Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 161 Meeting Zhang Kai Again

On the way to the dormitory.

The young man in military uniform introduced the buildings along the way to several people while walking.

Lin Zichen listened and looked around himself.

Most of the time, my eyes are on the sky.

Because from time to time, a mechanical transformation person would fly past the sky at high speed, leaving a long trail of mist behind him.

That is the high-pressure exhaust gas ejected by the anti-airflow power device, which solidifies into water mist in the air.

"From the time I came in until now, everything I've seen is basically related to mechanical transformation, so... the main combat force of the military region is mechanical transformation?"

Lin Zichen thought so in his heart.

But he soon dismissed the idea.

He remembered that Yuan Dongzhi once said that the Nanjiang Province Military Region Headquarters was responsible for suppressing Source No. 36.

This place of origin is very special, and all electronic products will fail inside.

There are even many chemical reactions that cannot take place inside.

Such a weird environment is a forbidden place of death for the mechanically modified human beings who are equipped with various high-tech alloy equipment.

It will turn into a pile of scrap metal when you get in.

Let the creatures slaughter you.

Thinking about it this way, it's probably because all the gene fusions in the military region have gone to the source.

The mechanically modified humans who were unable to enter the source area stayed in the base to guard their homes.

Therefore, it feels like the base is full of mechanical transformation people.

About five minutes later.

A young man in military uniform led several people to a simple dormitory building and stopped, giving each person a card with a dormitory number on it.

"The card has your dormitory number on it. You can find the corresponding dormitory when you go upstairs."

"Just like hotels outside, you can open the door by swiping your card, and you can use water and electricity by inserting your card."

"Also, when you go to the canteen to eat, you also need to swipe this card."

After speaking, the young man in military uniform asked the five people: "Do you have any questions to ask?"

All five people shook their heads and said no.

The young man in military uniform nodded, pointed to a playground not far ahead and said:

"Let's all gather at the playground at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Before this, it's all free time. As long as you don't violate the rules here, you can do whatever you want."

"While you are free now, I suggest you go around and take advantage of this hard-won special training opportunity for the military region to carefully visit the environment of the military region."

"But be careful not to go near places where entry is prohibited, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

After explaining this, the young officer left in a hurry, looking very busy.

After he left, the five people quickly carried their luggage up to the dormitory building and successfully found their dormitory based on the dormitory number on the card.

The dormitory is a simple single room.

There is no washing machine, no hair dryer, no heater.

Some are just a wooden bed, a narrow bathroom that combines toilet and bathing, and a small window for drying clothes.

After briefly looking at the environment of the dormitory.

Lin Zichen opened his suitcase and took out all the daily necessities to arrange them.

Just finished decorating not long ago.

Shen Qinghan, whose dormitory is next door, walked in and complained: "Xiaochen, the bed in the dormitory is so small, it's impossible for two people to sleep on it."

Although everyone has a single dormitory, she doesn't want to live alone, she wants to live with Lin Zichen.

In the past semester of her freshman year, she slept with Lin Zichen in the same bed every night, and she was used to Lin Zichen sleeping next to her.

She suddenly felt uncomfortable having to sleep alone.

"Are you so clingy?"

Lin Zichen smiled and poked her cheek, and said in a gentle voice: "Actually, it's good to sleep in separate rooms occasionally. It helps to keep things fresh. After the special training, we go back to school and sleep together again. Then you will feel it." A long separation is better than a wedding."

"But the special training will last for a month, which is a bit too long."

"The longer it gets, the better it gets."

"Is it really that wonderful?"


"Then I'll endure it. After a month, I want to experience the beauty of a long separation than a newlywed."

There was a look of expectation on Shen Qinghan's face.

The two chatted in the dormitory for a while, and soon left the dormitory, planning to go outside.

As soon as he left the dormitory door, he met Luo Yongjian blowing the wind in the corridor.

The way this product blows dry is unique.

He was seen wearing white clothes, standing motionless on the wall of the corridor with his arms folded.

Her hair, which is longer than most girls, is blowing gently in the breeze.

Looking from a distance, it looks like an ancient hero.

What a pretentious person... Lin Zichen couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Where are you two going?"

Seeing the two people walking in pairs, Luo Yongjian couldn't help but asked curiously.

Shen Qinghan replied to him: "I didn't go anywhere, I just wanted to go outside and get familiar with the environment."

When Luo Yongjian heard this, he immediately jumped down from the wall: "I happen to have this idea too, how about I call Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei, and the five of us go out together?"

Shen Qinghan did not answer. He turned his head to look at Lin Zichen aside without any idea and chose to let him answer.

Luo Yongjian looked envious.

He also wants to have a girlfriend who is as petty as Shen Qinghan. Everything will be centered on him and revolve around him every day.

It must be great to have a girlfriend like this.

When Luo Yongjian was thinking about this.

Lin Zichen said calmly: "Okay, then we can go outside together."

"Okay, then I'll call them two out."

After saying that, Luo Yongjian walked to Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei's dormitory.

In just a moment, he called both of them out.

As soon as Ma Xiwei came out, she couldn't help but complain to a few people: "This dormitory is so bad. Living there feels like being in prison. Can't we arrange a better dormitory?"

Luo Yongjian disagreed: "We are here for special training, not for vacation. You are too pampered."

Ma Xi frowned slightly and said, "No one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

She had always disliked Luo Yongjian and thought he was just a fool who always pretended to be a hero while carrying a sword on his back.

I still don’t want to talk so much, I just don’t want to criticize you!

Luo Yongjian did not dare to say a word and chose to shut up obediently.

Because Ma Xiwei lost to Shen Qinghan in the freshman competition, she felt very aggrieved during this period. She often exploded at a moment's notice, so there was no need to provoke her.

Well, if a good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences, there is no need to be like this unruly woman...

Luo Yongjian comforted himself in his heart.

It didn't take long.

The five of them went downstairs together and started wandering outside.

Talking while walking.

Shen Qinghan chatted with Lin Zichen.

Li Moyu chatted with Luo Yongjian.

Ma Xiwei barely spoke and followed the large group silently.

"Look over there!"

"There's another mecha over there!"

"Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

Luo Yongjian saw a tall mecha in front of a tall building. He said a few words excitedly and rushed towards the mecha.

The other four people saw this and walked over.

Within a moment, several people walked to the mecha and stopped.

Like the Shanhai we saw before, the mecha in front of us is also about 10 meters tall and carries the same type of weapons.

The only difference is that the color and appearance are different.

The mecha in front of me is pure gold in color and looks more slender in appearance.

Lin Zichen raised his head and took a few glances, and saw three big characters on the chest of the mecha - Changzhou.

It turns out that the mecha is named after Changzhou City, so it makes sense that it looks more slender.

After all, Changzhou City has the word "long" in it.

"Zi Chen!"

"Xiao Shen!"

Suddenly, two loud shouts came from the right side.

Lin Zichen looked along the sound, and what he saw was a mechanical transformation man covered in alloy.

After taking a closer look, I was a little surprised to find that the other person was actually Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai is a member of his junior high school martial arts team.

When I graduated, I failed to get into high school and spent several years as a ghost boy.

Then, he broke his leg and became a volunteer of Meishen Group, cooperating with Meishen Group in various mechanical modification experiments.

As a result, he turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and he directly became a mechanical transformation person, and his life soared.

The last time Lin Zichen saw Zhang Kai was during the summer vacation of his freshman year of high school.

Two and a half years have passed since then.

Two and a half years later, Zhang Kai's appearance has changed a lot.

The biggest change is that the mechanical transformation of the body has gone further. More than half of the limbs are made of alloy, and the whole body exudes a metallic luster.

Behind Zhang Kai, there are four other mechanical transformation people like him.

They all looked to be around 20 years old, and more than half of their bodies were made of alloy.

Are these the five people sent by the Meishen Group to participate in the special training of the military region?

Zhang Kai actually has the strength to participate?

Is this the degree of adaptability to the mechanical transformation?

It's really surprising...

When Lin Zichen was thinking about this.

Zhang Kai quickly walked up to him and asked in surprise:

"Zi Chen, Xiao Shen, are you two here to participate in this military region special training on behalf of Shandong University?"


Lin Zichen nodded.

Upon hearing this exact answer, Zhang Kai's eyes widened and he felt very unbelievable.

Lin Zichen was second in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province. He had heard of it.

It is unlikely that a small provincial second place candidate would make it into the top five among the freshmen of Shandong University who are gathered as provincial champions, and represent Shandong University in participating in the special training of the military region, but it is still possible.

But what's going on with Shen Qinghan?

In my impression, she is just a pretty and cute girl who has nothing to do with being an evolutionary genius.

How come after just two and a half years of not seeing each other, he suddenly turned into a top talent in Shandong University, ranking among the top five freshmen in Shandong University this year?

Is this a genetic mutation?

Caused abnormal development?

The more Zhang Kai thought about it, the more outrageous he felt. He couldn't help but look at Shen Qinghan and asked: "Xiao Shen, why have you suddenly become so powerful?"

"I remember that you used to be so tired that you were out of breath even if you ran a few laps on the playground. Now you can actually represent Shandong University to participate in the special military training?"

"This is too outrageous!"

"Other women have changed their appearance during their eighteenth transformation, but what you have changed is their strength. Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations are not as big as yours!"

"It's really incredible!"

The more Zhang Kai said it, the more unreal it felt, and for a moment he suspected that he was dreaming.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to explain why Shen Qinghan became so powerful.

Lin Zichen explained: "Hanhan's gene fusion fitness test was very high, and she became the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province. She became very powerful after the gene fusion some time ago."

"What? The top scorer in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province?"

Zhang Kai's eyes widened even more, as big as a barbell, and he said with disbelief: "No, you're not kidding me, are you? Is this true?"

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Shen Qinghan, the person involved, said softly: "It's true."

When Zhang Kai heard this, the shock on his face became even greater, and he couldn't help but murmured: "Good guy, even Xiao Shen can become the top scorer in the college entrance examination. It is simply outrageous."

"Where are you, Zhang Kai?"

Lin Zichen asked curiously: "If I guessed correctly, you should have come to participate in the military region's special training camp on behalf of the Meishen Group. How come your strength has become so powerful?"

Zhang Kai: "I am similar to Xiao Shen. I am very adaptable to mechanical transformation. In the past few years, I have been cooperating with Jishen Group to carry out various new mechanical transformation experiments. I have been very lucky and have never had any accidents. I am not aware of my strength." It became very strong.”

Lin Zichen nodded: "That's it."

The two chatted like this for a while.

While chatting, Zhang Kai showed off the various metal equipment on his body in front of Lin Zichen.

"The transparent tube on my right arm is called an anti-airflow stamping device. It allows me to instantly burst out with extremely terrifying power and can blow up a military anti-explosion shield with one punch."

"Did you see the arc on my chest? There is an energy pump inside, which can greatly improve my athletic ability."

"And these holes under my feet allow me to run as fast as I can fly."

"I'm just telling you this verbally. It's hard for you to imagine how powerful he is. When the special training starts tomorrow, it will open your eyes."

When Zhang Kai said these words, his face was full of embarrassment.

But it's not a disgusting song, it's the kind of song you share with friends.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "Okay, I will see your strength then."

in the coming time.

Zhang Kai boasted a few more about the various high-tech alloy equipment on his body.

Then, the topic quickly shifted to the mecha in front of him, and he said to Lin Zichen with a smile:

"You may not believe it, but the mecha in front of you is a killer weapon produced by our Mecha Group."

"Not only this one, but all the mechas you see in this base are all produced by our Mecha Group."

"Our Meishen Group has cooperative relations with all military regions in the country. Isn't it incredible?"

"It's really incredible." Lin Zichen nodded.

After listening to Zhang Kai's words, he now had a deeper understanding of the Machine God Group.

In the past, he believed that Meishen Group was just a powerful private technology company and was not worth mentioning compared with the government.

But now, he realizes that the Meishen Group is not as simple as he imagined, but a behemoth that can be on par with the military region and has a very high status.

In a country where all military fields are firmly in the hands of the government, it is a bit incredible that such a private enterprise with such explosive force can be born.

"Zhang Kai, that's enough for a little chat. It's time to go to Team Chen."

A female cybernetic with short hair saw that Zhang Kai kept chatting and had no intention of ending it, so she had no choice but to remind him.

After hearing this, Zhang Kai realized that he still had things to do, so he smiled and said to Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan:

"Zi Chen, Xiao Shen, I'll leave now if I have something else to do. We'll meet at the playground tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

"Zhang Kai, bye."

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan said one after another.

Not long after, Zhang Kai left with the four mechanical transformation people.

As soon as the people from the Machine God Group left, Li Moyu immediately asked curiously: "Lin Zichen, that Cunpou who just chatted with you for a long time, is he familiar with you?"

"It's not very familiar."

Lin Zichen said calmly: "He is a teammate of my junior high school martial arts team, but sometimes we meet him on the road and chat for a few words, but we don't usually communicate with him."


Li Moyu nodded.

At this time, Luo Yongjian on the side suggested: "It's almost 12 o'clock now, and I'm a little hungry. How about we go to the canteen to eat and then go shopping?"

"I happen to be hungry too."


"Let's go."

"I don't know if the food in the canteen is delicious."

Luo Yongjian's proposal to make a meal was unanimously approved by the other four people, and they all walked to the canteen together.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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