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Chapter 1772, ambition is unwilling

For a lifetime, suddenly there was no ghost, and Mu Qian’s performance was very calm, and his words were completely ignored.

"Be careful, there is something in the fog."

They are hidden in the fog without any form, directly attacking the sea of ​​human soul.

The level of spiritual power that Mu Qianxi showed was really weak and weak. They picked up a soft persimmon like this, and they couldn’t move.

This seemingly weak human soul is so vast that there are no holes to drill.

So they shifted their targets and attacked Suzaku, because Mu Qian’s reminded Suzaku that he had a defense.

His young talent and ability are very strong when he is young and cultivated.

It's just that this soul is a bit far worse than the one that is so good. These little guys feel the pressure is not so big, so unscrupulous attacks.

Suzaku is obviously very angry. "All come over, I really thought I was bullying, I am fighting with you!"

For Suzaku, this is a hardening of the will.

Zhuque said: "Hey, I am fine, don't worry! This may be an exercise for me. Hurry up and hurry. It is not a solution in this fog. After going to the island, I will find a way to find the way to leave."

"Let's hurry, be careful."

Mu Qian’s determination made Suzaku very surprised. He said: “I said, your soul is too embarrassing, scary!”

I was quite proud of my life: "This is of course, this is my baby."

The dense fog suddenly became thicker, and Mu Qian felt the danger.

There is a faint scent in the air, which seems to want to pull people down, sink into the abyss, and dig out the unwillingness and anger of the bottom of the heart.

Mu Qian’s eyes were clear and clear, and he smiled all his life. “It’s just a little trick.”

Of course, it is a small trick for a lifetime, and it does not mean that everyone is.

"My Suzaku is the strongest, you can be my opponent, waiting to admit defeat! Hahaha!"

The scream of Suzaku came, arrogant and arrogant than usual.

This is just the beginning, and Suzaku is caught in the abyss of negative emotions.

"I accept all this because of gratitude, but a woman who has never met before, I will never be willing to surrender to her, absolutely not reconciled..."


It is not a painful shackle, it is a struggle of pain.

Life all the way: "This kid has a lot of thoughts! Baby does not help him? You seem to be very interested in him."

"In my judgment, he can come out on his own, what do you say in your life?" Mu Qianxi faint.

"Baby is very confident about this guy."

"Hey!" Passing through the fog, Suzaku fell directly into the water.

Mu Qianxi also came out and found that it was a sea of ​​shackles before, and the elements of the wind-powered elements floated above the sea.

After being flooded, Suzaku woke up in an instant, threw himself in the water and shouted: "Oh, help! I won't water, hurry to save me, I... I will suffocate and die."

The purple figure drifted, and Mu Qiang brought the Suzaku up.

"It’s all about breaking through the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. It turned out to be a dry duck."

"No way, this son is a fire element, this water is really my nemesis."

"But, me too, not necessarily like this!"

"Hey, but enchanting, I won't compare with you! Let's hurry to find the land!" Seeing the water Suzaku is completely calm, you must find the land!

"Although this sea is calm, it is difficult to keep it dangerous. It is time to leave soon."

"Small ink!"

Mu Qianxi shouted out the little ink ink as a mount, and the heart of Suzaku’s seven ups and downs finally settled down.

Suzaku asked cautiously: "Hey, I was in the fog, I am not a shame!"

Mu Qiang nodded: "There is a point!"

Suzaku grabbed the painful hair: "Ah! My best name! It was destroyed."

"The name of the world, this adult can not see." Life sat next to Mu Qianxi, the whole person like no bones.

Mu Qianxi did not avoid, just shouted: "Little ink!"

As the contract beast of Mu Qiang's soul contract, Xiao Mo Mo learned the meaning of Mu Qianxi, suddenly changed the speed of the trouble, and wanted to fly his life out.

The old man, who is old and unfair, always sings the master like this, and the owner’s lover is a nine-night adult.

The little ink that evolved because of the darkness of nine nights was naturally close to nine nights. Although the momentum of the nine nights was terrible, it did not dare to approach.

I didn’t go out in my life, I almost fell Suzaku, and almost once fell into the soup.

"Hey, I said that you have to learn the hooligans and give me a sigh!"

"Rogue, have you seen such a beautiful rogue of this adult? Let me go down!" I was angry, and this wave did not wave, and a gust of wind directly flew Suzaku out.

"Ah! Help!" Suzaku shouted in the air.

A lifetime close to Mu Qianxi, the face of a perfect charm is not a trace of embarrassment, can lead to the world women dumped.

"Baby, are I a rogue?"

Ms. Qian said: "Of course not!"

I haven't waited for a lifetime of happiness, and Mu Qianxi added a sentence.

"It's an old hooligan."

The heart of a lifetime is broken into slag, and it has always been eaten very well among women. It can fascinate people who are willing to do anything for him. In the face of Mu Qian’s failure, he is not allowed to be rejected. .

Mu Qianzhen let Xiaomo ink smashed the Suzaku, and Suzaku had no sense at all.

"Look, there seems to be someone there!" Suzaku pointed to the other side.

It was a small boat and the people on board also found them.

"Hey, beautiful bird, it seems like someone!"

Mu Qian said: "Go ahead and ask the situation."

Mu Qiang, they suddenly approached, and the father and daughter on the boat were shocked.

"You... are you newcomers?" the middle-aged man said.

Mu Qiang nodded: "Yes!"

"Hey! Both of you are trapped here at a young age, and your family may be worried!" The middle-aged man sighed.

"If you accidentally break into here, we are very helpless. We can only take one step and step by step." Mu Qianhui replied.

"You are going to go to the island! It's just that we are on the way, let's go together! You'd better not just sit in this flying spirit beast. If you see it on the island, you probably won't be able to keep it."

When I first arrived, I shouldn’t be too high-profile. I’m a thousand words: “Thank you for reminding me, I’m in trouble!”

Let the little ink back to the space, Mu Qian and Suzaku and the father and daughter squeezed on the boat.

After chatting with them, I know that the uncle is surnamed Zhao. Because his wife is sick, he went to the small islands around the island to find a cure for his wife.

He chatted and talked to him about Mu Qian’s face: "Hey! I hope you don't be too bad this time."

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