Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 17 Junior High School Sports Meet

The older you get, the faster time flies.

A blink of an eye.

Half a year has passed.

Lin Zichen still feels that he only came to Shanhai Middle School yesterday to go through the admission procedures, and before he knew it, he was in the first semester of junior high school.

For him, life in junior high school is no different from that in elementary school and kindergarten.

My deskmate is still Shen Qinghan.

I read my own books openly and openly in class.

After returning home from school, I secretly carry out high-intensity exercise behind my parents' back.

The only difference is that after having a mobile phone, when I am bored at night, I often search for various teaching videos on the Internet to learn various new skills to arm myself.

He will learn cooking, photography, car skills, swimming, wilderness survival, and various sports, as long as he can find them online and feels useful.

After all, with the blessing of [Heavenly Wisdom Root], you can learn anything quickly, so you must make good use of it and not waste your time.

During this period, in order to be able to light up the title of "Junior High School Bully" in the first year of junior high school, Lin Zichen took the initiative to express himself in school.

In the past semester, I ranked first in the school in every exam, without exception.

In addition, I also found time to participate in various national junior high school competitions.

Among them are various competitions in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer programming and so on.

Anyone who participates will win a prize.

Whether it is gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, first prize, second prize, third prize, or precise first, second or third place, he has won them all.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could win the gold medal, first prize, and first place all.

If he just does this, he will no longer be a little genius in the city, but a super genius who will cause a sensation across the country.

By that time, all kinds of traffic will come in crazily, and the peaceful life will inevitably be broken, and it will no longer be able to evolve quietly.

This is not the life he wants.

The reason why he is so keen on expressing himself now is just to light up the title of [Junior High School Bully] as soon as possible.

Therefore, just keep yourself at the top of the school.

As for further performance, there is no need.

this day.

Lin Zichen set out from home and as soon as he arrived at school and entered the classroom, his head teacher came over and said that the school wanted him to hold a learning sharing meeting in the afternoon.

In the past semester, his performance was so amazing that both teachers and students in the school were curious about how he learned it.

The school leaders had long wanted him to hold this learning sharing meeting.

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zichen nodded, then lowered his head and continued reading.

The head teacher saw this and stopped disturbing him.

On the other hand, Shen Qinghan, who was at the same table, smiled and poked him: "Xiao Chen, you are going to be in the limelight again this afternoon, are you happy?"

"It's okay." Lin Zichen smiled.

When I first started to be in the limelight, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I felt like I was the son of destiny.

But as the frequency increased, it gradually became boring.

"Xiao Chen, you think it's okay, but your little crushes don't think so. By the afternoon, the school's lecture hall will be packed with them, and I won't even be able to sit down."

Shen Qinghan felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

Because Lin Zichen is very handsome and has excellent academic performance, he has only been studying at Shanhai Middle School for half a year and has already captured a lot of little girls.

From the first grade to the third grade, there are many girls who admire him.

In just six months, I received hundreds of love letters.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the principal to save you a seat in the front row."

Lin Zichen said to Shen Qinghan casually while reading his book.

When Shen Qinghan heard this, she felt happy.

The two didn't chat for too long, and soon went about their own business.

Lin Zichen was reading his book silently.

Shen Qinghan was studying the test papers diligently, working hard to improve his academic performance.

The courses in the top class were too over the top for her.

Not only were there many subjects, but the questions were also difficult, making it difficult for her to learn.

In order to keep up with the teaching progress in class, she could only spend more time studying, even staying in her seat to answer questions during breaks.

"Xiao Chen, I don't know how to do this question. I can't even understand the answer. Please teach me."

Shen Qinghan picked up a physics test paper and put it in front of Lin Zichen, pointing with his pen at the last multiple-choice question that examined the force analysis of an object.

Lin Zichen briefly glanced at the question, then quickly picked up a pen and paper and sat down with Shen Qinghan, shoulder to shoulder with her to teach her how to do the question.

Seeing the two of them so close together, almost all the girls in the class had expressions of envy on their faces. They were very envious that Shen Qinghan could have such a good relationship with Lin Zichen.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the learning sharing meeting in the afternoon.

Lin Zichen came to the lecture hall and found that it was exactly as Shen Qinghan said, filled with his little crushes.

But what he cared about at the moment was not these fangirls, but the ten students sitting in the front row.

He has an impression of the appearance of these ten students. He has often seen them on the school's honor list. They are the most powerful academics in the third grade of junior high school.

He was really surprised by this. He didn't expect that even top students in the third grade of junior high school would come to listen to his learning sharing session.

The top students in the third grade of junior high school have to listen to a freshman in the first grade of junior high school share their learning methods. No one will believe it.

"It seems that I am already the bully in the school in terms of studies. As long as I dominate the school in sports, I should be able to light up the title of [Junior High School Bully]."

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little excited and couldn't wait to show off his talents in the school sports meeting next month.

Soon, the learning sharing meeting began.

The ten top students sitting in the front row all raised their ears and listened carefully, for fear of missing any detail.

Shen Qinghan, who was also sitting in the front row, was also taking notes with concentration on his face.

Many girls sitting in the back seats saw that Shen Qinghan, who had mediocre grades, could sit in the front row. They were envious that she was Lin Zichen's childhood sweetheart and could receive Lin Zichen's preferential treatment.

One month later.

Shanhai Middle School ushered in the 70th School Sports Meet.

The timing is weird.

It was placed in April of the next semester instead of December of the previous semester.

Moreover, it was not held grandly and only lasted for one day.

It can be seen that Shanhai Middle School does not attach importance to the school sports meeting.

But even so, Lin Zichen was still very excited.

Because, as long as he can dominate the school sports meeting today, there is a high probability that he will be able to light up the title of [Junior High School Bully], complete the achievement of [Domination in Nine-Year Compulsory Education], and obtain the biological attribute [The weak eats the strong] .

"Students who have signed up for the competition, please go to each project office to sign in. If time exceeds the limit, you will give up by default!"

A physical education teacher who was the referee stood in the middle of the playground with a loudspeaker and shouted.

After Lin Zichen heard this, he immediately went over to sign in.

He signed up for all individual events, including the 100-meter dash, which represents speed, the high jump, which represents bounce, and the medicine ball throwing, which represents strength.

"Junior Zichen, you must win the gold medal!"

"Junior Zichen, when you run 100 meters later, I will greet you at the finish line!"

"Junior Zichen, come on!"


While Lin Zichen was waiting in line to sign in, several junior high school seniors next to him shouted to him with smiles on their faces.

Hearing the sound, he smiled politely at the seniors and responded.

When the senior students saw him smiling at them, they immediately covered their mouths and let out a burst of crazy screams.

A boy in line behind Lin Zichen felt so jealous when he saw this.

He is a third-year junior high school student and a member of the school's martial arts team. He is extremely talented in sports and often represents the school in competitions.

Originally, he didn't look down on the house games like school sports meets.

But after learning that Lin Zichen was going to participate, he specially came to sign up to snipe Lin Zichen.

Just because a girl he had a crush on turned out to be Lin Zichen's crush, which he found hard to accept.

"Haha, I'm not as handsome as you, and my academic performance is not as good as yours. How can I be inferior to you in athletic talent? Let's see how I can ride on your head and win first place!"

The boy looked at Lin Zichen, who was in the front, thinking about it. He couldn't wait to beat him hard on the playground.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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