Ye Shuangyan knew that Li Mu was the leader when he saw that the information held by the top student was finally handed over to Li Mu.

He should have information about other incarnations of gods.

She thought and came to Li Mu.

"Okay, Your Highness Princess." Li Mu nodded and began to tell the existing information, "Based on the current information, there are a total of eight incarnations of gods in the dungeon."

"They are empty-handed bloody men on the fifth floor."

"Tenth level shield blood man."

"Fifteenth floor rope bloody man."

"The strength of these three levels of blood people is one level. They are the weakest blood people in the information given to me by the second-year non-combat professional seniors after they were killed."

The dungeon is rich in resources, and students often come in to explore. In addition to students who have broken through the levels, there are also professionals such as alchemists or pharmacists who are looking for resources.

Although they are not as strong as the combat profession, after a year of study, they also have some fighting methods, which are enough to protect themselves and find resources in low-level dungeons.

This is a very common resource search, and countless students come here.

And they also have a protection card, which makes them feel reassured.

However, the incarnation of God came to Spark Academy...

Therefore, it is normal for the incarnation of a god that they cannot defeat to be teleported back.

"The ones on the twentieth floor are the dagger-blooded ones."

"The ones on the 30th floor are the blood-throwing men."

"The forty-level ones are the axe-blooded ones."

"The blood people in these three levels are second-level warriors. They are very strong. In addition, they are immune to the effects of low-level spells. The seniors and seniors will be dead soon."

Spells with less than three turns are all low-level spells.

This eliminated all the second-year mage professionals, leaving a group of physical damage professionals who couldn't defeat the blood-proof people.

"On the 50th floor, there are people with swordsmen and blood, and they are ranked three in strength. They were encountered by Chu Yunyue's team." At this point, Li Mu glanced at Chu Yunyue, "Their team is a profession that is considered to be strong in rank two. But he didn’t even last a few moments before he came back.”

"The one on the 60th floor is a blood man with a great sword and a level 3 strength. He was encountered by the third-year seniors when they were looking for the BOSS on the 60th floor, which is the highest level of the current dungeon guide."

"But there are no third-level professionals among them. They are all second-level professionals with the highest level of 49."

"So I never fought."

"Among them, the bloody people devouring each other is the information your team gave me. I only have a rough understanding of it."

"And that's all."

Li Mu did not add his own subjective guesses, but objectively stated what he knew so that the princess could judge the current situation by herself.

"You can fight, but I'm afraid there will be more." Ye Shuangyan thought for a moment and came to the conclusion, "The levels you mentioned are all levels where the BOSS exists. The incarnation of the gods may have come through the BOSS's sacrifice."

The incarnations of gods from the evil camp usually come as living sacrifices and blood sacrifices.

The more powerful the flesh-born incarnation is, the stronger it is.

The boss monster in the dungeon is naturally the first choice target.

The highest strength of the Blood Man is the strength of the third level. Although the third level is strong, it is not invincible.

"You said seventy levels, right?" But Ye Shuangyan also thought more about it.

She knew that the maximum depth of the dungeon was seventy, but this was a record set by a student several years ago.

If there is an incarnation of a god coming to the 70th floor, I'm afraid...

She became worried.

"Don't think so much, just take it one step at a time." Li Mu shook his head, "It's better to be more prepared now."

"Yeah." Ye Shuangyan nodded and watched Li Mu start to arrange it.


In the dark dungeon, several skeleton stalkers were quietly distributed throughout the first floor, waiting for what was to come.

Thump, thump, thump.

The bloody man appeared slowly, while the skeleton stalkers quietly picked up a mine, activated it and threw it.


A huge sound sounded, letting Li Mu know that the bloody man had arrived.

"Archers, prepare to release arrows." Li Mu, carrying a quiver on his back, stood in front of the formation, looking at the corner of the dungeon illuminated by light, and ordered the students of the archer profession to get ready. At the same time, he took out his hunting bow.

Only now did he vaguely feel the connection between the bow and arrow in his hand and the incarnation of the God of Hunting.

bow name hunting,

Normally, he wouldn't feel anything was wrong.

But in this situation, no matter how stupid he is, he still knows that there is something wrong with the bow in his hand.

Combining the known information, he understood that his bow should be the weapon in the hands of the empty-handed bloody man on the fifth floor.

After all, a bloody man without weapons is weird.

Will the God of Hunting be short of weapons?

There is certainly no shortage.

There must be some reason why the bloody man on the fifth floor lacks weapons.

Therefore, combining the name and skills of the bow, he knew that the bow in his hand was probably the weapon of the fifth-level blood man.

The bow was bought from a commercial street. The clerk said it was made by a student before, so...

There is a mole among the students, that’s for sure.

Turning to look at the students standing in the formation of 'melee in front, long range in back' and the more than two hundred skeleton archers mixed in, Li Mu's eyes flickered.

Thump thump thump.


The bloody man finally arrived.

"Fire the arrow!" Looking at the bloody man holding a shield and a rope around his waist, Li Mu shouted directly without hesitation.

Swish, swish, swish!

Skeleton Archers do not use negative energy arrows, but the same sacred arrows as the Student Archers.

This was the result of previous alchemist refining. In just a few minutes, nearly six thousand sacred arrows had been refined.

If it weren't for holy water and Li Mu still had to keep some as spare, then ten thousand bottles wouldn't be a problem.

This is the power of alchemy!

So at the moment, arrows are plentiful, despite the use of the archers.

As a result, hundreds of arrows of light were fired in unison, shining in the dark space, as if thousands of arrows were fired simultaneously.

Arrow array clears the way!

The golden rain of arrows hit the shield, making a clicking sound and trembling wildly.

The bloody man also felt that something was wrong, and faced the rain of arrows and walked toward the students with long strides, at an extremely fast speed!

Over a hundred meters in an instant!

This also made the students scream and shoot faster.

"No!" Some level 2 melee professionals wanted to step forward to resist, but when they saw that Li Mu just drew a big bow and didn't give any orders, they resisted their intention to take action.

Follow orders.

This was what Li Mu emphasized most before the war.

So, they didn't move.

This is the most basic fighting quality.

'Let's see who is faster, you or my arrow. ’

Li Mu looked at the bloody man rushing up with a shield, narrowed his eyes, nocked an arrow, and drew his bow.

The seventy-three points of powerful power after the hunting bow was completed made Li Mu feel the abundant power in his body, and he also stretched the bow string like a full moon.

Spiral arrow!

Nine consecutive shots!

The arrows are quickly drawn, and the strong bow shoots fiercely.

The sound of the bow strings was like thunder, and the arrows shot out like lightning.

Thunder and lightning and evil-busting arrows appeared together, and nine thunders sounded in unison!


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