Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 137 Song Yuyan’s Care

"By the way, Zichen, how are you hiding your biological level and body tempering progress? How come the dean can't see through it at all, not even Principal Yuan?"

Song Yuyan walked to Lin Zichen and sat down, holding one hand on her chest and holding her cheek with the other. She looked at him with watery eyes and said in a voice full of doubts.

After listening to this question, Lin Zichen realized belatedly that Song Yuyan, a tall mixed-race beauty, really had no sense of boundaries.

Is this kind of secret about trump cards allowed to be freely asked to others?

This kind of trump card often has to be hidden even from family members and friends. How could it be possible to tell you to an outsider?

After complaining a few words in his mind, Lin Zichen smiled politely and said, "I'm sorry, Sister Yan, this may not be convenient to say."

"Brother Zichen, don't be so stingy. Just tell Sister Yan, okay?"

Song Yuyan blinked her beautiful light blue eyes and said with a hint of pleading in her tone: "I'm just too curious. In exchange, I'll tell you a secret. You can hear whatever secret you want."

She is really curious and has a strong thirst for knowledge.

If Lin Zichen didn't tell her the answer, she would feel uncomfortable and itchy all over.

"Sister Yan, this is really inconvenient."

Lin Zichen's tone was much more serious this time, and he clearly rejected Song Yuyan to prevent her from continuing to ask.

Seeing Lin Zichen's serious tone, Song Yuyan knew that she couldn't ask the question, so she had to give up.

But Naihe was really curious and uncomfortable.

So, she stepped back and asked: "Then let's change the question. You said that your current biological level is ordinary ninth level, and your body tempering progress is a body tempering master. You shouldn't be hiding your strength, right?"

"No more hiding. The blood quenching technique quenches the body once. The biological level is ordinary ninth level. This is all my strength now."

Lin Zichen said calmly, satisfying Song Yuyan's curiosity.

Song Yuyan, whose curiosity was satisfied, immediately felt no longer itchy.

She looked at Lin Zichen, smiled and said: "In return, I can now answer you a secret, as private as you want, you can ask whatever you want."

Lin Zichen thought for a while and felt that there was nothing to ask, so he said calmly: "Keep it for now, I will ask you if I have anything to ask later."

"Okay, then I'll make a note on your WeChat. If you forget it in the future, I can remind you."

As Song Yuyan spoke, she took out her phone, opened WeChat, clicked on Lin Zichen's profile picture, and wrote down in the notes column that she still owed him a secret.

She doesn't like to owe others anything, and she will pay it back if she can.

After finishing the notes for a moment.

Song Yuyan looked up at Lin Zichen and asked, "By the way, your biological level is an ordinary ninth level, and I am also an ordinary ninth level. Do we want to compete?"

"You can have this."

Lin Zichen agreed without even thinking about it.

Comparing with opponents of the same level will help you clearly understand your own strength, and at the same time improve your actual combat skills. There is no reason not to agree.

Soon, the two found a relatively open place to discuss.

Before starting, Song Yuyan reminded: "My body quenching progress is the second skin quenching, the second meat quenching, and the second bone quenching is one-fifth complete. My body strength is much stronger than yours. You can use it to your heart's content later. Attack me with all your strength, don't be afraid of hurting me."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zichen just said that, and when the sparring begins, he will definitely not use his full strength.

If it only compares with the biological level and body tempering progress, then his physical strength is indeed not as high as Song Yuyan's.

However, he also has various powerful biological attribute blessings.

There are [Natural Selection] and [Social Animals] that increase damage.

There is [Danger Perception] that enhances perception.

There are also [Eye in the Sky] that enhances dynamic capture vision and so on.

With the blessing of so many biological attributes, her overall strength is definitely stronger than Song Yuyan.

If she really wants to attack with all her strength, Song Yuyan will most likely not be able to handle it.

After all, the physical strength of the secondary body tempering is equivalent to that of an ordinary high-level first-order powerhouse.

As for the first-level powerhouse, the Catwoman from last Saturday night was.

That night, Catwoman completely activated all the Shadow Night Cat genes in her body, temporarily breaking through her biological level to the advanced level.

But even so, he was still killed by Lin Zichen without any injury in the end.

Although there was an element of sneak attack, the solo kill was indeed a solo kill.

The damage caused when attacking Catwoman is all real.

In comparison, Song Yuyan, whose body tempering progress has only reached the second bone tempering stage, cannot be Lin Zichen's opponent at all.

"Are you ready?"

Seeing Lin Zichen standing still, Song Yuyan asked aloud.

Lin Zichen nodded: "Ready."

"Okay, let's start now. Come on, you attack me first, and I'll be responsible for defense. Let me see how powerful your attack is."

Song Yuyan said to Lin Zichen in the tone of a mentor.

Lin Zichen didn't waste any time, he just stepped forward, rushed in front of Song Yuyan and kicked her in the stomach.

Instead of using all his strength, he only used 50% of his strength to test Song Yuyan's defense first.


Just listen to this sound.

Lin Zichen's foot kicked Song Yuyan hard on the lower abdomen, causing her to take a few steps back.

What a powerful force!

Song Yuyan was shocked and felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, but she tried to hold it back and pretended to be fine.

This guy is ridiculously strong.

It's obviously just a perfect body tempering, but it can hurt my lower abdomen, which has been tempered twice.

Based on his compatibility with the Blood Tempering Technique, I'm afraid he will be able to surpass me in a short time.


I have to take advantage of the fact that he is weaker than me now, and quickly show off in front of him!

Otherwise, if you want to pretend in the future, you won’t have the chance to pretend.

Thinking about it, Song Yuyan immediately assumed the posture of a mentor, shook her head at Lin Zichen and said: "Zichen, I am very dissatisfied with the kick you just made."

"If there is a chance to take action, you must attack to maximize the damage. You must pursue a serious blow to the enemy and do not waste any opportunity to take action."

"I just gave you a chance to strike first. You shouldn't kick me in the abdomen, but aim at my vitals."

"Did you see my eyes?"

"Fuck me hard!"

"Did you see my crotch?"

"Kick it hard!"

"Did you see my throat?"

"Just chop it down with a hand knife!"

"Focusing on these vital parts is the most correct way to attack!"

After saying the above, Song Yuyan looked into Lin Zichen's eyes seriously and asked: "Fighting only involves life and death, not martial ethics. Do you understand?"

"I see."

Lin Zichen nodded.

He agreed with Song Yuyan's words and felt that fighting should only be about life and death, regardless of martial ethics.

If you can make a sneak attack, make a sneak attack.

Attack the vital points if you can.

Whoever talks about martial ethics will suffer.

And in battle, the outcome of suffering a loss is most likely death.

Song Yuyan was very satisfied with Lin Zichen's answer. She smiled and said to him in a loud voice: "Very good! Then, we will officially start fighting. I hope you can last 5 minutes in my hands."

The moment she finished speaking, she dodged and rushed towards Lin Zichen.

As for standing still and letting Lin Zichen make the first move, forget it.

I was kicked by him just now, and it almost hurts to death.

the other side.

Facing Song Yuyan who was rushing towards her at extremely fast speed, Lin Zichen did not dodge.

Instead, he rushed towards her and had a fierce physical collision with her.




Soon, the two began to fight fiercely, hands against each other, feet against feet, and bursts of crisp body collision sounds were heard, which was painful to hear.

However, it was only Song Yuyan who was in pain, so much that her face was deformed, and she wore facial expressions for almost the whole process.

Lin Zichen felt fine and didn't feel much pain, but in order to save Song Yuyan's face, he pretended to be in pain and grimaced in pain.

The only special feeling is that Song Yuyan's body looks very slender, but the muscles on her body are surprisingly strong. They look like a small piece, but they can explode with great power.

Shen Qinghan and Shen Qinghan are two extremes.

The muscles on Shen Qinghan's body were soft and felt like water when rubbed, and they felt particularly comfortable.




The fight lasted for more than a minute.

The two fought back and forth, with no distinction between superior and inferior.

Regarding such a result, Song Yuyan was immediately dumbfounded and doubtful about life.

what's the situation? !

Why is he so strong? !

I've obviously given all my strength, so why do I still keep going back and forth with him? !

In a normal script, shouldn't it be that I crush him easily? !

I'm not going to lose, am I?

Thinking of this, Song Yuyan felt uncomfortable.

Just now, he pretended to be a good teacher in front of Lin Zichen. If he lost to Lin Zichen in the end, where would he put his face?

Fortunately, Lin Zichen is very understanding of people and the world.

When the battle lasted until the third minute, Song Yuyan deliberately failed to dodge and was kicked out of the fighting venue. It was a pity that she lost the duel.

"Zi Chen, you really have a promising future."

Song Yuyan looked at Lin Zichen and spoke highly of him: "I have obviously practiced ten more years than you, but with 80% of my strength, I can only fight you back and forth."

"It wasn't until I had to use 90% of my strength that I barely won this duel."

"With your talent, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent in just one year."

Song Yuyan continued: "So, in the next year, while I am still stronger than you, I will be your sparring partner and do my best to improve your fighting skills."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, then I'll trouble Sister Yan from now on."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's not troublesome at all."

Song Yuyan waved her hand, and then said: "Sister Yan, I have been stuck at the ordinary ninth level for many years, and I am almost depressed. It was not until you joined that I finally saw the hope of evolving to an advanced creature. Strictly Come on, I'm asking you to lead me forward."

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "That is to trouble each other and help each other."

"Yes, trouble each other and help each other."

When saying this, Song Yuyan showed a sincere smile on her face.

The ten years she had spent in Tianren Pavilion had been too hard for her.

He was originally ranked second in Kyoto with a promising future, but because he joined the Celestial Pavilion and became a pure-blood human, he was stuck at the ordinary ninth level. Then he was used as negative teaching material every day, saying that he was incompetent to everyone.

For these ridicules, I usually look indifferent on the surface.

But actually, I felt very uncomfortable.

After all, no matter how you say it, she is also the second best person in the college entrance examination, and no one who can be the second best person in the college entrance examination is not proud.

Because people who are not proud and competitive have no motivation to become the second best in the college entrance examination.

However, none of this matters now.

Because she knew that now that Lin Zichen had joined the Tianren Pavilion, she, who was lost in the crowd, would definitely be able to follow Lin Zichen to heaven in the future and move towards a bright future under his leadership.

In return for being led away by Lin Zichen, she could only do her best to bring as much benefit to Lin Zichen as possible along the way of evolution.

And being Lin Zichen's sparring partner was one of the benefits she could give Lin Zichen.

Thinking of this, she looked at Lin Zichen and said:

"Zi Chen, come on, let's continue!"


Lin Zichen responded and soon began to discuss with Song Yuyan.

[You are fighting with someone, blood +1, combat skills +1, combat awareness +1...]

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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