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Chapter 1656 alarmed ink king

The supporters of the mad kings said the thing to be painted.

"I originally wanted to reconcile this matter, but Mu Qiang occupies the small phoenix phoenix and refuses to let it recognize the ancestors. The mad king decided to go to the temple of the phoenix to carry out blood test!"

"This human being is a bit talented and too overbearing!"


At this time, Mu Qianxi and the mad county king still arrived in the Temple of Mohuang, sacrificing the elders: "Crazy King, can you start?"

"Master..." Little ink is a little scared.

Mu Qianxi comforted: "Small ink, no matter what the result? No one can let you do things that you are not willing to do, we are there!"

Xiao Momo said: "Well! The master is the best."

The method of verifying the blood is very simple. A piece of phoenix stone, the blood of the two drops on it, and a very pure ink light flashes out.

Sacrifice to the elders: "This pure light is the blood of the immediate family members. Congratulations to the mad king, and found his daughter who has been separated for many years."

Other people also came to join in the fun.

"Congratulations to the mad king!"


The mad king’s face has a happy smile on his face, and he looks at the little ink and inks: "I am right to this child."

"Wait!" At this time, Mu Qianxi said.

"I question the authenticity of this blood test. Is it really 100% correct?"

Although the mother who saw the little ink in the first place was purely occasional and did not know her, but how to say that such a strong and determined woman should not be so blind.

Sacrifice to the elders: "This is the treasure of our Mohuang family. It is absolutely impossible to make a holiday."

Mu Qian said: "Then I will verify the blood with a small ink ink, how?"

Mad County Road: "Mu Qianxi, are you not a fool?"

Sacrifice to the elders: "This bloodstone consumes a lot of consumption, how can you fool it! How can you be a human being, how can you have any blood connection with Xiaomohuang."

"Consumption, how much does this compensation cost? I just interested in trying it out." Mu Qian took out a bottle of ammunition and stuffed it into the hands of the elders of the Mohuang people.

The sacrificial elders stunned, "Dan medicine, holy order medicine!"

"This... this doesn't work either..."

"So, add another bottle!"

"Do not……"

"Add another bottle!"

The elders’ eyes should be straightened, and this thing is too exciting.

Others are also embarrassed, this is a bright bribe, taking a bribe with the holy medicinal herbs, this is a strong man.

But this is the holy remedy! Who can not be tempted?

"Good! Just try! These remedies are enough to compensate."

The face of the mad king has to be green, and he is not good at attacking.

"Since you are trying to try it, please try it!"

The blood of Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo dripped onto the piece of ink phoenix stone, and then the radiance of the ink color flourished.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The mad king, what do you say? I said that there is a problem with this phoenix stone."

The elders of the sacrificial elders showed an incredible look. "This...this is impossible!"

"How could this be? Is there something wrong?"

The mad kings said: "Mu Qianxi, I did not think that you would not be able to let Xiaomo ink recognize the ancestors, but the temper is always good, but this time, I will definitely not spare you."

"Come on! Give her to me first."

Ms. Qian said: "Get me, can you try?"

"No damage to the owner."

After a period of precipitation, the small ink ink is more comfortable with its own pressure.

His pressure, apparently all the men of the arrogant mad kings were stunned, and the blood was strong.

This only weakens their strength. The mad king feels that he is trying to clean up his envy. It is definitely more than enough.


"Boom!" Mu Qianxi and the mad county king started.

The purple figure flashed and Mu Qianyu flew out at the fastest speed.

"Small ink, let's go!"

"Give me a stop! You can't take my daughter and escape from the mainland of the phoenix."

"Give me chase!"

"Ice Dragons!"

The mad king is still a little bit ignorant of the millennium, thinking that it is easier to pack her up with a human being.

However, Mu Qianqi escaped very fast and his defense ability was fast.

In order to retain the blood of the king of the rare phoenix family, it must not be let go, so the mad king of the king actually put down his identity, personally started to admire Mu Qian, directly looking for a small ink to chase.


As a result, they directly hit the outside street from the Temple of Mohuang, and this thing is getting bigger and bigger.

"The mad king of this battle is to find a daughter or catch a prisoner!"

"Bullying a little girl, the mad king is not doing too much."

"But this is also because Mu Qianxi is obsessed with obscurity and does not blame the mad king."

Even if you want to leave the mainland of Mexico, Mu Qian must first go to find the king of ink to get the reward.

So Mu Qianxi rushed to the Mohuang Palace, and the mad king’s face was gloomy. “Damn! Mu Qianzhen actually went to the Mohuang Palace. What does she mean?”

"Want to ask for help? Give me a stop!"

The madman king transferred a lot of people to intercept Mu Qian, and finally blocked the envy of Mu Qian.

"Hey!" The little ink ink flew into the air, and the inflammation of the phoenix exploded.

"Do not bully the owner, not allowed!"

"You have nothing to do with me, lie! Deceive!"

The little ink ink roared the mad king, although it is still small, but it is very sensitive.

Mad County Road: "Mu Qianxi, I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to hurt a little ink, you still have a good cooperation, don't be so stubborn."

Mu Qian said: "Injury is better than letting me know how to make a thief a father. You have to do it, I will accompany you!"

Yan Long 弑 soul sword shot, Mu Qian 汐 running spirit, ready to do their best to fight.

The blood of the king of the small ink ink also opened to the extreme, "small ink ink fights with you."


Mu Qianxi was trapped in the encirclement. If the other party didn't die, and her body defense was strong, she couldn't hold back the time.

Since Mu Qianxi gave the ink king a spell, and after learning about the poison remedy, the ink king felt comfortable all over the body, and walked out of the secret room to prepare for the wind, but...

As soon as he came out of the closed chamber, he felt his blood was boiling.

The blood of the king, he actually sensed the blood of the king of his phoenix family. Who is it?

The ink king almost jumped up and rushed out of the study.

"Your Majesty! Where are you going?"

Ink King said: "I have sensed the blood of the king of my phoenix family, I must find it!"

"Your majesty, your body is not good! This matter is handed over to the mad king to do it!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

A few strong men of the Mohuang family were in front of the ink king.

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