Chapter 55: Successive Snatches

Avoiding the crocodile, Li Xing quickly returned to his place. The **** dog was still suppressed by Tianyin in Wuxing Town at the moment. It was surprised when Li Xing came back and shouted, "Are you not dead?"

Li Xing sneered: "You have a plan, okay, see how I can clean up you!" He picked up Zhen Tianyin, shook it a little, and the situation changed, he took the **** dog into Qingyang Jingtian and formed a big crackdown. .

The **** dog's physical strength is unforgettable, but unfortunately in the face of the large array of Qingyang aura condensing, he is also sighing. There is no chance of resistance and he is suppressed. Furious, the **** dog cursed wildly, but Li Xing ignored him and went to do his own business.

Day after day, and in January, Li Xing finally completed the refining piece, the fifth page of the Ancient Xuanjing was opened, and a large number of ancient authentic texts filled in it, quickly filling up a small half.

The fifth ancient scripture is not a cultivation chapter, but an origin chapter. This article tells Li Xing that the ins and outs of this world are some of the highest secrets. Unfortunately, due to incomplete writing, he only knew a small part.

Before ancient times, it was called Taigu. In the Archaic era, the world was chaotic like a chicken, and when a dragon like a great lord came down, he plunged into chaos and merged into one. At the same time, the world opened up and formed a large world, which is called Dragon World in history.

The dragon elephant ’s great celestial body is so high that he has reached the level of too high. Without self-mindedness, he saw that the heavenly kingdom is the only one. This world lacks balance, so the dragon elephant world is established.

The text above only briefly introduces ancient history. Li Xing doesn't know much, but it is enough to shock him. The Emperor Tianxie was also impressed, saying: "Li Xing, the realm of the dragon-like Great Celestial Master, has actually reached a state of too high, it is incredible!"

"Master, what is too high?" Li Xing asked.

"That is too unforgiving, there is no self in my heart, the world is me, I am the world, and there is no selfish desire." Tianxie sighed. "This state, with my naked eyes and other fetuses, when he is dead, in fact, It's just another state of life, a state you and I can't understand. "

Li Xing nodded: "The scriptures say that the heavenly realm is immense, it is the center of all heavens and heavens, and the place where the yang energy converges. Above the heavenly realm, there are celestial beings who cultivate the way of heaven. The heaven and earth on one side are equated with the Taoism of the human world. If Heaven and man work hard, if they can open up the heaven and earth, the avenue is complete, which is called Tianshi. Above Tianshi, there is also Tianwang, who has great power and control of a heaven. . There are also Heavenly King, Heavenly Saint, and Heavenly Supreme, whose supernatural powers are even more difficult to imagine. "

Emperor Tianxie said: "In this way, the strength of the Heavenly King, Heavenly King, and Heavenly Saint in the heavenly world should be on par with that of the True King and True Saint."

Li Xing nodded: "It is very possible. Among the heavens, there are hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, which belong to one pole of the heavens and earth. The dragon elephant world represents another pole of the world, but the apprentices don't understand, dragon elephant How can the great world fall to this place? All the real people have fallen, only me. "

"In terms of the yin and yang twins, the dragon elephant world should have a civilization that is better than the heavens of the United States." The evil **** emperor shook his head, "unless there is a big man strangled."

Li Xingdao: "It's useless to say these things at this time, you don't need to worry about it." He thought about it, "Master, the apprentice's current strength, although not as good as Master's, but not weak, you can try to open up the Jiuyang Realm and let Master Get free. "

Emperor Tianxie: "I have waited for thousands of years, what's the matter? Wait for you to make up the avenue, and it's not too late to come out as a teacher. By then, you can easily soar."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master is so confident in his apprentice? What if he can't make up the road?"

Emperor Tianxie: "I was also worried about being a teacher, but now I understand that this dragon elephant world is no small matter. You have a lot of luck and you should inherit the will of the dragon elephant world."

Li Xingyi said: "What does Master say? I will inherit the will of the dragon elephant world?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled slightly: "For the teacher once wondered, what is the mystery of the power of Jiuyang and the power of Jiuyin. At the beginning, the master ’s Jiuyin power was cultivated to the eighth, and one step can be completed, so I know More than you. After reading the history of the ancient Xuanjing today, I finally realized, so it is inferred that you have inherited the will of the dragon elephant world. "

"Speaking like this for a teacher, you may not understand it. This is what happens under the rule, and you become a hub, and the dragon elephant world will borrow your hand to revive it! After all, it is another pole of the world. May fade forever. "

Li Xing pouted his lips, dismissively saying: "Master, isn't that saying that disciples will succeed?"

"It's not necessarily that. If you fall, the will of the Dragon Elephant World will also create a second wizard." Tianxie Emperor said politely, "So you still have to be careful and give you a chance, which does not necessarily mean success. "

Li Xing nodded: "The master has learned the lesson."

Seven days later, Li Xing rushed to a valley, and saw twelve ancient kings shooting at the same time, and at the same time performing mystery, they stopped a tumble of power and were about to be put into a golden bottle.

With the help of the nimble lamp, Li Xing concealed his body, observed it secretly, and trembled: "The true King's origin! And there must be more real origins in that golden bottle, and you must get it!"

Twelve true kings, doing their best, while locking the true king's origin, while casting the golden bottle, put away the origin.

"Success will be forthcoming, everyone will stick to it for a while!" Said Wang loudly, and it was he who urged the golden bottle and collected the original strength. The bottle shot a golden light, covering the true king's origin.

The True King's origin oscillated slightly, and a "hum" flew up, entering the bottle with Jinguang. The ancient king shook the golden bottle and laughed, "Twelve origins have been collected. Good!"

Only then did the words fall, a big hand stretched out of nothingness, grabbed the golden bottle, and retracted and disappeared. The power in the big hand is extremely horrible. The power of the ancient king was smashed away and lost the bottle.


The ancient king roared, vomiting blood, and shouted, "Chasing!"

The twelve kings, missing together, tore the void, looked around. It is a pity that they found nothing and didn't even know who the shot was. Obviously, the other party has a secret treasure to protect his identity.

The person who shot it was, of course, Li Xing. With the help of the nimble lamp, he unknowingly grabbed the golden bottle, then smiled "hehe" without killing anyone. It wasn't because he was kind-hearted and soft-hearted, but thought that he had worked so hard to find, and it was better to "contract" the live to these kings, and when they found them, they started to snatch.

Looking for a secret place, Li Xingyu entered the sky, then slap it down and smashed the gold bottle directly. Twelve real human origins were released, including ten real human origins and two true king origins.

"Sure enough, there are twelve!" Li Xing was overjoyed, put them away carefully, and went on searching.

The sixty-four kings who entered here were killed by some fierce creatures and some were killed by Li Xing. Now there are fifty left, and they are all trying to find the source of real people. The speed of Li Xing's search for the origin is obviously much faster, and it is discovered every so often.

Huhu was again in March, during which Li Xing robbed three times and got thirty-one real people. He himself also found several sources, several authentic texts.

The ancient kings were in a hurry, Li Xing was too strong, and he had a nimble lamp to protect himself, and he was a ghost. No matter how careful they were, things were always robbed. Furious, the fifty kings united and acted together to prevent the emergence of the mysterious master.

The effect of this was immediate. For six months in a row, the mysterious master did not dare to appear again. The kings were relieved, but did not dare to relax their vigilance.

In fact, Li Xing didn't dare to start, but he robbed everything and had to wait for a while before he could start. Sure enough, after waiting for half a year, the kings did not know what method was used, and they could not get a lot of roots, and they were all included in a small tripod.

In the meantime, Li Xing himself also had gains, and at the same time, he secretly displayed the "ten-party observation technique" in the Emperor's Astrology technique, quietly locking the kings, watching them with every move.

Although the battlefields in ancient times are huge, the real human origins that have survived have been searched through the ages, and there are not many of them. This time, under the carpet search of Li Xing and the kings, they were basically cleaned up.

After another year, the kings finally decided to retreat. Among the little tripods, more than twenty origins have been collected.

At this moment, Xiao Ding spins and spins in the air, shoots a white light, and easily collects the source of an innocent human being. A king said: "The mission is over, let's go home today."


A big hand stretched out of nothingness, grabbed Xiao Ding, and then left as soon as it retracted.

"Where to go!"

The kings shouted, they waited for the mysterious masters to appear, and they responded quickly. Between thoughts, there was a killing light in the void, strangling around, the smashing of the void, and the nimble lamp was forced out.

Li Xing also knew that it was difficult to get started. He did not expect that the other party was so well prepared. He showed his true body, arched hands to everyone, and laughed, "Long time see you!"

The kings were furious: "Li Xing! It's you!"

Li Xing rubbed his nose ~ ~ shouted sharply: "Of course it is me! The real people here have limited roots, but they have been dug up by you. What a reason!"

The kings crooked their noses, okay! Grabbing things and finding the reason, a king yelled, "Go ahead, kill him!"

The fifty kings happened to form a killing line. In addition, they were all arrogant and murderous, and they shot directly. That kills a roll, locks Li Xing, and hangs him.

Li Xing didn't move. Da Luo Zhen's sixth body was not covered. The killing of the body and body was directly bounced off, as if Luo was on the diamond. However, the pressure brought by this killing was also suffocating, and it was not easy to bear. After a moment, a spit of blood was sprayed.

"The sky is falling apart!" Li Xing shouted, performing an emperor star technique, and suddenly the void exploded, the space collapsed, the electricity was generated in four dimensions, and the cutting power was terror everywhere.

"Kacha Kacha!" The killing light was rushed and weak, and Li Xing took the opportunity to blink and disappeared. Once he left, it was like a tiger entering a mountain forest, a dragon returning to the sea, and he fled with the help of a nimble lamp. The kings stared at each other and had nothing to do with him.

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