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Thousands of illusionary gold stunned his body and stared at the red-red flame. "It's you!"

It was a mini fire red pig, but the thousand magic gold beasts would never underestimate this guy.

Xiao Hongdao: "Open the illusion!"

Thousands of magical gold; "OK, I... I open..."

However, the Thousand Magic Gold Beast has not been completely scared, and when it is necessary to remove the illusion, it has come back.

"You have come out of the illusion, what do you want me to open the illusion?"

"Your nonsense, too much!" Xiaohong was extremely impatient.

The red-red flame rushed out, and the thousand-magic gold beast hurriedly avoided, and he found something wrong.

This guy seems to be much weaker than before.

"Ha ha ha! Really help me, and your strength is so bad, I dare to come to me! I just eat you, then the strength can at least recover half of what I used to be."

Xiaohong was angry, "eat me, you dream!"


The two flames collided and a horrible sound broke out.

No one knows that the two of them are playing in this ancient area.

Because of the ability to control Jin Yanzhen, Mu Qianxi has successfully found the gap of this illusion.

She controlled hundreds of Jin Yan, and then ordered: "Give me destruction! Completely destroy this place."

"Rumble!" Jin Yanzhen perfectly executed the orders of Mu Qianxi, and smashed everything around him.

"Hey!" A burst of sound came, and this illusion was broken.

Thousands of magical gold beasts were shocked. "How is it possible? How could my fantasy be broken?"

Among the little red scorpions, there was a glimmer of joy, and the master broke open the illusion.

Then, next, it delayed her time.

The red-red flame broke out in a courageous way. In order to prevent the guy from being too proud, it overdrafted his own strength.

The illusion broke open, and Mu Qianxi and Feng Yunxiu came out.

Everything that is brilliant is gone, and only this ridiculous ancient domain is in sight.

Mu Qiang destroyed the illusion, and all those trapped by the illusion rushed out.

But the scabbard of the Eternal Sword will most converge on its own breath.

In this ancient land, it is not easy to find it.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Yanlong, do you feel the scabbard breath?"

Yan Long replied: "Master, I did not feel the breath of the sheath. It must have felt the breath of many people, so it was hidden."


It was at this time that the fire element broke out.

The powerful fire element makes these people firmly believe that the place where the fire element is the strongest is where the eternal sword is.

Mu Qianxi looked to the other side: "The other side is the breath of the thousand magical gold. There is another kind of flame, it seems to be..."

Invincible said: "It is the breath of that lazy pig, it actually ran out."

Yan Longdao: "It is me who has the element of fire. It is not a sheath. The sheath is actually non-property. This flame cannot be a sheath!"

At this time, Feng Yunxiu came over: "There are powerful scabbards and scabbards of the eternal sword. It is very likely that the scabbard of the Eternal Sword is the existence of the seal of the beast. So there is a place of a beast. It is very likely that there is a sword of eternal."

A thousand miles, "That means that some people are hitting the right place, we are going to hurry!"

"Millennium!" Feng Yunxiu's face flashed a dignified color.

There is a scabbard there, which also means closer to the beast and represents the closest danger.

Mu Qian said: "Feng Yunxiu, you also know the danger, but you still go back, aren't you?"

Feng Yunxiu can't refute, Mu Qian said: "So, I must go! And Xiaohong is there, that guy really doesn't know how to live and die, even dare to fight hard with thousands of magical beasts, I have to be fast. Point past."

Two people, together!

There is a strong force in the ground, and the temperature on the ground can instantly cook a pheasant.

They rushed to run the spiritual body, and there was no sea lane: "This is a seal array, and it is very likely that the eternal sword will be placed in the eye."

They found it! Looking for it, I didn’t find any eternal sword at all. I only saw a thing like a black lacquered branch placed there.

They are very puzzled. "There is no breath of eternal sword. Can we find it wrong!"

At this point, a purple figure swept out.

Mu Qianxi swept here, Yanlong excitedly said: "Master, the sheath is there, hurry to get the sheath back. This group of people who don't know the goods, the sheath is best at hiding themselves, these idiots are absolutely I can't recognize it."

What Yan Long said is that ordinary thing like a branch.

Such an inconspicuous thing turned out to be the scabbard of the Eternal Sword. It is estimated that no one can think of it.

Mu Qianxi rushed out instantly, Bai Wuhai noticed Mu Qian, such as lightning chasing up.

"Give me a stop for Mu Qian!"

Just as he was about to catch up with Mu Qian, a cold sword was cut from the air.

"White no sea, you are looking for death!"

When the people came in white, there was no popularity in the cold, and the ice-blue sword exudes cold light.

Bai Wuhai gnashed his teeth: "Gu Baiyi, you have to be in the way!"


The two men got together and the people from the North Han Temple arrived. It was more difficult to stop Mu Qian.

Bai Wuhai is holding a cloud and repairing the road: "Feng Yunxiu, what are you doing? Not stopping the little girl."

Feng Yun repaired a slight glimpse, he is very clear that what the Millennium sees, must be the scabbard of the eternal sword.

The black figure swept out, and a pale yellow figure was in front of him.

Feng Yun repaired it, and said: "Sound if dust!"

If the sound is as follows: "Amitabha, the eternal artifact, follow the people who are interested, can't force it! Please ask Yun Xiu less to not let her embarrassed, let alone yourself?"

Feng Yun Xiudao: "Let's let go!"

"I won't let it!"


Feng Yunxiu started to work on the sound, he did not want to start with Mu Qian, but for others, he would not be soft at all.

A small temple in the East Pole, since the birth of Mu Qianxi, he is the most dazzling genius in the Quartet.

One is the Sanskrit Son of the Sacred Heart of the Sanskrit Goddess. He is incomparably honored and worshipped by all nations.

These two people, because of the scabbard of the Eternal Sword, first played against each other!

Enemy enemies were stopped, and Mu Qian took up the scabbard of the eternal sword disguised.

"Shelf!" Yan Long shouted excitedly.

Mu Qiang felt the scabbard vibrate in his hand. Bai Wuhai did not think that Mu Qiang rushed out and took a so inconspicuous thing.


The light flashed through his calculations and shouted: "Mu Qianxi is holding the sword of eternal sword, hurry to grab it back!"

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