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A huge illusion appeared in the air, wrapped in a red flame.

The four dragons do not know what this is?

But they know, very strong!

The arrogant voice came. "Where am I, can you manage it? I will burn you to ashes now."

The red-red flame hit the claws.

"Ah!" The swallowing dragon seemed to be scared and stupid. It was burned by the flame and there was no feeling at all.

After a while, the screams of heartbreaking were heard.


This is called the sound of the whole dragon world, and it shows how painful it is.

Invincible in the arms of Mu Qiang, "This lazy pig is too loaded, and the little bug is scared."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I will disappear in front of you." Swallow the dragon whispered.

Xiaohong’s smile: “I’m going to disappear right away? Do you think it’s your speed, or is it my fire?”

The swallowing dragon heard the sound, the power of being scared, and the avatar disappeared, leaving only one body.

I don’t want to escape now, I don’t want to escape, I really don’t know what to do.

Its luck is really bad, and it is hard to escape from the seal, and it has encountered such a comet.

It looked in the direction of Longwang Island and bitten its teeth, so it was so.

What made the four dragons stunned their eyes was that the swallowing magic dragon that rushed out rushed to Longwang Island again.

It not only rushed to Longwang Island, but also entered its original seal, and quickly repaired the seal destroyed by it.

This is equivalent to someone who escaped from the cage and paid attention to it. As a result, he went in himself. Not only did he cast his own net, but he also repaired the broken cage, for fear that the cage could not keep it!

This is a neuropathy!

Obviously, the ancient beasts such as the swallowing dragon are not neurotic, but are scared of neuropathy.

They looked at the strong man who was wrapped up in flames and could not see the form. Is it so strong?

Xiaohong was angry. "What are you doing with me? Don't bless the seal, don't let this guy run out."

"Yes!" They rushed to the blessing of the seal.

The swallowing dragons ran out, they could hardly seal it, but the guy put himself back in, they could seal it.

Xiaohong’s words, the swallowing dragon also heard it.

But it can't believe his ears at all, what?

How does it make it possible for some of these bugs to seal it?

By its means, it should be every effort to make it die.

Or feel that it is troublesome to open the seal, so let it go, but it is definitely not the case today?

It was noticed that something wrong with the swallowing dragon began to struggle, and at this time the little red in the air could not maintain its embarrassing form.

The red-red flame suddenly disappeared, and the terrible pressure disappeared. A small red pig fell from the air with weakness.

"" swallowed the demon dragon and widened his eyes.

"You... After so long, your strength has become so weak. It was just the illusion that you caused. You actually lied to me."

"Ah! Bastard, I actually gave up such a good chance of revenge."

"Hurry up and let me go out, let me go!" The swallowing dragon was mad at the blood.

It is a good opportunity to miss one!

But at this time it wants to go out, it is already late, the strong of the four dragons is blessing the seal, and the reinforcement will be completed.

Mu Qianxi let the invincible catch the little red falling from the sky, invincible: "Lazy pig, you are okay! Not a dead pig!"

"You crow's mouth, shut me up!"

"It's clear that you are a crow's mouth and actually say that I am."

Mu Qian said: "There is still a strong fight, it seems that you are fine!"

"Ah!" Xiaohong screamed and said: "Master, I am not feeling well, help!"

Mu Qiang grabbed Xiaohong and looked at its body.

"You are now sleeping, and you are weak enough to kill you."

Xiao Hongdao: "So I have to sleep to recover, but you don't have to worry about the owner. My original plan was to do it when the guy saw that I was afraid of fear and attacked it and burned it."

"I didn't think that this guy was so stupid. I ran to seal myself. I don't need to overdraw that power, so I don't need to sleep for long."

"Master, rest assured! I will wake up soon to accompany you."

Xiaohong said that he did not sleep for a long time, and Mu Qian did not think that it was not long.

Because this guy's concept of sleeping time is definitely different from normal people.

At this point, a pair of cold scorpions looked at Xiaohong. "Let's get started! Don't get in the way."

Don't worry about it.

The little red became a red-red light and disappeared in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at the nine nights and asked: "Now, what do you think?"

He hugged Mu Qianxi tightly in nine nights. "It's okay."

"Don't worry about me, don't worry about that pig, it is a beast that is even more powerful than the swallowing dragon, nothing will happen!" Nine nights.

"Ferocious beast! Xiaohong is a fierce beast?" Mu Qianxi was surprised.

Nine nights: "I was not sure, but today I can be sure. But many of the ancient beasts are not recorded. I don't know what it is?"

"Ferocious beast, that lazy pig turned out to be a fierce beast! It is estimated that the guy is too lazy, so not famous!" Invincible.

The light columns of the four colors rushed into the air, and suppressed the swallowing dragon that rushed out of the map.

Water has no heart: "Her Yao Yaoxia, the seal of the four ethnic groups has been completed, then just drop into your blood painting and the pattern can be. You should know the pattern."

Black Yao knows that when he saw their seal, the pattern appeared automatically in his mind.

Black Yao walked over and scratched his wrist, and then the blood dripped in the place where the four rays of light gathered. Soon a golden pattern appeared and pressed down to the seal.

Finally, they heard the screams of the swallowing dragon. "I won't let you go, won't..."

Water has no heart: "Mu Daren, because we have limited strength, we can only seal for up to three hundred years."

Three hundred years, for their dragons, it is very short.

However, for humans, it is very long. Maybe three hundred years can restore the Shuilong adults. Then, this swallowing dragon is nothing at all?

Nine nights cold channel: "This king will never let this thing live for too long."

As long as he can get the dragon's mantra, he immediately let the swallowing dragon disappear completely.

Water has no heart: "I don't know how it is now, how about Dragon King Island? Go in and see!"

The swallowing dragon is extremely ferocious, and it escapes from the seal and may open the killing.

The entire Dragon King Island, maybe there is no living thing!

Black Yao is also very nervous. After all, there are his loved ones and ethnic groups on this road. Even if they have never seen each other, the **** shackles are unbreakable.


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