Evolution from White Snake

Chapter 459 The Ten Evils from the Ancient Times, the Terrifying Cicada Lord!

The ancient world.

The wild continent.

There are many holy places here, sects and great religions gather together, and there are even immortal dynasties, which are powerful in the world!

And outside of these, in those restricted areas of life, large and small.

There are even rumors that there is a terrifying thing that has lived for who knows how many epochs, entrenched in it, peering into the wilderness.

The period of time that alternates between each epoch.

This was the beginning of the dark and turbulent period in the Tianhuang Continent.

Until the next one, the peerless emperor who shocked the past and the present, and dominated the nine heavens and ten earths was born.

Only then will this dark turmoil be calmed down!

The entire ancient world.

It is a world formed with the Tianhuang Continent as the main body.

"The beginning of ancient times."

"There are powerful men with heavenly aspirations."

"Reaching for the stars and the moon, there are a total of 180 million stars in the sky."

"Weaving for ninety-nine and eighty-one days creates a super huge continent."

"This continent is the Tianhuang Continent."

"This is the origin of our world."

White Deer Academy.

It is located in the vast green mountains of 100,000 miles.

An academy that looks quite old.

Blue bricks and black tiles, flying swallows on the eaves!

The academy is not big, but it has the sound of Lang Lang reading.

It came from this small academy with only a few hundred people.

Inside the academy.

On the square.

A group of primary school students who have just entered school are only five or six years old, seven or eight years old.

At this moment, everyone is surrounded by an old man wearing a blue robe and a loose shawl. Although he is old, he has deep eyes and is full of energy.

"Grandpa Qing."

“Can anyone really pluck the stars from the sky?”

A little girl looked at the blue sky.

asked curiously.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

"This is for you to discover the truth later, hahaha."

"You little ones."

"Going to pester Grandpa Qing again."

"Come here quickly."

Right now.

A young scholar, wearing a white robe, carried a sword with a cold light on his back. The scabbard was filled with light and simplicity.

"Come here quickly."

"Teacher, please go and have a rest."

The young scholar took the child away.

He looked at the old man in green robe with great respect.

No matter how old the person in front of me is.

In the hearts of him and all the disciples of White Deer Academy.

It will always be this ancient world, this wild continent.

The most stalwart and tallest man!

It's because of him.

Although White Deer Academy is not those holy places, dynasties, great religions and the like.

But the status of today's Huanghuang Continent.

But it is the most supreme.


This child calls him "Grandpa Qing".

But now the ancient world.

The only living enlightenment exists!

Qing Emperor!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

"Look at each of you."

"It makes me feel like I'm about to enter a coffin, old man."

"You let me rest all day long. Am I that unbearable? Alas."

The old man in green waved his hand.

He sighed and said.

The young scholar looked at the old man.

For a moment, I felt mixed and didn't know what to say.


"This time we went down the mountain and found some good medicines that are as good as heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"Now, the Holy Emperor of Lingdan is refining some elixirs."

"I will send it to the teacher when the time comes."

"I know you are always unwilling to give in."

"Unwilling to admit defeat."

"However, for these thousands of years, you have been alone to put down the dark turmoil in these notorious ancient forbidden areas such as [Buried Dragon Mountain], [Black Cloud Daze], [Kilin Cave] and [Thunder Desert]."

"You have been fighting against the supreme beings in the restricted area for so many years, and I don't know how many hidden diseases you have left behind."

"In an era, there can only be one enlightened person."

"I don't know how many people at the peak of the Holy Emperor among the great religions, holy lands, and immortal dynasties from all continents in the ancient restricted area are waiting for you to become immortals."

"There is an undercurrent in the world. Don't blame the students for speaking poorly."

"Without you, this deserted continent will usher in a dark turmoil that is even more terrifying than before."

"So, no matter what this time, you have to take this life-extending medicine."

The young man said with a wry smile.

The old man in green rolled his eyes at the young man.

Take out the wine gourd from your waist.


The young scholar's face looked better now.

"Drink less, it's not good for your health."

"Hmph, I'm also an emperor after all. Why don't I drink some wine?"


Watching the students go away.

The old man in green took a sip of wine.


"Ten thousand years is too short, seize the day."

"This ancient world has existed since the creation of the Supreme Being."

"In ancient times, ferocious creatures roamed freely, and the human race was weak. The names of the ten ferocious beasts have shocked the ages!"

"The Ancient Supreme Being preached all kinds of Dharma, the human race rose against the trend, the ancient era began, and every era lasted for ten thousand years. Up to now, it has reached the 100th era."

"It is difficult for living beings to see the hope of becoming immortals."

"Why are there these two curses?"


"Who can give me the answer?"

The old man muttered to himself.

At this time, when he was alone.

There is no longer that feeling of high energy.

Just like an ordinary old man in his dying years.

It's pitiful, I just feel that the next moment, I will run out of fuel.


"I'm old."

"Under this ancient curse, even the Great Emperor can only live ten thousand years."


"After the Ancient Supreme Being preached all the Dharma, he ascended from the world of mortals, and after he became an immortal, a full million years have passed."

"There are a hundred heavenly lords, ancient emperors, and great emperors, but none of them have become immortals."

"I dare to ask God, what happened to this ancient world?"

The old man in green murmured to himself.

For a moment, his eyes became moist.

Indeed, leave him time.

Running out.

A gulp of strong wine went down his throat.

The old man in green didn't know why he liked drinking so much.

It's like he has no father or mother, but he is still there.

It's like knowing that her name is Li Qinglian.

"Li Qinglian, Li Qinglian."

"who I am?"

The old man called his own name.

The feeling of loneliness, vastness and loneliness arises spontaneously.

Just when the old man was feeling sad alone.


He looked up at the sky.

this moment.

In his eyes, endless divine light burst out.

This cyan divine light penetrated the void.

Looking beyond the sky!

"A great terrifying aura is coming to this world."

"If it comes, this wild continent will probably face the biggest... calamity in millions of years."

The old man looked at the sky.

He stood up.

He is no longer old.

Divine light arises from within the body.

Countless visions occurred around him.

behind him.

An illusory shadow of the blue sky emerged.

And above the blue sky.

A solitary green lotus is blooming alone.

Just the petals of this green lotus.

Now, only... one petal is left.

The old man looked at the sky.

Looking back at my magnificent life.

Suddenly smiled.

He didn't hesitate.

The figure turned into a blue light.

Infinitely higher!

Straight into the sky!

He is the Great Emperor, the only official Great Emperor on this continent!

It is the supreme existence of enlightenment in this era of the ancient world!

He was born in response to the ancient world.

We must protect this world!

Inside the academy.

The young scholar looked at the blue light disappearing into the sky.

Smiling wryly.

Sigh alone.

"Teacher, your old habits die hard."

Thousands of years, thousands of years.

Always like this!

When the old man's figure rose infinitely higher, straight into the sky.

In countless regions of the ancient world, there are dark supreme beings and supreme beings hidden in the forbidden areas of the ancient world.

They also looked towards Gao Tian.

They are all from a hundred ages ago.

Some enlightened beings such as Qingdi have been born.

Just because of the two major curses of the ancient world.

Only then had to be trapped in the restricted area in some special ways.

The southern part of Tianhuang Continent.

The land of Chiyouzhou!

In the southernmost part of this vast and boundless Chiyouzhou land.

Close to the South China Sea.

There is a huge swampland millions of miles in radius.

This swamp is even larger than the surface area of ​​most stars.

The swamp is endless, with countless lakes and rivers distributed among it.

Countless black miasmas filled it.

This makes this place always shrouded in black fog and very gloomy when viewed from high in the sky.

If you look carefully.

Only then will we find out.

These black mist.

Not really fog at all.

But a mosquito the size of a palm.


The black miasma that permeates the sky over the black clouds and swamps persists all year round.

It's not fog, but black mosquitoes.

These mosquitoes have sharp mouthparts and are extremely ferocious.

It is they who make up this mist.

The buzzing sound is endless, like thunder.

Very penetrating!

As a result, there are no living creatures within tens of thousands of miles around this vast swamp.

Dare to stay here.

Because this is one of the notorious forbidden areas of life in ancient times!

【Heiyun Daze】!

And this "black cloud"!

In fact, it is the black miasma composed of patches of mosquito swarms!

In the very center of [Black Cloud Daze].

There is a lake as dark as ink, tens of thousands of miles in radius.

In the water of this lake, countless mosquito larvae are crowded here.

Countless animal bones and even human bones were piled at the bottom of the lake, a vast expanse of white.

And on these bones, there are countless mosquito larvae attached.

The entire black cloud Daze.

It’s the world of mosquitoes!

If ordinary people see it.

You will definitely think that the entire wild continent, and even the mosquitoes in all the worlds.

They all gathered in this black cloud swamp.

In the middle of a black lake.

There is a small island.

The island is not big.

There is a Taoist temple-like building made of dark bricks above.

White bones and mosquito beasts form a huge black and white yin and yang diagram!

In the Taoist temple.

One was wearing a dark robe and a high crown.

A middle-aged Taoist priest with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a huge mosquito.


The middle-aged Taoist priest looked to the infinite sky.

His eyes changed, as if he was thinking about something.

"That old guy Qingdi, what are you doing in the ancient world?"

"Could it be that a powerful enemy from outside the territory is coming?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"After all, this old man probably won't live long."

"However, as an ordinary alien, he can rise up against the sky step by step. In this era, amid the competition between countless Holy Physique Masters and Tianjiao Holy Emperors, he successfully achieved enlightenment and obtained the position of Great Emperor."

"Although you are an enemy, I, Master Mosquito, still admire you very much."

"What a pity. In the ancient world, in the ancient times, we were the most evil in the ancient times."

"In this future, it must still belong to me."

"This deserted continent has been silent for too long."

"As soon as this old guy dies, after the end of the 100th era, the legendary drastic changes in the world and the age of immortality in which the ancient curse is broken are about to begin."

"The weak human race may have forgotten the fear of being dominated by [Mosquito Beast]."

"It's time hahaha."

"Those old immortals in other restricted areas must also be waiting for this day."

"Perhaps, in this era, we can decide who is the leader of the [Ten Ancient Evils]!"

"It must be from my mosquito beast clan!"

"If I succeed in ascending to immortality and become a god, I will be the first great being in the history of all heavens and worlds to become a god in the body of a mosquito beast!"

"The common belief of all mosquitoes in the world is me, the mosquito Taoist!"

"Hahahaha, the god of mosquito beasts, the co-lord of mosquitoes!"

"What a resounding name!"

The mosquito Taoist exudes a terrifying aura.

Dreaming about the wonderful thing of becoming a god.

"Speaking of which, many years ago when I was enlightened to the [Ancient Emperor of Chaotic Blood], my life was approaching. In order to resist the Ancient Curse, I cut off a clone and sent it out of the Ancient World, and went to the Tianyuan World to find a way to break the Ancient Curse. "

"I don't know how this clone is doing?"

"If we can find a way to break the ancient curse in Tianyuan World, maybe I will be one step ahead in the next great world."

And at the same time.

What the Mosquito Taoist said is the outer world.

In the crystal wall void of the ancient world.

Lin Bai had no time to think about why Lord Cicada could come here from Tianyuan World.

As the Cicada of Desire who stands side by side with the Emperor of Heaven, Supreme Xuanjun, and World-Honored Tathagata, he is the strongest agent under the galaxy.

The enemy Cicada Lord is definitely one of the most powerful enemies Lin Bai will face in the future.

It is not surprising that such means exist.

After all, the desire mother cicada will definitely give the cicada master some great relics.

Otherwise, how could the hermits of old take root in all the worlds.

The key now is how to avoid the Cicada Lord.

"I don't know if this leaf in the sky can stop the Cicada Lord."

"I don't have any mana now."

"Damn it."

At this moment, above all the heavens and worlds, below the stars and rivers, in the endless void.

A golden light was being chased by another golden light.

In the golden light behind.

Suddenly, a golden giant figure eighty thousand feet high appeared.

The golden giant is dressed in tulle, standing tall and tall, with a perfect figure and a peerless face.

The golden cicada mark between the eyebrows is lifelike, as if it is coming to life.

"Hey hey hey."

"Little guy, you can't escape this time."

The Cicada Lord smiled slightly, but the murderous intention revealed in it made all spirits tremble and the galaxy shake!


Lord Cicada sits cross-legged in the void.

There are words in his mouth.

He kept pinching his hands to solve the problem.


She held out her right hand.

Across an unknown distance of void.

He grabbed the giant black dragon that was moving through the crystal wall in front of him.

In front of the Cicada Lord who is as dazzling as the golden sun and whose breath shakes the eternity.

This giant black dragon is so inconspicuous.

Just like a meteorite.

Anyone will be attracted by Cicada Lord's lustful figure and soaring aura.

Blind eyes.

And at this moment.

Across countless voids.

Lin Bai saw a big golden hand suddenly formed.

The size of this big golden hand is probably thousands of miles in diameter.

Just a hand.

It feels like Lin Bai.

It has surpassed the shadow of Emperor Youtian's imperial robe.

this means.

Lord Cicada's strength may still be higher than that of the famous Youtian Emperor!

Both sides are a mark of power.

They all come through layers of void attacks.

Life and death crisis is now!

Lin Bai calmed down.


[The immobilization technique is used successfully, three billion spiritual energy values ​​are deducted, and the target has been immobilized]

[Because the target level is too high, this time it will be fixed for 1 second! 】

"very good."

"Get 1 second to escape."

"When we really enter the ancient world, Lord Cicada probably won't be able to catch up."

"Moreover, this is just a mark of power, not the Cicada Lord's true body. It cannot last forever."

"I just have to hold on until this power dissipates."

"This unruly hair really gives you face."

"Three chances today, two have been successful."

Lin Bai's mind was telegraphed!

Deep in his eyes, he looked at the huge shadow of the Cicada Lord that was temporarily frozen.

Together with the huge golden palm, it was also fixed in mid-air.

The golden light quickly fell downwards!

Like a shooting star!

The Cicada Master was slightly shocked.

"Is this the method you use to kill Lord Baiyang? Little Baijiao."

"It seems that the monkey above the galaxy has tried his best to give you a good gift again."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"It feels so good to be cared about and cared about by so many people."

Cicada Master's expression remained unchanged.

He looked at the golden light that was far away from him.

The settling time has just arrived.

And at this moment.

The shadow of Cicada Lord's power became even more illusory.

More transparent than before.

Just as Lin Bai guessed.

This mark of power from the Cicada Lord has a time limit.

"However, it shouldn't be a problem to kill you before it dissipates."

The Cicada Lord looked at the golden light that was getting further and further away and was about to escape from his sight.

He was unhurried and looked cold.

Then a breath of lust and desire emanated from the Cicada Lord's body.

This breath is evil, chaotic, depraved, crazy and lustful... lustful.

The most negative and dark auras of so many creatures are mixed together.

"Old Mother Jin Chan, a vacuum hometown."

"Blissful and comfortable, burning with desire!"


The cicada master muttered something while flying away.

As the last syllable falls.

On her body.

An invisible, colorless, nameless flame began to burn.

This flame just appeared.

The entire void began to twitch and tremble.

Everything in the void also began to be like this.

It seems that this breath is an extremely strong aphrodisiac.

Enough to bring about all things in the world, whether living or inanimate.

All become desires, fire, and burning bodies!

The Cicada Master's face looked like he was enjoying it!

Her eyes wandered.

her whole body

This flame!

Although it is intangible and insubstantial, it is more deadly than most heaven and earth spiritual fires!

It's enough to seduce most living beings who are hidden deep in their hearts.

Even if you are Liu Xiahui, that ascetic, or that Fahai!

In front of this.

Not worth mentioning either.

Not only that.

With this burning.

The shadow of the Cicada Lord is also fading further.

However, it represents the speed of the golden light of Cicada Lord.

But it suddenly accelerated several times.

He quickly closed the distance with the golden light representing Lin Bai in front of him.

"The body-holding technique!"

Lin Bai couldn't help but curse secretly!

Of course, while scolding, he still used the immobilization technique on the Cicada Master who immediately chased him.

[Using three billion spiritual energy values, the target is being immobilized]

[Failed to fixate]


"Destiny, why don't you stand on my side."

Lin Bai complained.

And the Cicada Lord's attack has already struck.

In a flash of thought.

Lin Bai thought of any trump card.

The only one that still works.

It's just a desperate move.

【put all one's eggs in one basket】

[Destiny is like a coin tossed in your hand. You never know whether it will land heads or tails. 】

[When you are desperate, when you are confused ahead. 】

[It is better to leave yourself to fate and make a desperate move. 】

[Inject appropriate spiritual energy, select a target, and throw this scale]

[The outside (raw side) faces up, you live and the target dies. 】

[With the inner side (dead side) facing up, you die and the target lives. 】

[Remarks: 1. When selecting a target below the upgrade level: the probability of the outside facing upward is 80%, and the probability of the inside facing upward is 20%. 2. When selecting an upgrade target, the probability of the outside facing up is 5%. 3. When selecting an immortal-level target, the probability that the outside will face up is five thousandths. 4. This scale cannot select creation-level targets. 】

This great relic.

Lin Bai has been in Kunlun Realm until now.

Continuously collect destiny points.

Already facing the target under the Tribulation Law.

The success rate of enemy death has been increased to 80%.

That is to say.

If Lin Bai throws this scale now.

The probability of Cicada Master's phantom being eliminated is 80%.

The probability of his death is twenty percent.

so far.

Lin Bai has experienced so much.

Traveled to so many worlds.

But there is no enemy yet.

Lin Bai was forced to the point where he is now at the end of his rope!

Now he is seriously injured and his magic power is exhausted in a short period of time.

Totally impossible to recover from.

Just a lamb ready to be slaughtered.

Fish meat on the chopping board.


"Fight it once."

"I can't die!"

"If I die, perhaps with the help of beings above the galaxy, the Lord of Dragons and Snakes will be reincarnated in other forms!"

"But at that time, was I still me?"

"Are the memories of this life that belong to me, Lin Bai, still there?"

Countless figures quickly flashed through Lin Bai's mind.

It's like a revolving door before death.

The self of an ordinary office worker.

Lin Ruoxue, Xiao Qing, Lao Tang, Lao Ba, Mo Wei, Yuan Chenzi...

Along the way.

Those figures kept flashing and withering like flowers.

"Today, it's not me who dies!"

"It's you who will die!"

Lin Bai had a thought!

The Cicada Lord's terrifying big hand attack is already close at hand.

And he is now far away from the ancient world.

It's already close at hand!

The shadow of the cicada master's mark.

Although it is constantly getting weaker and dissipating.

But look at the posture.

If you don't destroy the opponent here.

The opponent may chase into the ancient world and kill him.


Lin Baigang was about to make a desperate move!

Right now!

A huge aura soared into the sky from the ancient world below!

Coming with a bang!

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