184 Unification of the Three Kingdoms (2)

After the abdication in Joseon was established, Yi Hwan headed straight for Japan.

In recent years, Japan has suffered from severe food shortages, and the number of vagrants on the streets is increasing.

Lee Hwan brought such a great gift to Japan.

Lee Hwan brings grain-filled grains from 12 large merchant ships and releases them to Japan.

“This is an emergency aid from the Easterfield Federation. In the future, I will create an environment where you can work hard so that you can eat this abundant grain to your heart’s content.”

“Wow, long live Easterfield!”

It would be a bad year to sell even one bar of rice, but if it continues for several years, humans will be driven to the extreme.

Aid that began in such extreme conditions is truly a blessing to Japan.

In each port, rice was distributed to the citizens, and some grains such as wheat and corn were also distributed.

The expression on the shogunate’s face as they watched it was bittersweet.

“… … How could there be a country with such endless crops?”

“This world is wide. If you have more advanced technology than you think, it is not unreasonable to obtain such abundant agricultural products.”

“Huh… … .”

“If the shogunate resigns and the Emperor abdicates, we will hold a festival that unites the three countries of Joseon, China, and Japan. Also, in the future, we will establish a national system so that no more wars or looting occur, so that this festive atmosphere will continue.”


Naturally, the faces of the shogunate were hardened as if they had chewed poop.

However, this was not simply the loss of the country.

It was just a transitional period to break the royal road politics and open the way to true democracy.

Along with rice, Yi Hwan spread new writings and languages.

“First, we will focus on education. In the future, we will study advanced culture based on Easterfield’s official language and provide an opportunity for everyone to enter society equally.”

“Education… … .”

“In order to do that, the military must first be disbanded. So that the shogunate can no longer come to power.”

The warriors of the shogunate knew all too well that their era had come to an end.

The Tokugawa clan, who was the shogun of Jeongi, gave up his position and transferred all the powers of the shogunate to the royal family, so the shogunate could no longer use its powers.

All that was left was how they would move forward.

Lee Hwan met Tokugawa Iyoshi, who had resigned from General Jeong-i, and was planning to finish that up perfectly.

Arriving at the Tokugawa mansion in Tokyo, Lee Hwan met Iyoshi.

He greeted Lee Hwan politely.

“As of today, the abdication has been decided. You are the king of Japan.”

“Well, the Heavenly King will disappear anyway, so I’m not going to be treated like a Emperor.”

“Anyway, welcome.”

The reason why Iyoshi renounced the power of the Tokugawa, which had reigned as the head of the shogunate, was because he decided that there was no longer any hope for the shogunate.

He didn’t care what Lee Hwan did anymore.

“Looking at you, it looks like you have something to tell me.”

“Yes. I wonder if it would be better to train the soldiers of the shogunate to protect the peddlers, or to raise the peddlers themselves.”

“If you’re a peddler, you mean going out to sea in a boat?”

“After all, they cannot live without a sword. It would be much better to rehabilitate the soldiers than to make them vagrants.”

“Uh… … !”

“What is it? Can you make warriors and soldiers into merchants?”

Tokugawa Iyoshi accepted Lee Hwan’s proposal.

“That’s right.”

“I am not against it.”

“I still thought that was the problem. What will happen to the shogunate, where the military fence has disappeared, isn’t that the most pressing issue?”

In the first place, Iyoshi, as a force leading the reforms, tried to overcome the chronic problems of the shogunate.

Although the cause was thwarted, he still had a reformist temperament.

Lee Hwan thought that there was enough hope for Japan as long as Tokugawa Iyoshi didn’t have a foolish heart.

“From now on, we will have to live for peace. If it stays that way, they won’t be holding swords anymore.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”


When the Emperor surrendered to Easterfield and decided to abdicate, Japan was now immersed in the atmosphere of the festival.

Of course, a referendum based on the people and establishment of various institutions should be preceded, but intellectuals and other citizens were enjoying the joy that the people had regained their sovereignty.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, a new succession ceremony was held in Joseon.

The Joseon Dynasty was holding a ceremony to honor Lee Gak as king and appoint him as the supreme commander of the Joseon Federation.

“Sir, please look over our Joseon and the Commonwealth from now on!”

“Look down!”

“Hurray, hurrah, hurrah!”

Now, these events also end today.

In the future, Joseon will be run through a parliament and an administration made up of intellectuals who have studied newspapers, and will be transformed into a modern rule of law state with courts and judiciary.

In a word, the word Daeso Shinryo disappears and the meeting remains symbolic.

Lee Gak gave a speech at his coronation.

“We, Joseon, as the leader of Asia, will live in competition with the Westerners of that European group. I, Lee Gak, will support His Majesty, Easterfield, the supreme ruler of the Kingdom of Easterfield and the head of the Federation, and will make our Joseon a much more powerful nation. Now, Korea, united Asia, led by Easterfield, will become the ruler of the continent.”

“Hurray, hurrah, hurrah!”

“Now we have to form the National Assembly, and there are still procedures left, such as establishing a court. In the future, the people will form a parliament and directly elect the ministers of the great small and the small. Classes will disappear and only equality will exist.”

“The castle is coming to an end, Your Majesty!”

Lee Gak will form a National Reconstruction Council, with administrative and legal experts invited from the mainland as advisors.

At this meeting, the foundation of the country will be established, and everything that has been pointed out as the country’s evil will disappear.

“We are the first to get rid of the yangban system and exempt slaves.”

“… … Yes, my lord!”

“In addition, the seowon, hyanggyo, and sarim should be reformed and only function as an educational institution should be preserved.”

A class society is the worst state base from which the sovereignty of the people cannot be exercised.

Although Lee Gak himself is a member of the royal family, he has decided to abolish the yangban and create a world where only the king exists.

“We will create a world governed by freedom of religion and the rule of law. From now on, the courts, not the government offices, will judge according to the due process, and even the king cannot do anything that goes against the law. That will be the basis for our Joseon to dominate Asia.”

“The castle is coming to an end!”

“Today will be the last day of stay in Daejeon by what they call Daeso priests. Of course, I will not take your property. However, you should know that it will be difficult to preserve the lives of Sedo Kwon and local officials, who have been hitting the back of the people based on their power.”

“… … Me, my lord!”

“The arrests will begin soon, and the trial will be held once the court is formed. Anyone who rebels will be punished on the spot, so be aware.”

This angle has no mercy.

This was not only because of personal revenge, but it was a necessary task for Joseon to fully exist in the future.

He moved the army without hesitation.

“Now, after the coronation ceremony, the soldiers will move. The Federal Army, in accordance with Easterfield I’s solemn king’s command, arrest Kwon Munsedoga and local officials immediately, and arrest all those involved!”

“I take orders!”

There is nothing the Kwon Munsedoga of Joseon can do any more.

It was just a matter of waiting for how it would be disposed of according to the will of the people.


In January 1838, the Joseon Federation was established.

Now, as a political, diplomatic, and military center, Joseon was directly governed by the Easterfield federal government.

Joseon will inherit Yi Hwan’s power, absorb China and Japan, form a Soviet government, and soon receive industrial and commercial districts.

In the future, each province will have autonomy, come together in the Soviet Union government, and decide the national policy through a meeting in Easterfield Federation.

Yi Hwan left the Joseon Federation in charge of Lee Gak and returned to the mainland.

He will now hear about how Northeast Asia develops through the report.

“It is said that the Korean Federation has started recruiting in earnest. In addition, it is said that based on the retired soldiers of the past, they organized a fleet and established a trade headquarters to prepare ground logistics.”

“Oh, the trade headquarters!”

What can an enormous army of 600,000 in total be able to do?

Lee Hwan had been thinking about it for several years, and finally came to a conclusion.

It was decided to create a company that made export forces in preparation for the nation’s opening, and a group that conducts commerce and trade.

“They plan to build a railroad linking China and Joseon and connect it with Europe again to facilitate trade with Asia.”

“Ugh! That was great!”

“Soon, we will make contact with the emperor of Vietnam and pave the way to India, and if it continues, the rest will be finished by the power of the Easterfield federal government.”

Africa, Middle East Asia, and the Ottomans were already inflated with great anticipation for the success of Easterfield’s expedition to the East.

Already, the value of money is rising due to the fact that Central and gold are being stocked up to invest in Northeast Asia, and gold is scarce.

Now, if the commercial capital within the federation flows to Asia, Northeast Asia will continue to witness remarkable growth.

Lee Hwan decided to paint a slightly larger picture now.

It is the unification of Russia.

“Build a fleet of battleships to and from the Bering Sea and the Strait of Dover, form a fleet of submarines and prepare to strike Russia and Britain simultaneously.”

“Anyway, the aircraft carrier will be ready soon. There will be a demonstration air strike by the combat wing, so please enjoy it and complete the fleet building.”

“Oh, that would be fine.”

What if we could show the UK or Russia an aircraft with an internal combustion engine, which has just escaped a wooden ship and, at best, has the skills to roll a ship with coal?

Perhaps they will surrender unconditionally to Easterfield.

Lee Hwan was drawing sketches to absorb the territory at the lowest possible price at the same time as their surrender.

“The pilot strike is conducted in secret. Let’s hit Britain and Russia in the back properly.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Oh, and let’s just hand over one design to the lab.”

“You name it.”

“It’s a parachute, you know?”

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