finance!”

“He created a picture of perfect industrialization by not only detonating the industrial revolution by creating factory zones and mining zones on Chinese soil, but also turning the Japanese archipelago into military factories. At the center of the picture is definitely Joseon.”

At this point, the Dutch aristocrats had no choice but to question.

Why do you keep emphasizing only the Joseon Dynasty?

“My Majesty Haona, it doesn’t make sense for Easterfield to push Chosun.”

“It is natural. Because Andre, Grand Duke of Easterfield, is actually a royal family of Joseon.”

“Huh… … !”

“Easterfield will take this opportunity to join Korea as a member of the Federation rather than a colony, and incorporate the Japanese archipelago and mainland China into Korea. If Joseon, the country with the strongest influence from Easterfield, dominates Northeast Asia, that peninsula will become a land of gold.”

“Then we must go to Joseon even more! Your Majesty, please grant me a helping hand!”

Although not a member of the Federation, the Netherlands and Easterfield maintained strong trade relations as an alliance.

If Joseon becomes Easterfield’s territory, the Netherlands will have a chance to celebrate its heyday with him.

The merchants looked at Elizabeth with twinkling eyes.

She turned her head slightly to see Ben Heren’s reaction.

He nodded.

‘You will.’

After reading Ben Heren’s eyes, Elizabeth eventually decided to negotiate on her own.

“good night. We will confirm financial investment in Korea on condition that we, Dutch merchants invest heavily in Korea.”

“The castle is doomed!”


At the same time, Archduke Roan Schberrights received a letter from Easterfield.

He asked his nephew, Emperor Sisserholland I of the Austrian Empire.

“How many troops do you intend to send on this expedition to the East?”

“Um, well. I think 20,000 would be adequate.”

“Why do you think so?”

“I guess Easterfield I thinks that we just need to act as bait.”

Roan Schberrights shook his head.

“Militarily it could be, but commercially and politically, we are bound to have a deep connection with Easterfield. If so, they will have to send far more troops, supplies, and money to Korea than they demanded. That way, we can exert a stronger influence on Chosun or Easterfield in the future.”

“Hmm, but the Netherlands must have already prepared for that.”

“So we have to be more proactive. If we concede profits to them just because they have nieces as kings in the Netherlands, it is clear that we, the Habsburgs, will have to give up more profits in the future.”

Until now, King George Holland I had taken a step back from the politics of giving in consideration of his nephew who sat on the throne of the Netherlands.

But the Grand Duke had a different idea.

He thought that Austria should have by far the greatest influence among allies.

“At the end of the Asian expedition, there will be a war between Russia and Britain over Italy. When that happens, we, the Habsburgs, should be able to claim the largest part of Italy, which was once the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Otherwise, we may not be able to unite the German nobles forever.”

“Well… … .”

They may have united Germany militarily, but the nobles still wanted an independent position, forming a parliament and expressing their desire to exert direct influence over the rule of the empire.

If this pressure continued, the Habsburg monarchy would naturally lose its power.

Roan Schberreitz thought that in order to take away the power of such German nobles, he had to bring at least one Italian city-state like Florence.

“The merchants in cities like Naples and Florence have IOUs from the days of the Holy Roman Empire. It means that the debt that the German Electors owed to the merchants of the Italian Peninsula in the past still remains. If we get Naples or Florence, we will be able to negotiate with the merchants of the city and use that debt to take away the power of the German nobles.”

“You mean that we should bring the debts of the past and rule the nobles!”

“That’s right. German aristocrats now have a high nose. The people are plundering without even thinking about the depths of debt created by the luxurious life of the past. This is the best way to suppress the power of the nobility based on the support of the people.”

“Is it necessary to take the initiative in Joseon for him?”

“That’s it.”

“But will Easterfield I welcome you?”

George Holland I didn’t think it was easy either.

This is because he thought that everything that Lee Hwan had previously suggested to him as a bait would be meaningful.

Hana Roan Schberrights had a different idea.

“Maybe they will.”

“Why do you think so?”

“He wants to grow the board as much as possible in Joseon. As Your Majesty said, their purpose is the continent of Eurasia, not the Italian peninsula, right?”

“Um, are you saying that you can give up a step for the sake of the next generation?”

“It’s like that.”

“Hmm… … .”

“Easterfield I is more ambitious than we think. For such an ambitious person, the territory and cause we want will not matter so much.”

“The bigger the bowl, the easier it will be to bring what you want?”


Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, information about Easterfield’s expedition to the East has begun to circulate in the British financial market.

Lee Hwan issued bills and bonds in the name of the kingdom, and announced that he would set up a forward base in Joseon to resolve them.

It was understandable that the market was excited when this information flowed into London.

But British bankers were perplexed.

“… … What is it?”

“The British investment banks said they could not invest in Easterfield’s war-related financial products.”

“Does that make sense?! How long have we been with Easterfield so far, how can this be?!”

“Your Majesty’s policy. “Only federal financiers can invest in bonds and bills.”

“Where in the world is such a nonsensical law?!”

“… … Are you blaspheming your lord now?”

“Oh, no, it’s not like that… … .”

Easterfield is certainly a democracy, but the influence of King Easterfield I goes beyond respect.

If the British financiers were to babble one more time, it was clear that even a single fist would come down.

British financiers turned their backs before things got even worse.

“Isn’t it a bit too much to prevent the purchase of bonds apart from bills?”

“Your Majesty has made this decision because you have a deep purpose. My Highness said, If you don’t like the temple, you have to leave.”

“Well, if you don’t like something, you leave?”

“There is such a thing. In any case, you can invest in general bonds or stocks, so keep that in mind.”

There are very few businesses in this world that make more money than war.

Knowing that, the British bankers wanted to catch Easterfield’s tail anyway.

They have made some unreasonable suggestions.

“Then I will pay a 12% surcharge to raise the necessary funds for our expedition to the East.”

“Are you going to pay the surcharge?”

“Literally, I’m going to pay 12% more than this.”


“Think about it. Anyway, when we try to convert into cash in Joseon, the condition of a discount will be attached to resolving the bonds, and we will offset the discount rate and bring additional profits.”

“Ugh! That seems like a pretty good deal.”

“Then you’re going to let it pass?!”

The person in charge of East Bank thought for a long time.

And then he uttered a single word.

“But still, I can’t go against your will.”

“… … Are you kidding me now?!”

“Anyway, that was the case. If you want to invest, you should look elsewhere.”

The British financiers were properly rejected and had no choice but to return.

But this was only the beginning.

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