Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 139 Shen Qinghan! Gene fusion!

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Zichen left the research institute, went to the living area to buy food and returned to the dormitory to cook.

Thinking that after Shen Qinghan gets out of school in the morning, he can eat as soon as he returns to the dormitory.

It took some time to finish shopping.

Lin Zichen quickly returned to the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Qinghan came back from get out of class not long after.

The two of them went to the kitchen to cook together, took a cool cold shower together after eating, and then went to the room to take a nap. Life was very happy.

"Xiao Chen, my master found me this morning and told me that he wanted me to undergo gene fusion in advance. The fusion was with the blue jellyfish gene. He said that the blue jellyfish gene is very suitable for me in the early stage."

On the bed, Shen Qinghan huddled in Lin Zichen's arms with his back turned, and told him about this matter.

Blue jellyfish?

Lin Zichen knew about this strange beast and had read about it in books when he was a child.

It is a low-level alien beast. The biological level of an adult individual is on average at the seventh level.

The powerful jellyfish king's biological level can break the shackles of ordinary levels and evolve to advanced levels.

Blue jellyfish usually live in the 10,000-meter-deep sea. Their numbers are extremely rare, even rarer than the giant pandas in their previous lives.

The characteristic is that its mental power far exceeds that of creatures of the same level.

The ability is to use mental power to manipulate water at will.

Manipulating water can be done by creatures with high spiritual power.

But the blue jellyfish is different. When its biological level is at the ordinary stage, it can control dozens of cubic meters of seawater with only a weak mental power.

To sum up, it is better at playing with water than other creatures.

After thinking about the information about the blue jellyfish.

Lin Zichen said to Shen Qinghan in his arms: "It's very good. I think Blue Jellyfish is very suitable for you. Just do what your master said."

Shen Qinghan turned around and faced him, her voice sounded a little uneasy as she said, "I also think it's suitable, but the master came up and told me to fuse the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King, which are the genes of advanced creatures. My body is so weak. , What should I do if I can’t bear the alienation?”

Is it the gene of the Blue Jellyfish King that is fused?

Lin Zichen opened his eyes, feeling very surprised by this.

If blue jellyfish is rare, then blue jellyfish king is rare!

It takes ten thousand blue jellyfish to give birth to a blue jellyfish king!

Yuan Dongzhi is worthy of being the noble daughter of the Yuan family. Even if her family is rich, she will give away the blue jellyfish king gene casually. She is really willing to give up to her disciples.

I also want to have such a generous and cheap master...

Lin Zichen felt envious in his heart, and then comforted Shen Qinghan: "Don't worry, jellyfish-like alien beasts are naturally highly compatible with the human body, and your gene fusion fitness is as high as 21%, integrating a high-level alien gene It’s more than enough and it will definitely not be alienated.”

"Will there be any side effects?" Shen Qinghan still felt uneasy.

Humans always feel uneasy when facing unknown things or doing something for the first time. This is a natural biological protection mechanism.

The opposite mechanism is curiosity.

Shen Qinghan was timid, and his uneasiness directly overshadowed his curiosity, and he felt very uneasy.

Lin Zichen smiled: "There will definitely be side effects, but they are all well-known side effects. For example, there is a high probability of losing fertility, and the appearance will show some characteristics of alien animals, etc."

"These side effects are not considered side effects now."

"As for the loss of fertility, you have already taken out the normal eggs and stored them. If you want to have children in the future, you can just take out the eggs and use them."

"As for the appearance of some alien beast characteristics, this can be hidden, as long as the alien gene in the body goes dormant."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "Moreover, many of the characteristics of strange animals in appearance can add points to their appearance, such as the cat-eared girl and the fox-tailed girl. You have seen them all, and they are very popular." welcome."

"It seems so."

Shen Qinghan said with sparkling peach blossom eyes.

After hearing what Lin Zichen said, she was no longer so uneasy.

Even, I feel a little bit looking forward to it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of alien features I will have in appearance next month after incorporating the Blue Jellyfish King gene, and whether I will become more beautiful.

"Also, genetic technology is now very mature. Not only can it be fused, but it can also be separated. If there are any adverse reactions after fusion, just peel it off later."

Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice while rubbing Shen Qinghan's hand.

To say it is peeling off is actually not quite accurate.

To be precise, it should be suppression.

There is a special virus that is harmless to humans, but extremely aggressive to alien genes.

This virus reagent can be injected to inhibit the expression of alien genes in the body.

After that, over a long period of time measured in years, the alien genes in the body will be slowly eroded until all of them are eliminated.

Many biochemical weapons against alien beasts are processed from this special virus.

"You said it's easy. It's painful to peel off. I hope it can be perfectly integrated."

After saying this, Shen Qinghan sat up from the bed, picked up his phone, opened a video, put it in front of Lin Zichen and said, "Xiaochen, take a look at this video."

Lin Zichen sat up and looked at the screen of his mobile phone, and what he saw was an underwater scene.

From a shooting point of view, it was not taken by a submarine, but by an individual diving into the seabed.

"It turned out to be a diving video. I thought you were going to show me the anime learning video from Sakurami Kingdom."

Lin Zichen teased Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan rolled her eyes at him: "Look at you, you talk about me as a little filthy girl every day. In fact, you are the filthiest one. I can show you the video and you will think of that."

"Don't put the cart before the horse, Shen Ruihan. It's just because you are so dirty that I subconsciously think of you in that way."

"Oh, you are so annoying!"

Shen Qinghan reached out and hit Lin Zichen, and said angrily: "Stop talking about this, watch the video, a blue jellyfish will appear soon."

Lin Zichen stopped teasing her and focused his attention on the phone screen.

A few seconds later, as the camera turned, several strange dark blue jellyfish appeared on the screen of the phone.

Looking from a distance, it looks like dark blue flames floating in the water, which is a beautiful painting.

These jellyfish are huge, at least three meters long according to visual inspection.

It is an adult blue jellyfish.

The blue jellyfish's habitat is the 10,000-meter-deep sea. The fact that it can grow to such a huge size on the seabed with such high water pressure shows how strong the blue jellyfish's physical body is.

"Isn't the blue jellyfish beautiful?"

Shen Qinghan turned her head and looked at Lin Zichen. The hair on her forehead fell a little, which was particularly pure and charming.

Lin Zichen stretched out his hand to lift the hair that had fallen down from her forehead. Looking at her charming face, he couldn't help but praise: "She is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you."

Shen Qinghan felt happy when she heard that. She smiled and said, "It's quite sweet."

Lin Zichen put his arms around her waist and asked with a smile, "Would you like to try it?"

"Then take a taste."

Shen Qinghan leaned her face forward, dabbed some water on Lin Zichen's mouth, then licked her own lips, and said with a smile in her clear eyes: "Xiaochen's mouth is so sweet."

After saying that, she blinked her big watery eyes and asked, "By the way, can you guess who took this video?"

Lin Zichen: "Your master?"

"You guessed it right!"

Shen Qinghan silently snapped his fingers, and then said with an incredulous look on his face: "Master, she didn't bring any equipment, and she just dived into the ten thousand-meter deep sea with her body. How strong is her body to do it?"

Lin Zichen: "At least rare level."

Shen Qinghan looked forward to it: "The rare level is really high. I don't know if I can evolve to the rare level in the future."

Lin Zichen: "Definitely. Your gene fusion fitness level is as high as 21%. Not to mention rare level, even epic level is no problem."

Shen Qinghan disagreed: "It can't be that simple. High gene fusion fitness does not necessarily mean it will be powerful. It also depends on various physical constitutions and evolutionary resources."

"Your physique is already incredible. You are born with excellent water properties. In the future, if you fuse your water-attribute genes, you will definitely become a big boss, even more powerful than your master."

Lin Zichen stretched out his finger and poked her tender face, and said with a smile: "As for evolutionary resources...you don't have to worry about this. From now on, I will be your sponsor father, and I will give you whatever resources you want."

Shen Qinghan snorted: "Come on, please pay me back to the sponsor's father. You just want to be my father. Don't think that I don't know what you boys are thinking, so you know how to take advantage of me!"

"It's pure slander."

"I don't believe it. You must want to hear me call you daddy."

"Okay, okay, I think it's okay."

"Humph, I knew it!"

Shen Qinghan showed a victorious expression.

Lin Zichen turned down the air conditioner by 2 degrees, picked up the quilt to cover himself and Shen Qing, and urged: "Go to bed quickly, it's almost 1 o'clock. If you don't sleep, you will be sleepy again in class in the afternoon."

"Oh, go to bed now."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, she obediently lay down with Lin Zichen, silently moved her body over, and slept next to Lin Zichen.

Then, while Lin Zichen wasn't paying attention, he leaned into his ear and whispered: "Dad~"


Hearing Shen Qinghan's soft voice shout this, Lin Zichen's whole body trembled.

This little dirty girl is so sexy!

It's so tempting to commit a crime!

Lin Zichen couldn't stand it anymore. He turned to look at Shen Qinghan and warned her: "Shen Qinghan, if you tease me like this again, you won't be able to sleep now."

"No teasing, go to sleep."

After teasing Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan closed his eyes and went to sleep with a satisfied look on his face.

Lin Zichen didn't sleep and chose to lie on his side and read the news on his mobile phone.

His physical body is much stronger than Shen Qinghan's, and he is not so dependent on sleep and does not need a nap.

Brush up on some news.

Soon, Lin Zichen was attracted by a strange piece of news.

[Recently, mysterious and unknown plants have been discovered in many places in Shanhai City. They are of various types and strange shapes. A large number of botanists have rushed to study after hearing the news. Since they are not sure whether these plants are harmful, the general public should not approach them out of curiosity to avoid unnecessary accidents. casualties]

Attached to the bottom of the news are several photos of plants.

After taking a look, they were all vines.

However, none are currently known species.

The vines in the photo have weird shapes and extremely developed roots. They look like weird plants from a fantasy world.

Lin Zichen looked at it carefully for a moment and felt that the plants in the photo looked familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, I found that it was very similar to the plant seen in the photo that Shen Qinghan showed before.

It was the photo that Yuan Dongzhi sent to Shen Qinghan on WeChat.

Strictly speaking, it's not a photo, but a hand-drawn portrait.

Drawn above is Shen Qinghan's senior sister, a white-haired girl who seems to be Bai Xue.

But the white-haired girl is not the focus. The focus is the background of the portrait, which is full of weird plants that look like alien species.

There is grass with black leaves and branches.

There are trees with trunks covered with veins.

There are also weird and charming flowers with mouths.

Although the mysterious and unknown plants mentioned in the news look different from the weird plants in the pictures, they are very similar in terms of their weird characteristics and degree of weirdness.

It looks like plants growing in the same environment.

As for the portrait of Senior Sister Shen Qinghan, the background is the place of origin.

So...these plants in the news are plants from the source area?

Why do plants from the source land appear on the earth inexplicably?

Is it a divine religion?

Lin Zichen suddenly thought of this pagan religion.

This paganism was something he had seen on the mission system before.

The two words "神 Plant" in Shen Zhi Religion are related to plants at first glance.

As for paganism, all are inseparable from the place of origin.

Combining the two, it is difficult not to connect these mysterious and unknown plants that appear in Shanhai City with the pagan religion of Shenzhi.

After the Rat God Cult was destroyed, another God Plant Cult came.

There are so many rapes...

Lin Zichen shook his head, then quit the news and sent a message to his parents and future father-in-law.

Tell them that the mysterious and unknown plants that have appeared in the city recently may be related to paganism. If they see it, they should stay away immediately and never get close.

Also, urge them to move to Shanhai University and settle down as soon as possible.

At this time, Shen Qinghan turned over and faced Lin Zichen and said:

"Xiaochen, I can't sleep."

"What's wrong?"

Lin Zichen put down his phone and expressed concern.

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and said, "I just kept thinking about my gene fusion in advance. I kept thinking about it and couldn't sleep at all."

"This is normal. If you can't sleep, then don't sleep and play with your phone."

Lin Zichen gave such a useful suggestion.

Shen Qinghan said in a soft voice, "Then I want to play with your phone."

Playing with my phone?

Lin Zichen felt confused when he heard such a strange request.

But soon, he reacted and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly: "You little dirty girl, you want to watch the two-dimensional learning video again, right?"

"Oh, don't ask so many questions. Just give me your phone. I'm going to play with your phone."

"Take it, take it, let's play with it."

Lin Zichen handed over the phone helplessly.

Shen Qinghan took his phone, then handed him his own phone and said politely: "I won't let you suffer, so just play with my phone."

Lin Zichen didn't say anything. He reached out to take the phone she handed over and silently refreshed the news.

Before the first news was finished, a clearly audible sound of learning videos came from next door.

It was the male and female protagonists in the video who were yelling, which was a bit noisy.

Lin Zichen was convinced, looked at Shen Qinghan speechlessly and complained: "Shen Qinghan, when you watch the two-dimensional learning video, it is recommended to wear headphones."

"Oh, I forgot to wear it."

Shen Qinghan quickly found headphones and put them on.

In this way, one person was silently browsing the news on his mobile phone, and the other was wearing headphones to watch Sakurakai's anime learning videos to broaden his horizons, and the room became very quiet.

When the time comes to 1:30.

Shen Qinghan watched a learning video and learned a lot of new knowledge from it.

She took off her earphones and returned the phone to Lin Zichen who was standing aside. She smiled slightly and said, "In return for lending me my phone, I'll give you a massage while there's still half an hour left."

"Okay, very sensible."

Lin Zichen gave Shen Qinghan a thumbs up, and then quickly lay down on the bed, ready to enjoy her increasingly superb massage techniques.

Shen Qinghan did not give him a massage immediately, but got out of bed and found two pairs of stockings, one black and one white.

Then he took the stockings, returned to the bed and sat next to him and asked: "I won't use my hands this time. I'll give you something innovative. I'll put on the stockings and press you with my feet. Do you want to experience it?"

"You can have this."

Lin Zichen said without thinking.

Shen Qinghan held a white stocking in her left hand and a black stocking in her right hand. They placed them in front of Lin Zichen and asked: "Black stockings or white stockings, which one do you want me to wear?"

Lin Zichen: "Anyone is fine, I like them all."

"That's good, I'll wear black stockings on one side and white stockings on the other, so I have them all."

Shen Qinghan said with a very innovative spirit.

One leg black and one white?

Lin Zichen thought it looked weird like this.

However, I really want to try it.

So he agreed: "Okay, let's make one black and one white."

"Okay, that's a happy decision."

After saying that, Shen Qinghan started to put on stockings, first putting on white stockings on the left side, and then black stockings on the right side.

After putting it on, she began to massage Lin Zichen skillfully with her feet, letting him enjoy it.

After pressing it for a while, she felt so quiet without talking, so she pressed it and said, "Huh, little Zichen, how dare you raise your head when you meet me, Mr. Black and White Wuchang, and watch me take away your soul, Let you lower your head!"

Lin Zichen was amused by her.

This little filthy girl is submissive outside and lively and playful at home, quite a contrast.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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