Chapter 1010: Unification

Chapter 1010: Oneness

In this time and space, there is killing space everywhere. It is extremely dangerous, but it is the birthplace of the twelve inborn killers. . . At the foot of Li Xing's foot, he fell on a stone platform, which was natural, and there were countless killing runes floating on it, mysterious and unpredictable.

The twelve spirits also manifested themselves, saying one after another: "This place is the safest and can be united."

Li Xing took out the mixed yuan gun and said: "The twelve congenital killing arrays, each of them are very esoteric, and I can't practice it as one at the moment. For now, I can only shoot you into the mixed yuan gun and make one law Device. "

"To put it bluntly, this gun is also suitable for us, please ask the master to give up." The spirits said one after another.

Li Xing said, "Okay! The hybrid gun is just a weapon. If you incorporate them, it will become a magic weapon, which will greatly enhance your strength and complement each other."

Then, the twelve bursts of spirit turned into twelve killing lights, and they were thrown into the gun body. Suddenly, a series of violent explosions occurred in the gun.

At the time of Li Xinghe's refining the gun formation, in the blood prison, the ninth and the seventh emperor were facing each other. Behind the two, there were also seven or eight people each, all of whom were powerful masters, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

The ninth emperor smiled slightly: "Qi brother, what do you mean, suddenly stopped the younger brother to go, is there any advice?"

The seventh emperor sneered: "Lao Jiu, you don't need to be confused. The twelve congenital kills suddenly disappeared. Can this matter be related to you?"

The ninth emperor also discovered this early. He knew that Li Xing was most likely to succeed, and his heart was quite happy. However, the matter must not be acknowledged, otherwise Li Xing would be very dangerous.

He smiled lightly: "Mingren don't tell secret words, you and I are both looking for congenital killings, but neither can leave them. The killings disappear, of course, the spirits have left this place."

"Really? Some time ago, you repeatedly confronted me and behaved abnormally, didn't you do it secretly?" The seventh emperor frowned. "Lao Jiu, what you do is me, even if you get the innate killing, I I won't rob you, but you have to be honest. "

The ninth emperor "haha" laughed and said: "My seventh brother, why are you so confused? If the innate killing is really in my hands, do you think I will talk to you so politely? I'm afraid I'll beat you up early "Three buckets, even if it won't hurt you, it will cost you a small loss."

The seventh emperor's heart moved. This was true. He and Lao Jiu had always been at odds with everyone. Every time you meet, you have a conflict, you have suffered from each other, and you have taken advantage. If Lao Jiu really gets the innate killing, I'm afraid the first one will strike him, and he won't be motionless like he is now.

"So, you haven't got the innate killing array, is there another person?" The seventh emperor looked at the person behind him. It was the young man who had fought with the real killing array spirit once.

Dugoku Tianzun said: "That spirit is mysterious, I am not an enemy. However, during the battle, I found a little person involved. But when the spirit left, the little person disappeared."

"Little man? What is your identity?" Seventh Heavenly Son quickly asked.

"When the battle was chaotic, I don't know the identity of the other party, but it looks like it should be a prisoner here. When I go back, I will ask the Ministry of Justice to clear it." Dugu Tiantian said.

The seventh day child nodded and turned to the ninth day child: "Lao Jiu, I'm afraid our bamboo baskets will be fetched and let outsiders pick up the bargains. Huh, if you didn't destroy it continuously, I would have succeeded!"

"Is Brother Qi joking? The twelve congenital killings are in one piece, I'm afraid that even you have to fall in, and what's going on is really funny." The ninth emperor sneered.

"It's rare in blood prison. As my brother, today I want to teach you well, letting you know that the young and the young are inferior!"

"Really? Brother is very much looking forward to Qige can teach me, but unfortunately you do not have that ability!"


The two horrific weathers collided in the air, causing a strong explosion, shattering hundreds of millions of times, and the two men fought together. Behind the two, more than a dozen masters were also hostile to each other, but did not start, they all looked at the two emperors in the battle intently.

The two emperors played dimly, but they were of equal strength, and no one could take advantage of them.

At this time, two figures appeared outside the blood prison, namely the Sanqing Great Celestial Master and Guangyan Great Celestial Master. That light played Da Tian Zun is exactly the same person who had contended with San Qing Da Tian Zun for Li Xing's right to support, and was a white-bearded old man.

Guangyan Datianzun was startled and said, "Progress is fast, but he has already made a heavy effort, and his strength is strong, I am afraid that he is not weaker than Qijie Datianzun."

"This blood prison belongs to the court of the Ministry of Heaven. You and I are not good enough to enter. You can only wait for him to come out." Sanqing Datianzun said, "As a 'seed', Li Xing is undoubtedly the best group, but I still don't know, he can Where did you go? "

"There are very few people who know this. You and I are lucky people, otherwise you won't get started so soon." Guangyan Datianzun said, "Whatever you say, you must protect Li Xing and let him grow up."

Sanqing Datianzun nodded: "Yes, there are a lot of 'seeds', and there are several guardians behind each one. You and me, both of whom are Li Xing's guardians, are connected with him by luck. Once Li Xing fell, and you and I will be greatly disturbed, and may even fall in the near future. "

"This is a big bet! But recently, you and I have benefited tremendously." Guangyan Datianzun's eyes flickered. "Last time I entered the source of Taikoo civilization, my cultivation has made rapid progress, and now it has reached epic. Situation, you can fight against the twenty-five great calamities. "

"Why don't I? Get a group of ancient immortals, and also break through to the epic level, I am afraid that the strength is even better than you." Sanqing Datianzun laughed, "These luck comes from Li Xing."

"Presumably, the other escorts are just like us. They are rapidly improving their strength and there is a lot of pressure." Guang Yan said with emotion, "In this life, we will be either brilliant or bleak."

"It's too late to regret it at this time, and you can only go on. This is a rule." Sanqing Datianzun said lightly. "For another thousand years, it will be the seed conference. I hope that Li Xing will be strong enough by then."

Guangyan Datianzun narrowed his eyes: "The broken ancient road, the strongest discipline, only the strongest people, the most amazing masters are qualified to set foot, I hope we have the opportunity to witness!"


During the killing, the explosions continued for seven, seven, forty-nine days. On the last day, a supreme killing light soared into the sky, like a big dragon circling the sky. Once the dragon was closed, it turned into a spear and returned to Li Xing.

The explosion disappeared, Guanghua converged, and the temperament of the hybrid yuan gun changed greatly. Above the gun body, the murderous air is arrogant, and twelve streaming discs are wound around it. As soon as a slight trembling, hundreds of millions of murderous air are generated, and twelve killing arrays have evolved on their own.

"Master, this gun is really extraordinary, really comfortable!" Overthrowing spirits overjoyed, after all, they belonged to the illusory body before, at this moment integrated with the mixed yuan gun, and finally obtained the entity.

"Although our strength is defeated, we are only one level higher than our master, but we can be super-combatants, even if we are not afraid of the legendary Grand Celestial Master." The real killing spirit laughs, "and can continuously devour various instruments and be powerful power."

Li Xing had a shot in his hand, dried up, and laughed: "It is indeed a congenital kill, and the power of the mixed yuan gun has increased more than ten times. Among the same level, no one is invincible. However, you ca n’t yet Combining them into one, it takes a lot of deduction, I can't do it at this time, it takes a while. "

"Anyway, we have a hundredfold confidence in our master, and we can grow into a peerless master, swaying the heavens and the sky." Fantasy killing smacked his farts.

Li Xingdao: "The refining is successful. I will leave this place and return to blood prison."

"Master, what's the treat about that blood prison? Why don't we guide the master to travel around the world to see the heroes of the world?" Zhensha said excitedly.

Li Xing shook his head: "I have my own plan. The first is to gain a foothold in the embargo. Originally, I offended the seventh emperor, and my future was worrying. But then I don't have to be afraid to invest in the ninth emperor."

"The master said that the descendants of the master have deep foundations. It is not only too late to be strong there first, and then travel around the world." Zhenling said.

When Li Xing moved in his heart at this moment, what seemed to be touched, he suddenly thought of "seed" and asked, "You know, what is a seed?"

"Seed? Did the master say the seed monk on the Broken Road?"

"What is the broken ancient road?" Li Xing heard for the first time.

"It turned out that the owner didn't know. Since he didn't know, don't ask." Zhenling said, "When it's time to know, the younger tells the owner."

Sanqing Datianzun also said the same thing, saying that he knew himself then. Li Xing thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I don't ask."

Then, under the guidance of the mixed gun, he left the old nest and returned to blood prison. When he returned to blood prison, the seventh and ninth sons had already left. As soon as he appeared, a glorious descent came down, and a roll rolled him away.

The next moment, Li Xing appeared in a large hall, and the ninth emperor stood on top of it, standing on the left and right with a group of powers. These people are all inscrutable, don't see how deep the cultivation is, the strength is absolutely terrifying ~ ~ Hehe, Li Xing, you are back. "The ninth emperor is very happy and feels that he has accepted another general.

Li Xing stepped forward to the ceremony: "See the ninth Lord, his subordinates have just returned, and have been recognized by the Twelve Innate Killing Array."

The ninth emperor's eyes brightened: "It really is you! Very good, very good! After today, you are my top-grade guest on the ninth emperor's house."

The ten emperors all support their guests. The guests are divided into three categories, low grade, medium grade, top grade, and the number of top grade visitors is very small and the treatment is extremely high. Like the ancients of the ancient Great Celestial Being, they are the top-grade customers.

Li Xing: "Thank you Ninth Lord."

The ninth emperor said: "I heard that you didn't finish the last time you entered the training tower. This emperor gives you another chance to get you into the training tower a second time. How?"

Li Xing's heart moved. This was not a bad thing. The training tower was rewarded and tested for strength. He had just entered the fate of life, and was just about to see how strong his strength was, and then he was a little bit eager to move.


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