Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 155 Confrontation with the Student Union

11:55 am.

School of Evolution, Teaching Building No. 3.

Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, Li Chuxin, and the client were all guarding the first floor of the teaching building, waiting for the target person to appear after class.

5 minutes later.

The bell rang on time.

The originally quiet teaching building suddenly became noisy.

The students all came out of the classroom, crowded the corridor in twos and threes, and walked downstairs talking and laughing.

In order to rush for time, many students chose to take shortcuts and jumped down from the stairs, hitting the ground with a loud "dong".

Then, he got up and left like a normal person.

"Isn't that Lin Zichen?"

"This is the teaching area for sophomores. What is he doing here?"

"He keeps staring at everyone passing by. Is he here to fight?"

"We are close to each other. He is probably really looking for someone. I don't know which unlucky guy was targeted by him."

"I thought he was having sex in the gym that day, but I didn't expect it to be serious."

"There's something good to watch."

Many people noticed Lin Zichen's figure and started talking about it.

Lin Zichen ignored these voices and stood quietly.

Nor spoke.

Just wait for the target person to come down.

However, after waiting for a long time, the target person did not appear.

"It's strange, why didn't I see Huang Jiamin? Could it be that she took leave today?"

The client muttered with a confused look on his face.

Lin Zichen said calmly: "She didn't ask for leave, she just stayed in the classroom and didn't come out."

"how do you know?"

The client was very curious.

Lin Zichen explained casually: "Intuition."


Not intuition, but perception.

The biological attribute of danger perception has greatly improved his perception ability, and he can sense various existences from a distance of a hundred meters.

"Lin Zichen, don't wait, Huang Jiamin won't come down."

"She knows you are blocking her, and now she is so scared that she cannot come out of the classroom. She is calling her brother for help."

"I suggest you go straight up to her."

A young man who was waiting to watch the show shouted loudly to Lin Zichen.

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl in the crowd immediately frowned and accused him: "Yan Liang, what are you doing? How can you turn your arms outward!"

"Abduct your mother! That bitch gave me nine cuckolds. Now I want her to die! If you keep nagging, I will kick you when I get over!"

The young man yelled at the girl.

He is Huang Jiamin's classmate and ex-boyfriend.

During last summer vacation, in less than a week, he was cuckolded nine times by Huang Jiamin, and now he wishes Huang Jiamin was dead.

Nine cuckolds?

Shen Qinghan was completely shocked, thinking that this young man was so miserable that she was embarrassed to persuade him to be strong.

Li Chuxin on the side even exclaimed: "Oh my god, that woman is so slutty. She actually gave her boyfriend nine cuckolds so many times. It's too exaggerated!"

The client had a worried look on his face: "Huang Jiamin's brother is extremely powerful, with a biological level as high as the seventh level, and I heard that he is quite popular among the student union. I think it's better to forget about today's commission and not do it. ”

After saying that, she added: "I breached the contract unilaterally, so I don't need to refund those 11 points."

"Hu Yingli, don't be a coward!"

Li Chuxin advised the client: "Zi Chen is much stronger than you think. When we were in the gymnasium the day before yesterday, he defeated the disciplinary inspector Jin Heyu in seconds, and Huang Jiamin's brother was just as strong as Jin Heyu. No matter what level you are, just seconds!”

The client said worriedly: "It's not that I don't believe in Brother Chen's strength, but Huang Jiamin's brother is really popular and has friends everywhere. I'm afraid that when the time comes that he will have more people on his side, Brother Chen will suffer."

Yesterday, she was bullied by Huang Jiamin. She was angry and lost her mind, so she thought of entrusting Lin Zichen to beat him up.

Now that I have calmed down, I think this was too impulsive.

Huang Jiamin's brother is not an ordinary person. You really can't offend him, otherwise it will be even more difficult at school in the future.

"Will I suffer a loss?"

Lin Zichen smiled and said to the client calmly: "Don't worry, no matter how many ants there are, they can't bite the elephant."

"Since I dare to accept your commission, I am confident that I can help you solve it."

"Let's go upstairs to find Huang Jiamin."

After saying this last sentence, Lin Zichen jumped directly onto the floor where Huang Jiamin was.

Not high, only the third floor.

Including the wall in the corridor on the third floor, the height is just over 9 meters.

Any ordinary seventh-level strong man can easily jump up.

However, when the person who does this is a freshman, it seems unusual, even shocking.

At this moment, many people at the scene were shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Holy shit, I just jumped on the spot and jumped to the third floor. Is this really a new student?"

"His physical talent is the most awesome I have ever seen!"

"Oh my god, this new king is too perverted. I'm already a sophomore, and I'm a gene fusion person who has fused the genes of several alien beasts. I can't even jump up to the third floor."

"It's so strong, I feel like I'm a disabled person in front of him."

Many people were shocked by Lin Zichen, with doubts about life on their faces.

Almost every student who can get into Shanhai University was one of the top academics in the school when they were in high school, and they are admired by others.

However, even such a top student was eclipsed in front of Lin Zichen at this moment. He was so ordinary that he was even worse than the stones on the roadside.

It’s really about comparing people to death.

The more you compare, the more you lose the motivation to work hard.

Just when everyone at the scene was doubting their lives.

In a classroom on the third floor, there was suddenly a burst of excited shouting from girls.

"My brother is a member of the external liaison department of the student union and has good friends everywhere. You'd better think twice before doing anything to me and don't dig your own grave!"

"Don't come over, don't come over!"

"I'm begging you, don't hit me. Even if you want to, don't hit me in the face!"

It was Huang Jiamin who was shouting.

The shouting was as miserable as killing a pig.

Lin Zichen's perverted behavior of making girls' faces swollen has spread in the school, and many people know that he has such a special hobby.

Huang Jiamin was afraid that Lin Zichen would swell her face into a pig's head, or even break her face and disfigure her face.

"I heard that the new king especially likes to hit girls in the face, and he hits girls hard. I'm afraid Huang Jiamin won't be able to see anyone for several months."

"Bitch, it's better to die! It's better to be beaten to permanent disfigurement!"

"Let's go upstairs and watch the fun!"

After a burst of noise, many onlookers rushed to the third floor, eager to see Lin Zichen beat Huang Jiamin.

However, before they could rush into the stairs, a figure flew out from the third floor.

It's not quite accurate to say it flew out.

To be more precise, it should have been thrown out.

It was Huang Jiamin who was thrown out, and his whole body hit a green belt downstairs accurately.

Buffered by the plants above, she was lucky to be safe and sound.

The next second, Lin Zichen appeared in the corridor on the third floor. Under the gaze of everyone, he jumped to the ground with a slight jump, landing almost silently.

"It's almost 10 meters high, and you didn't make any sound when you jumped down. How much power does it take to control this?"

A boy in the crowd said with a look of disbelief.

When the others heard this, they realized the awesomeness of Lin Zichen's jump belatedly, and their faces were all filled with shock.

Lin Zichen ignored the shock of the melon-eaters.

He calmly looked at Shen Qinghan who had not yet had time to go upstairs, and said in an unhurried voice:

"Hanhan, it's up to you to challenge Huang Jiamin. You can control the strength of your attack."

During the time he was upstairs just now, he did not take action against Huang Jiamin.

He just threw Huang Jiamin from the upstairs and publicly executed her in front of many onlookers.

Shen Qinghan will be the executioner.

"okay, I get it."

Shen Qinghan responded, and immediately took out his mobile phone from his small bag, opened the school app, and challenged Huang Jiamin as Lin Zichen said.

She is a pink freshman girl.

There is no top ranking or freshmen ranking. She can unconditionally challenge any senior who is higher than her.

Moreover, the challenge can be established without the consent of the other party.

After the challenge is established.

Shen Qinghan didn't say anything nonsense, raised his legs and walked straight towards Huang Jiamin.

"Stop, stop it!"

"You can't hit me!"

"If I lose a hair, my brother will never let you go!"

Huang Jiamin had just climbed up from the green belt. When she saw Shen Qinghan walking quickly toward her, she was so frightened that she turned pale and shouted at Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan ignored her and walked faster and faster, approaching her.

Just when she was less than ten meters away from the other party.

Suddenly, a shout came from behind:

"Who dares to hit my sister!"

This sound was extremely loud, filled with a large amount of energy and blood, and made many people at the scene have their ears buzzing.

Shen Qinghan stopped and turned around to follow the sound.

Then, what caught her eyes were three strong young men.

The young man with a flat head who was the leader was Huang Jiamin's brother, Huang Jiarui, a strong man with a biological level as high as the seventh level.

The two young men traveling with him were colleagues from his Student Union Liaison Department, and they were both strong men with biological levels as high as the seventh level.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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