The addition of two more arms, the priest and the lancer, made Li Mu think of more ways to play.

And when he saw that the lancer had learned his riding skills, his eyes lit up.

The directional summoning of skeletons by the skeleton summoning gave him a goal.

Although the summoned skeleton profession is still random, he can choose the shape.


Come out, skeleton horse!

A skeleton-shaped horse with a saddle and reins appeared.

[Skeleton War Horse (Level 1)]

[Strength: 6, Vitality: 8. Agility: 10]

[Skills: Sprint, Back Kick]


Li Mu nodded with satisfaction and continued to summon.

And he did not stop after his magic power was exhausted. After drinking a bottle of high-level mana recovery potion, he continued to summon.

After a long time, when he was a little dizzy, he stopped.

The mana recovery potion is not unlimited. How much can be used depends on the physical attributes and intelligence of the professional.

Li Mu's physical attributes are extremely high, so he can drink so many bottles in a row, and they are all high-level potions.

Moreover, his summons have reached the upper limit.

The upper limit of the necromancer is related to intelligence, and Li Mu also learned about it in advance.

Looking at the more than 400 skeletons and more than 50 cavalrymen around him, Li Mu rode on the warhorse he prepared for himself and waved his hand.

"Brothers, let's go!"

The undead army marched in an orderly manner and headed eastward.

A path was also opened in the foggy place by Li Mu.

Mr. Skeleton, who was observing Li Mu with a crystal ball in the manor, nodded.

After heading east for nearly half an hour, Li Mu saw a cemetery.

The cemetery was filled with gray fog, and the moon in the sky was also covered by gray fog at this time, which looked gloomy and terrifying.

There were several tombstones made of white bones in the garden, which made Li Mu shake his head.

It must not be that simple.

"Scouts explore the way." Li Mu said, looking at the cemetery that was obviously problematic.

Although it was late now, his strong physique was enough to support his sleepless night.

The stalker obeyed the order and quietly moved into the cemetery.

Until the three stalkers came to a tombstone, there was still nothing unusual, so they began to dig the tombstone with daggers.

Just when they dug out a tombstone and were walking out, they saw all the tombstones in the cemetery tremble.


Countless skeletons crawled out from the remaining tombstones densely, and ran towards the three stalkers quickly with a click.

Because they were not hostile units, Li Mu could not see their attributes, but he could also see that these skeletons were very weak,

However, the seemingly endless number of skeletons that came out of the tombstones made him frown and raised his hand.

"Shoot!" Li Mu waved his hand, and nearly a hundred skeleton archers raised their bows and shot arrows directly.

The arrow formation opened the way, invincible!

A round of arrow rain volleys shot hundreds of skeletons to pieces, but the dense skeletons seemed to be really endless, and continued to run wildly over the broken bones.

Arrows exploded!

Boom, dozens of arrows fell to the ground, and the arrows trampled by several skeletons exploded, causing a brief gap in the tide of skeletons.

"Shoot!" Li Mu spoke again.

Quickly shoot!

The archer quickly pulled the bow and shot the arrow again.


The more than 30 mage condensed missiles of the mage group directly cast the spell, negative energy missile, in just three seconds by virtue of rapid spell casting.


The explosion sounded, breaking the tide of the Skeleton Sea, allowing the soldiers who went to respond to successfully capture the three stalkers.

Taking the tombstone back to the legion, Li Mu took it back into the storage ring and looked at the sea of ​​skeletons rushing out of the cemetery, knowing that they would not give up.

But if I take back the undead army and escape quickly by running away, if I lead the sea of ​​skeletons to the teacher and let the teacher take action, what will the teacher think of me?

Although there should be no problem, Li Mu still didn't want to cause even a trace of ill feeling from the teacher.

Because there were so many necromancy spells, and he wanted to learn them all.

But he only had one month to study here, so for the sake of the future, he had to leave a good impression.


"The whole army forms an array!" Li Mu used the bone spear spell to condense the bone spear, but instead of shooting it forward, he held the white bone spear in his hand.

The two-meter-long skeleton spear was the color of snow, shining brightly under the subtle moonlight.

Nearly three hundred warriors also took a step together, with a strong momentum rising, like an army of hundreds of battles, unstoppable.

"Kill!" Li Mu roared, his murderous intent boiling over, and he led a cavalry regiment of more than fifty skeletons to charge.

The arrow formation clears the way, the cavalry charges, and the army presses behind!

Li Mu, who led the cavalry regiment, rushed into the sea of ​​skeletons. The skeleton spearmen rode horses behind Li Mu. They galloped onto the battlefield as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

The army behind them was like a steamroller, suppressing the sea of ​​skeletons directly back to the cemetery.

The battle continued, and the moon in the sky seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. It pushed aside the clouds and looked secretly.

Slowly, under the urging of its little friend, it reluctantly jumped to the west.

At dawn, the disgraced Li Mu returned to the gate of the manor with Shengli and the remaining hundreds of skeletons.


He used the magic that came with the robe to clean himself up, put his skeleton back into the space bag, and walked into the manor.

After the mage-robed skeleton opened the door, he came to where the teacher was.

"Teacher, I'm back." Li Mu took out a tombstone from the storage ring and showed a smile.

"Not bad." Mr. Skull nodded with satisfaction, "You didn't let me take action, which is very good."

The tombstone was placed on the table with a move of his hand.

"Thank you, teacher." Li Mu smiled elegantly, and his aristocratic temperament slowly exuded.

"In a lake to the west of the manor, there is a defective product I made before. Kill it and bring the body to me." Mr. Skeleton issued the task again. "By the way, it's very dangerous. You have to be careful not to die."

It waved its hand and wrote something on the tombstone.

"Yes, teacher." Li Mu's mouth froze, his temperament dropped, and after a moment of silence, he walked out.

Although he was a little tired, Li Mu still set off.

There is no way, everything is the teacher's task.

On the way, the army of the undead was replenished to more than 500 bodies. Li Mu chewed dried meat while riding on his war horse, feeling the increasingly rich smell of death.

A defective product?

How strong is it?

Li Mu looked around vigilantly, looking for the lake.

The teacher said it was in the lake, but that thing couldn't always be in the lake.

Then, he saw a huge ugly monster lying in a putrid lake and looked towards him.


With a roar, the bloated figure over three meters tall stood up, causing Li Mu to hold his breath subconsciously.

The figure's body was covered with suture-like stitch wounds, and thick iron chains were interspersed in the wounds. The face on its huge head is extremely ferocious, and one eye exudes a fierce light, as if it wants to choose people to devour.

On its belly was a huge mouth, with several yellowed and uneven fangs and drool that was constantly flowing, which made Li Mu very uncomfortable to see.

And the iron chains on its body pass through its neck, arms and heart, as if they are part of itself,

There is a huge war hammer tied to the end of the chain, which is held in its hand.


This thought flashed through Li Mu's mind.

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