Tashi Phuntsok said coldly:"We cannot let any enemy go. Pearl State is rich in resources, and a large number of civilians have entered it to explore. The people who can come here to intercept at this time are all old men on the battlefield!""

"You know, if you let one go, a large number of civilians in our Dragon Kingdom will be massacred!"

"If you want to protect your homeland, you must leave no one behind!"

"Leave no one behind!"

"Leave no one behind!"

The atmosphere was full of chilling.

Qin Xiu also became serious without realizing it.

On the shared map, there were more than three thousand red dots.

They were all enemy branches.

These were still detected.

Some stealth types , Hidden professions will not be detected.

The enemies are coming from three directions, and they can only intercept one of them.

Qin Xiu observed from the window of the aircraft that there were ten aircraft in total.

That is to say, five hundred people.

The number is smaller.

You must know that after several generations, the population of Asan is larger than that of Longguo.

After all, they don't pay attention to elite education and can feed corpses.

The population increased dramatically.

Therefore, they did not have an advantage in terms of numbers.

Under such circumstances, Qin Xiu was even more stressed.

The distance between the two sides was already only one thousand meters!


The people in the team roared.

The soldiers started to be violent, their speed surged, and they moved forward crazily. It was the first time for Qin Xiu to participate in such a passionate activity, and he really went to the battlefield to kill people. For a moment, his blood rushed to his brain and he ran away!


Like an afterimage, Qin Xiu disappeared on the spot.

You know, his attributes are really explosive!

The second-level and third-level assassin professions are probably a fraction of his attributes.

Qin Xiu rushed a hundred meters, and Zha Xiping Cuo's voice was left behind and could not be heard clearly.

"Damn, there was too much chicken soup, and this new guy just rushed forward!"

"Quick, stop him!"

"Captain, there's something wrong with this newcomer. Why can he run faster than me, an assassin? I can’t catch up!"

"Stay in formation, don't mess up, don't mess up!"

"He is looking for death, let him go!"

Others in the team were anxious and angry.

Qin Xiu looked very young, only in his twenties. At this age, he reached the second rank, and he was definitely a being with great potential.

He died on the battlefield like this. They all felt it was a pity.

But they couldn't catch up with Qin Xiu, so they could only watch Qin Xiu and the job transferees from Asan Kingdom fighting each other.

On Qin Xiu's side, the job transferees from Asan Kingdom had already entered his sight..

The man with dark skin and yellow teeth showed a ferocious smile.

"Boy, are you here to die?"

"kill him"

"He is a mage, but he dares to get so close and send him to see Lord Shiva!"

When Qin Xiu heard this, he raised his staff

"Big fireball!"

In an instant, a large fireball of two meters erupted.

"Hoo ho ho ho!"

The big fireball ran at great speed and was instantly attached to the first warrior.


This man was blown to pieces by the fireball.

Instant kill!"

"Bolide shower!"

Raise your hand, it's a group attack skill.

In an instant, the surrounding area is covered for a hundred meters.

The spell comes down.

The blazing high temperature instantly kills more than 20 people who have transferred jobs from Asan Kingdom around them!

"This is a good move!"

His skills had almost no cooling time. Qin Xiu released them crazily without saying a word.

"Bolide shower!"

"Bolide shower!"

"Bolide shower!"

In the blink of an eye, Qin Xiu fired two skills again, and another skill, which was released by the world-destroying player alone.

In the blink of an eye, there were ten job transfers who died in Qin Xiu's hands.

Others from Asan Kingdom The job changer was shocked when he saw this.

"No, something is wrong with him!"

"Rank five, Dragon Kingdom will send at least one rank five professional"

"His instant spell is definitely rank seven"

"Run quickly, the Nine Dragon Kingdom Sect is here!"

The more it spreads, the more outrageous it becomes.

But remember one thing.

Leave no one behind!"


A meteor shower fell from the sky.

For those who didn't know, they thought they had unlimited firepower here.

Soon, thousands of job transferees all died in the hands of Qin Xiu.

Qin Xiu stood still!

The system text was constantly refreshed.

How many career changers have been killed, and most importantly, the task list has been updated

"The job transfer mission has been completed. Please return to the job transfer tower to submit it and receive the fifth ring mission."

It's done!

Just waiting to return!

At this time, the teammates at the rear finally caught up.

A soldier slapped Qin Xiu hard on the shoulder.

"Damn, boy, you are so awesome, do you have a hidden profession? Fire mage, I have never seen such a terrifying one!"

"Why are you in a daze? What's wrong? It's your first time to kill someone. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"Another assassin quickly comforted him.

"Still, not bad! Qin Xiu said modestly:"I was just too scared, so I killed them all!""

Listen, is this human language?

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