Evolution from White Snake

Chapter 229 Want a hug


A certain military zone of the White Eagle Federation.

The place is heavily guarded and has strong firepower.

There are even many high-level transcendent beings stationed here all year round.

In a seemingly ordinary laboratory.

Laboratory office.

A white scientist from the Western Continent with a shaggy head in a white coat was holding a document in his hand.

it says on the document.

"The Adam Project - Top Secret, Personally Revealed by Peter Ferrad".

The scientist opens this top-secret file that can only be opened by himself.

As he watched, his expression changed drastically.

I quickly made a phone call.

After a long time.

The call was finally connected over there.

"Sir? Are you sure you want to use the No. 0 biological weapon now?"

"Didn't I say that Zero is still very unstable?"

"Can't control my abilities very well."

"And it's easy to go berserk."

"A biological weapon comparable to a seventh-level transcendent went berserk, and a biological weapon possessing [God's Bloodline] went berserk."

"You know what the consequences will be, right?"

"No one can control the entire White Eagle Federation."

The scientist's tone was serious.

Because now is simply not the time to use Weapon Zero.

That could easily cause serious consequences.

"It's not that I want to use it."

"Mr. President needs it."

"The entire White Eagle Federation is in danger."

"Even Mr. President is now under the control of the Titan-level alien beast White King."

"It's not used yet."

"When will we wait?"

The voice of the person over there was cold and ruthless.

"We have officially supported Project Adam for so long, from the Cold War to the resurgence of Aura."

"Countless manpower, material resources, and financial resources have been invested. I don't know how much funding is allocated to you every year."

"The [Tianjin Plan] of Tianshen Machinery has basically been successful."

"What about you? It's taken so long to come up with Weapon Zero."

"Don't forget, in order to support your plan."

"The official side has given you the remains of the abomination that we finally brought out from that kingdom."

"You guys from Adam's Creature have been studying it for so long, if you can't even get a single bloodline of the gods."

"How to surpass the God Machine and how to create a real artificial god."

The voice over there asked mercilessly.

The scientist could only smile bitterly.

"It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. We are just trying. This kind of thing has never been done before or since. Gods have always created humans. How can anyone create gods."

"Let's do this. I'll try to communicate with "Zero" and see what his current status is."

"If possible, I would let Zero go outside for a walk."

"But all the consequences."

"It's on you!"

The scientist finally promised.

"Number Zero" is Adam Creature's most prized possession.

They are the core of the "Big Seven Super Heroes" to be launched by the White Eagle Federation in the future.

Number Zero is different from ordinary people with different blood.

For other people with different blood, the blood level in their body determines their upper limit of growth.

Just like the vampires in William's Castle.

The blood in your body when you were born has already determined whether you will be a prince or a duke in the future.

However, Zero is different.

Because, the bloodline that created Number Zero.

Obtained from the White Eagle Federation while exploring a ruins of the Kingdom of God in the Western Continent...the remains of the gods.

A beating blood-red eyeball.

Among the legends.

The gods are the "children of gods" who were born due to various mistakes of the gods.

In other words, it is more appropriate to call it "the remnant of God".

They are powerful, deformed, ugly, and even possess some of the authority of the gods.

If the gods represent people's yearning for beauty.

Then, evil is synonymous with negative energy, the most decadent, and the most depraved.

This is why.

It's just an evil blood-red eyeball.

Adam Bio has been in use for so long.

It took so much effort to barely create the biological weapon: Zero.

It's really because this thing is too difficult to control.

To make size zero.

They don’t know how many methods they used.

How many tests were done.

How many experimenters died.

There are many extraordinary people who have sacrificed their lives for the experiment.

Just twenty years ago.

Finally, the blood of God was successfully injected into a pregnant woman.

And through this pregnant woman.

A baby was successfully born.

Named "Zero".

It can be said that Zero is the greatest invention of Adam Biology.

Peter Ferrad even believed that Zero was born.

It is the most meaningful and crazy attempt in human history.

No less than some of the greatest scientific discoveries before it.

Because that means.

Adam Creatures began to initially grasp the power of the legendary "gods".

Although, this is just a sin.

But, it's still a good start.

Now, Mr. President is so anxious to call number zero.

The scientist was actually very dissatisfied.

However, there is nothing we can do.

The entire Adam Project was created by the White Eagle Federation.

It was originally created during the Cold War to fight against the Celestial Machinery of the White Eagle Federation's old enemy country.

Later, a certain superpower disintegrated, and Tianshen Machinery became an anarchic underground mechanical giant, and then it was unknown what benefits it received.

It quickly overtook Adam Creatures until the Longgang City incident.

The achievements of Tianshen Machinery were shown to the world.

Although it failed in the end, it injured the Annihilation Dragon.

Still proved its strength.

On the contrary, Adam's biological research has been delayed for too long because of this evil.

"However, No. 0's strength is much stronger than those heavenly soldiers."

The scientist thought to himself.

"If Zero can control it perfectly."

"It is the most powerful weapon in the world."

"Because this is the forbidden power of the gods."

The scientist muttered to himself.

On the other hand, we came to the maple leaf forest behind the military zone.

Pieces of red leaves are sprinkled on the ground.

It makes this place extremely beautiful.

There is a small wooden house in the deep forest.

A blond, blue-eyed, Western-looking woman was breastfeeding a child.

And this kid is tall and muscular, with explosive muscles.

Where is the child?

He is clearly an adult.

However, he still snuggled into the woman's arms like a child, drinking and sucking breast milk.

"Grandma...it's white...and fragrant."

This boy is as strong as a man.

It doesn't look any different from ordinary people.

Except, there may be some issues with IQ.

"Hey, baby, look what goodies daddy has brought for you."

The scientist sighed.

Zero's biggest flaw is his mind.

Although he is already an adult.

But like a child.

Zero saw the scientist coming.

Come out of women's arms happily.

Licking the breast milk from the corner of her mouth.



Zero, who was at least 1.9 meters tall, put the scientist in his arms and hugged him.

Although there was no deliberate effort.

It also makes scientists feel suffocated.

He stammered while looking into the distance.

Suddenly there was a gaping hole between his eyebrows.

A blood-red eyeball was exposed, covered with bloodshot eyes.

Tickling and spinning.

Weird and cruel.

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