Chapter 68: Grand Prince

The three guards in gold clothes and the deep house are heavy. Li Xing now lives in the hall. Within the three guards, all the deacons, clerks, and so on, come to visit. There are more than a hundred of these people, and each of them has tremendous power.

Li Xing talked to them one by one to understand the operating law of Jin Yiwei. Afterwards, I learned that there is information exchange between the three guards in Jinyi. The three major information agencies are directly under the command of the second and third guards in charge.

The commanders of the Heaven and Earth Second Guards are extremely mysterious, and Li Xing can't know their identity now, nor have they seen them.

As the commander of the battle guard, Li Xing had certain powers. He immediately used this power to arrange Zhang Jie, Cheng Bin, Xiaoxiu and others into the Jinyi Sanwei work.

In fact, the personnel of these three guards are complex, and there must be manpower from various forces, which is unavoidable. However, it is still an effective institution, operating at all times to maintain order in this country.

After seven days, Li Xing had enough knowledge about the entire organization. At the same time, Xiaoxiu and others have also stepped in and become part of the organization. In this way, not only can he help him take deep control of the organization, but also give Xiaoxiu and others a chance to exercise.

The Jinyi Sanwei Institute has a detached house. Li Xing lives in the detached house and handles affairs. On this day, he felt that the whole body meridian was shocked, and he had entered the fourth battle.

During this time, he has been immersed in the tempering of the fighting treasures, and finally broke through, reaching the fourth level. However, the fighting body corresponds to the fighting treasure. It is 1989 heavy. He is far from the highest level.

The fighting structure has improved, and Li Xing feels that it is time to perfect Zhen Wu's killing path, thus impacting the quadruple gods. After entering the quadruple god-man, he can practice divine magic, absorb many ancient divine magic, great divine magic, and achieve supreme power!

However, seeing his wicked physique, breakthrough is not easy.

"Master, Zhenwu killed, and the final step is still complete. I don't know what happened to the martial art that day. Has the third martial spirit been awakened?" Li Xing couldn't wait to ask.

Emperor Tianxie: "You have to wait for a while. Do n’t worry. True martial arts, you are the master of martial arts. The next step is the quadruple god. To become a quadruple god, you have to practice many ancient gods. .The divine practice is not easy, you must lay the foundation at this step. "

As soon as he heard the foundation, Li Xing laughed bitterly. From the time of training, his foundation was stronger than anyone, so it was extremely difficult. He suffered today without knowing how many crimes he had.

"When consolidating the true martial arts to kill the Tao, first raise the fighting body to the ninth level. The nine lives and nine destroyers are not bad and can be upgraded to the third level. In this way, it is much easier to practice the four levels of God. You can practice as much magic as you can, "Tianxie suggested." Your foundation is extremely strong. This advantage must be continued for great success in the future. "

"The fighting body is nine-fold, and it is impossible to succeed without one or two years. The three-fold King Kong is not bad in the cultivation of magic skills, but also has some difficulties. It must be refined. Breakthrough. "Li Xing sighed.

"Anyway, it's time to start Beichen's 'Youlong' organization. At the same time, enter the East Palace, open the treasure, and officially start developing." Tianxiedao said, "The chaos in Tianchen is a great time for your development."

At the beginning, Li Xing promised Beichen to drop three things. The first thing was to enter Beichenji Mansion after his fifth training, gain trust and open the treasure. The second step is to enter the military, make military achievements, and obtain military positions. The third step is to collect evidence to bring down Bei Chenji.

But now, it seems that Li Xing is the triple player of God. The first step can be implemented. The second step, he had already completed, entered the army, made military achievements, and is now the commander of Jin Yiwei.

So, next, he must find a way to break into the East Palace, pretend to trust Bei Chenji, and then take out the treasure. However, this is obviously not a day or two, and it will definitely consume a lot of time.

"If you want to enter the East Palace, you need to find a suitable opportunity." Li Xing sighed. "Good time, you should work hard, but waste it on such things."

Emperor Tianxie did not take it seriously: "When I was a teacher, I paid attention to all the sects, and because of this, I got huge resources for cultivation, all kinds of adventures, and eventually became a great emperor. If you don't, how can you have great achievements? Those who work hard in the mountains and live like the sun can never make a breakthrough. "

Li Xing's face was completely flat: "I have been taught, and I will settle down and go step by step."

Tian Xie nodded with satisfaction, remembering the event: "The poisonous fetal fetus that day has been refined into a magical seed by that time. At that time, you can use the Heavenly Poison Spell to enhance this magical power, and it will be completed in a short time. . However, these are still early, and you are dedicated to doing things right now. "

In a few days, the battle guard finally found evidence through various channels. If, as Li Xing speculated, the heroic Hou darkly communicates with the Tianbo family. The young Hou was trying to control the gang, and when the time was ripe, he caused chaos in the emperor.

This discovery thrilled the defenders who reported on the news of Li Xinghuan, saying, "Sir, after reporting this to the emperor, you will be rewarded again!"

Li Xing was thinking, but for a long time, he asked, "Did you just say that there is a connection between Tiantai Fury and the Grand Prince?"

"Yes, one of Tiantai's angry daughters is Ji Ji, the great prince, so there is a relationship between the two." The battle guard answered.

Li Xing sneered secretly and said to himself that he finally caught the opportunity to enter the East Palace, and ordered that the matter should not be made public. He took the collected evidence and went directly to the East Palace to call on the great prince.

The great prince of the Tianchen Kingdom is the reserve monarch of a country. When the old emperor dies, the throne is his. Therefore, Beichenji would never want Tianchen to die, which is not in his interest. So Li Xing inferred that Bei Chenji and rooftop anger were by no means the same.

With this in mind, he was confident and approached Bei Chenji.

The East Palace is located in the east of the Royal Palace. It is a world of its own. The maids, servants and guards are all transferred by the eldest prince. The area is large and occupies a quarter of the entire palace.

In the past, the great prince also participated in state affairs, participating in politics together, and the power was second only to the emperor.

Li Xing came to the East Palace alone. He changed into the clothes of the commander of the Jinyi battle guard. He wore a gold suit with a royal character embroidered on the cuffs and a sign hanging on his waist. Wherever he went, the guards did not dare stop him and went straight into the East Palace.

This is the privilege of Jin Yiwei. It is not necessary to report when walking in the quasi-imperial palace. No one could say anything even if they broke into the place where the prince slept.

However, for the sake of politeness, Yaoxing stopped at the gate of Donggong and ordered the guard to report. The guard didn't dare to neglect and passed the haste.

After waiting a moment, the guard returned and said, "His Royal Highness, please direct the commander."

Li Xing dressed his entire shirt, strode into the door, and entered the Chaoyang Hall with the guards. The Chaoyang Hall is the place where the great prince deals with the administration of the court. He chose to meet Li Xing here, and obviously he paid much attention to it. After all, Jin Yiwei has a lot of power, and the big prince has to look at the three-pointer.

In the temple, Li Xing saw a man, in his thirties, with a sharp forehead and a sharp eye. He was a triple figure practicing God. When he saw Li Xing, he said lightly, "Are you the new Li Xing?"

With a move in Li Xing's heart, it seemed that the big prince was well informed and had already investigated him. Thinking, he stepped forward to worship: "His subordinate Li Xing, see His Royal Highness, Wan An."

"Well, you don't have to be courteous, please sit down." As soon as the big prince waved, someone was taken to the seat.

Li Xing was also polite and sat down. Tianchen official positions are divided into 12 grades and 24 ranks. They are one grade, from one grade; two grades, from two grades, to twelve grades, and twelve grades.

The people of a product are all the ministers of the DPRK, either prime ministers or marshals. The second product is also considered to be a big one. The commander of Jin Yiwei is from the second product, which is equivalent to the ministerial level known to Li Xing. Of course, the great prince is the son of the emperor and belongs to Chaopin. Li Xing still has to pay homage when he meets.

But there is one, officials with more than two grades can take care of government affairs. In other words, in the presence of the emperors and princes, Li Xing can sit obediently. This is a symbol of privilege and glory, and not many people can enjoy it.

The tea came up, the prince asked Li Xing to use tea, and said a few nonsense, and finally came to the topic: "I have heard the deeds of Master Li, you are brave, even the father and the emperor appreciate it. This command makes me a position that even I can't assign, no number of royal relatives can sit in this position. "

"His Highness has won a prize, and his subordinates are honored by His Majesty, but luck is better."

Li Xing gave himself a few words of humility, and the eldest prince suddenly asked, "Is there anything wrong with the coming of Li?"

Li Xing groaned: "This matter is a bit serious, I wonder if it is convenient to say?"

As soon as the big prince waved his hand, except for the guards, the servant maids retreated, and he condensed, "What are you doing, say it."

Li Xing took out the evidence collected by the battle guards, and Tiantai was angry to revolt, and said, "Please, Your Highness."

Bei Chenji asked the guard to take over. He turned over for a moment, his face changed greatly, and shot the case: "Damn the rooftop anger ~ ~ so bold, it's the opposite!"

Li Xing stood up and said positively, "The rooftop anger deliberately communicates with His Royal Highness. He has a bad heart. He wants to use His Highness's power to act rebellious things. His subordinates think that if these things are known to His Majesty, they must be bad for His Highness. Come and inform His Royal Highness first. "

If these evidences are put in front of the emperor, it will be difficult for Bei Chenji to lose touch. Because he is very close to the anger of Tiantai, he will be implicated, and even forced to flee like Beichen Luo.

Bei Chenji was not worried at this moment. He pondered for a long time and suddenly asked Li Xing: "The rooftop anger dares to do this. Is it because the Tianbo family wants to rebel?"

Li Xing sighed: "Some words, my subordinates dare not speak, but since His Highness asked, his subordinates dared to say, not only the rooftop family, but the major families wanted to rebel, and soon!

Bei Chenji was taken aback: "What? All want to rebel? Where did you learn?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "If your Highness does not believe, you can meet Your Majesty and ask for it."

Bei Chenji said nothing, pulled Li Xing, went straight to Tiangan Temple, and went to see the emperor.

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