【information】:‘The Corruption’ gene has been recombinantly evolved, and you have obtained the ‘Corruption Type 2’ gene. With its support, the mycelium can secrete corruptive substances at a faster rate, and the scope of application of corruptive substances has also been expanded, even for living creatures. May be corrupted.

Corrupted Type 2 Gene!

“Perfect! This is exactly what I need.”

Looking at the evolutionary tree, the [Corruption] gene has been extended. The branch has grown longer, and a [Corruption Type 2] gene has appeared in front of it. This means that Chen Mo has taken a step forward in the evolution of this branch. One step forward!

Chen Mo suppressed his excitement and continued to invest in evolution points. There was still no evolution of [Hallucination].

【Warning]: You are trying to use evolution points to recombine and evolve the ‘hallucinogenic’ gene, which may increase the hallucinogenic ability of hallucinogenic substances (98% probability). It is worth noting that this operation may lead to unknown consequences (2% probability)! Please choose carefully.


The success rate of this ‘psychedelic’ is even lower?

Logically speaking, the branch of the evolutionary tree of ‘psychedelic’ abilities has not grown as long as ‘corruption’.

Chen Mo thought about it carefully and understood what was going on.

‘Corruption’ undergoes an additional evolution.

That is, the supplement of the beetle gene.

Observing carefully, it turns out that the trunk of the evolutionary tree and the ‘corrupted’ branches are also thicker.

This is a more vivid expression. The thicker the trunk, the farther it can extend. If it is strong enough, it can continue to extend more branches.

After evolving the ‘psychedelic type 2’, Chen Mo turned his attention to the big wild boar

“Go down the mountain.”

Chen Mo said


There is no doubt that there is still no communication at all. The other party can understand what Chen Mo means, but he just doesn’t want to communicate.

However, pain can make the other party learn to communicate.

With the enhancement of the two abilities, Chen Mo’s ability to take root in flesh and blood, It has been enhanced.

There is no doubt that this ability is extremely terrifying and disgusting when seen on living creatures.

After all, it has a human psychology!

The wild boar’s wounds gradually become more serious!

At this moment, the mycelium has completely taken root.

If he wants, Chen Mo can control the spores to make the wild boar grow with mushrooms and die in pain.

However, there is no need for unnecessary killing, or even cruel killing.

Chen Mo is not interested.

What he is more interested in is what will happen if a hallucinogen is injected into the wild boar at this moment? He has obtained the complete genetic map of the wild boar, and has a 100% action efficiency bonus for wild boars.

In the body of a wild boar, the effect will be very powerful.

The emergence of the ‘corruption type 2′ gene allows Chen Mo to let the hyphae corrode the flesh faster, instead of staying on the animal’s body.

This provides Chen Mo with the opportunity to inject hallucinogens.


Moreover , they use the flesh and blood of animals to provide nutrients and create hallucinogens, and then inject hallucinogens into the animals’ bodies continuously.


With the infusion of hallucinogens, the enhanced ‘Hallucinogen Type 2’ effects are astounding.

It didn’t take long for the boar to start experiencing hallucinatory effects.

His movements turned out to be slow and leisurely, like walking in the forest.

He couldn’t feel the pain on his body at first, and then he hummed softly, and the little wild boars around him that had been scared away started to gather again.

Chen Mo could feel that the brutal invasion had disappeared.

Because the hallucinogen numbed his nerves, or in other words, made him feel a sense of happiness.

This feeling temporarily made him forget the pain caused by the wound.

But as long as Chen Mo cuts off the supply of hallucinogens, pain will come immediately.

And make it more irritable and maladaptive.

Doing this may be able to control the wild boar and make him behave.

However, Chen Mo did not do this, but adopted a more effective method.

Hallucination plus telepathy.

I don’t know how much better this is than forced control.

But this requires some trial and error.

Chen Mo tried to use telepathy to influence the wild boar’s judgment.

Begin preliminary control of wild boar

“If it still doesn’t work, the amount of hallucinogen is too small. Try adding more.”

The wild boar still instinctively resisted the sound that appeared in his heart.

He could still tell that it was the weird sound from before.

However, as the amount of hallucinogens increased, the wild boar became more and more excited and his consciousness became blurred.

Chen Mo Taking the opportunity to realize, the wild boar was very obedient and walked wherever he was told.

Although he was staggering, he seemed to be drunk, but he didn’t go far, and there was a pop. On the ground, he passed out.


Chen Mo seemed to be stunned, and then realized that due to his continuous experiments, he had unknowingly injected the wild boar with the hallucinogenic drug that the other party had consumed. The injected dose immediately exceeded the maximum tolerated dose, and I fainted directly.

Fortunately, this hallucinogen is not toxic, but simply has a strong hallucinogenic effect. If it is too strong, it will be overly exciting at best. , it just causes coma and is not life-threatening.

“Once the wild boar wakes up, the plan can be implemented.”

Chen Mo murmured.

He has mastered the appropriate dosage and can reach a balance between controlling the wild boar and maintaining the opponent’s mobility.

PS: Please give me flowers and review votes for the fifth update.

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