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Chapter 1643 faces death

Red rain is not afraid, she said: "You can't kill me."

Once you are in danger, you will be sent out!

Mu Qian said: "I can't kill you, but do you really want to get rid of it?"

The face of the red rain is stiff, she will not be eliminated!

"What do you want to do?" asked Red Rain.

"Actually, it’s not impossible to miss me!"

"You will be so kind!" If it is her, it must be solved very quickly, rather than giving people a chance.

"Of course, it is not unconditional! Look at your artifact, your family should be very wealthy." Mu Qian faint.

"You want my artifact!"

"A broken skill, who wants, I want you to practice the practice of the Red Phoenix family! If there is a medicine, all the wind spirit crystals will be handed over."

"You... you are robbery!"

"Just grab you, how?"

The red rain was dumb, and for the first time I saw someone doing this to her.

"Either eliminate it or give it over."

"Good! I give it!"

In order to find the treasure of their phoenix family on the ninth floor, she can bear this loss.

The martial arts were hollowed out, the elixir was hollowed out, and Feng Ling’s crystallization was not given to her.

The red rain fell a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Mu Qian did not take away the precious medicinal herbs on her body.

Mu Qian said: "Well, I will let you go."

When the red rain fell free, he rushed straight out, fearing that Mu Qian would go out and turn to her.

When the red rain fell, Mu Qianxi did not stay here, but also rushed out.

Then, the red rain fell on the ninth floor.

But in the next moment on the ninth floor, black lightning flashed.

There is no artifact, and there is no room for her to deal with this black mine.

"Ah!" A scream came.

Just happened, Mu Qianyi arrived!

"The reason why I let you go is because you absolutely can't hold the test of the ninth floor, and that's it!"

Red rain must be vomiting blood, her things, lost!


"You are so awful!"

"I remember you!"

Under the cover of the black mine, the red rain disappeared into the ninth floor of the refining tower.

Mu Qianxi looked at the horrible black mines and took a deep breath. "Put it!"

"Booming!" The horrible black ray on the ninth floor shrouded and drowned Mu Qianxi.

"Hey!" And outside, the dark red rain fell out.

"This... this is the red rain of the Chihuang family!"

"God! What's in the ninth floor? Even she can't hold it."

"That would also mean that now the ninth floor is left, only the one of the Mohuang people, Mu Qian!"

This result, the ink dance is completely unimaginable.

All the people who arrived at the refining tower, the red rain is definitely the strongest, but she actually eliminated, and Mu Qian is still inside.

Chi Yuyu caught Chi Mengdao: "Toon me to inform my father and inform her!"

"Hey!" After saying this, the red rain fell into danger.

Mu Qianqi is very surprised. If she is safe on the ninth floor, what should I do if I find the treasure of the Phoenix family?

To the treasure, you must not fall into the hands of that person.

"How did that person do it?" The outsiders were extremely curious.


Mu Qian’s painful convulsions, this black Thunder is more terrible than the other.

Now, she has become a black charcoal.

Fortunately, the practice of refining the body to force, very difficult to smash past, and then come again!


The last step, the last layer, must be carried out anyway.

Like the road of horror refining in purgatory, the baptism of the top black thunder once and for all, Mu Qianxi did not know how long.

The only thing I can feel is that her body is getting stronger and stronger and stronger...

"Boom!" A thunderbolt fell and the black charcoal was shattered to reveal a snowy white skin.

This time, although I still feel pain, I can bear it.

She clearly felt the change of her physical constitution, and the practice of refining the body, broke through!

At this time her physical strength is truly comparable to the Holy Beast!

Even ordinary low-level spirits want to hurt her, it is not so easy.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi quickly rushed out to find the Wan Man Daquan.

With only one-third of the possibilities, Mu Qian will not give up every place.

A black door appeared in the air, passing through the door, and Mu Qian saw a tall figure.

Majestic and tall, the momentum is compelling!

"The human beings who broke into the ninth floor of the Refining Tower, you are alone, you are very good!" The thick voice came.

"Since you praise me so much, is there any reward?" Faced with such a powerful guy, Mu Qianxiao laughed.

"Human, what reward do you want?" he asked.

"For example, the treasure of the Phoenix family placed in the refining tower."

When the words of Mu Qianxi just fell, the eyes of this individual became very fierce.

"Why do you know that the treasure of our Phoenix family is here, is there not here?"

Mu Qiang raised his eyebrows: "Is there really?"

"Believe it or not, it is up to you. If you want to know the exact answer, you must pick me up." He replied.

"Are you picking up a move? Yes." Mu Qianyi nodded.

"I am Lei Fenghuang, you are sure to pick me up."

The amazing pressure has made Mu Qianqi breathless.

Even so, she is still firmly saying: "I have a reason to be determined, so no matter how strong you are, I must take it."

Mu Qiang just came to the Phoenix world and didn't understand the Phoenix world!

If someone else hears that this person is Lei Fenghuang, it is estimated that he will run away and he will dare to accept a move.

After all, the former Lei Fenghuang, but second only to the Phoenix family of the legendary saints of the top of the strong.

It is easier to pinch a spirit emperor than to pinch an ant.

"Give you another chance, give up, I can give you another treasure, as a reward!" Lei Feng Huangdao.

"I won't give up! Come on! Come on, hurry up and get to know this result, because that thing is very important to me." Mu Qian said.

"If this is the case, then the emperor will complete you!"

He just raised his hand gently, and Mu Qian felt a force that shattered many of her bones.

Even if the refining exercises are advanced, the face of this level of masters is still far from each other.

Crystal Ying is sleeping, this time, she really wants to put her to death.

However, such an opportunity, she will never give up.

Mu Qiang bites his teeth, his body is receding, his mouth overflows with blood, his eyes are still firmly looking at Lei Fenghuang.

Blindness, losing all intuition, being overwhelmed by death.

This terrible power does not give any young Holy Spirit a chance to struggle.

Here is the power of Lei Fenghuang.

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