"Am I blinded? Bennett, is it possible that the wine you bought is fake?" shouted a rough man with vodka and a beard in close combat.

Following his gaze, all the team members looked in disbelief.

only because.

In the hill forest not far away, a... no, several tall figures actually rose up!

They come in different sizes, but even the smallest one is as tall as a tree!

Some are as tall as giants.

Some of them look like they have been pieced together, and they can be called mutated works of art.

Some have sharp edges and corners, as sharp as rocks.

But they.

Without exception, they all have one characteristic, that is, they are all made of black shadow!

The huge dark figures made these people suspect that they had drunk too much.

As professionals in the Bear Country celebrate their final days.

Only one of the young men who worked as a nanny did not drink. He did not want to be drunk at the last moment of his life. Because of this, he was the only one who saw it most clearly.

He waved his hand and pushed away some of the curly hair that obscured his eyes, looked in that direction with a shocked face, and said tremblingly:

"Brothers, I'm serious, that does exist, you read that right!"

"Oh my god...how could this happen..."

Looking at the tall black figures in the distance, the hearts of these professionals were already as quiet and dim as extinguished charcoal fire.

The decline of this endless group of monsters is not yet over.

Now there are a few more black shadow monsters that seem to be invincible? !


The reality is not what they thought.

Just see.

As the shadow giant stepped forward, the surrounding trees were crushed and fell.

Since the upgrade of Bai Yi's professional skill - Kingdom of Shadows, it has a super effect of increasing the strength of living in it.

As one of the earlier members to join the Shadow Men, the Shadow Giants are not as powerful as the new members. It can even be said that they are basically useless except for their size.

But as a BO SS Level shadow subordinate, he received a lot of strength improvements during his time in Kingdom of Shadows.


With one step, a large area of ​​decay was crushed to death.

The shadow purple-core stone monsters around him opened the way, and a small team composed of huge black shadows quickly entered the scene.

Immediately afterwards.

Shadow Naga King and Black Barton quickly entered the battlefield and started killing like crazy.

Shadows, ninjas, shadow mutated jackals and other more agile beings quickly rushed into the group of declining monsters surrounded by them, killing the declining ones around the empty cave entrance in no time.


The large piece of decline is still attacking, like a completely mindless zombie that only knows how to attack.

But even so.

The decline of this large number also became disorganized after the rapid entry of the shadow army.

The already scattered and declining team was directly killed and turned upside down.

All of a sudden.

The decline of death is countless, and every moment there is a decline into a punctured water ball.

Watch this scene.

This professional team, called the Osha Team, was completely confused.

What's going on?

The new monsters didn't attack them, but instead started to kill them and besieged them?

Natasha Romanovski is a member of this professional's squad and also serves as captain.

She is a melee professional, and her profession is [Blade Dancer] with S Level potential.

I thought I would explain it here today.

But I didn't expect it.

This new group of monsters did not attack them, but seemed to be intentionally... helping them?

"Ula! Take advantage of the situation and eliminate it! Go and help!" Natasha shouted, waving the curved blade in her hand in a circle, and rushed out of the camp they spent two and a half months building.

With captain Natasha taking the lead, the rest of the team members also emboldened themselves.

Among them, vodka also has some credit.

Just see.

These professionals quickly joined the battlefield. Although they were not as crushing as the shadow army, they were able to clean up some of the decline in an orderly manner.

‘Uh-huh! ’

'boom! ’

Coupled with the team's long-range attacks, Natasha took turns attacking and quickly eliminated a fading one.

At this moment, a dark humanoid figure came in front of him.

If not Natal Shadow, who else could it be?

Natasha instinctively picked up the curved blade and prepared for battle.

But never thought about it.

The dark figure waved his hand casually, and Natasha actually felt a bit disgusted.

As if to say:

——It’s the same as ‘Don’t steal labor experience, do what you need to do’!

Natasha was instantly shocked!

He just had a look of disbelief on his face, frozen in place with nothing to say.

She... was disliked by the other party and was a disservice!

See this scene.

The remaining seven team members looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know whether to laugh or not.

‘Pfft…pfft hahaha! ’

‘Hahahahahaha! ’

One of the team members was the first to laugh without holding back.

With the first person taking the lead, the remaining few professionally trained team members eventually laughed out loud because it was so funny.

"Everyone is drinking fake wine, right? Why are you laughing!" Natasha turned around angrily and ordered the team members.

‘Pfft hahaha! ’

‘Hahahahahaha! ’

But it was obvious that even though she was the captain, she could not suppress the emotions of the team members.

at the same time.

The more than 300 animals that besieged the eight-man team on the mountain were also beaten to pieces. At least 60% of them were completely killed.

The remaining.

Either he is being killed or he is on the way to be killed.

It was also at this time.

The sun has completely risen, and a ray of sunshine that is not so dazzling shines on the earth.

This is a normal thing.

But when it shines on this group of monsters called Decline, it has a completely different effect.

See you soon.

Whether it is the decline of obesity or the decline of shortness.

Anyone who was directly illuminated by the sun seemed to be killed. They were like a water ball that had leaked. They collapsed directly on the spot and could not get up again.

All of a sudden.

Each of these declines that were not killed died as completely as self-immolation.

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