Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 199: Impact on the top list! All senior students are stepping stones!

Transfer blood and qi to the woman in the coffin?

Hearing this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but frown slightly.

This so-called Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion, I haven't even met her face, it's hard to determine whether she is an enemy or a friend.

Just give her blood and qi.

Help her unseal.

Isn't it a bit too hasty?

What if the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in the ancient coffin is not a good person and directly sucks me dry?

With this concern, Lin Zichen asked: "Dean, how much do you know about the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in the bronze ancient coffin?"

Liu Chuanwu knew what he was worried about, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Pavilion Master's character is trustworthy, she is a great good person who will go down in history."

"Go down in history?"

Lin Zichen had doubts about this description.

Could the woman in the bronze ancient coffin be a famous historical figure?

But after thinking about it, there seems to be no such woman in history.

Putting aside the authenticity, the famous historical woman who can be thought of, who also has some combat power, is probably Hua Mulan who joined the army for her father.

However, Hua Mulan is just an ordinary person, and she is totally different from the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion who created the blood quenching technique.

Liu Chuanwu patiently explained: "The "history" I'm talking about is not the history we are familiar with, but the era of gods recorded in many relics."

"That was an era when gods were everywhere."

"Many mythological stories in our world come from that era."

"Of course, I'm not sure about the authenticity. After all, my understanding of that era is basically learned from the relics, and I can't be sure whether these records in the relics are exaggerated."

"Maybe it was just a high-level strong man who lifted a huge stone of ten thousand pounds with one hand, and people of that era exaggeratedly described it as a fairy who could lift a mountain with one hand."


"Indeed." Lin Zichen nodded, agreeing with Liu Chuanwu's words.

Because of the limitations of cognition, the ancients often exaggerated when describing an event.

For example-

A hunter went up the mountain and killed a python.

When it was spread out, it might have evolved into killing a hundred-meter dragon.

The hunter who was originally ordinary will also become a powerful dragon-slaying immortal.

"After talking about the Age of Gods, let's talk about the Pavilion Master in the coffin."

Liu Chuanwu took a sip of warm wolfberry water and continued: "When I was young, in addition to being a martial artist, I was also a professional archaeologist."

"So far, a total of 38 relics suspected to be in the Age of Gods have been excavated."

"Among these 38 relics, 11 relics mentioned the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion."

"I learned that the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion is named Qi Qingmo, and has the title of 'Great Love Immortal Master'."

"The reason why she is called the Great Love Immortal Master is because she is different from other immortal gods."

"Other immortal gods only will treat mortals as ants, while she treats mortals as her own kind. "

"When mortals are hungry, she will hunt wild animals to send meat. "

"When mortals are flooded, she will open channels to drain the flood. "

"When mortals are persecuted by the high and mighty immortals and gods, she will stop it. "

"In order to allow the weak mortals of flesh and blood to embark on the path of becoming immortals and gain the power of immortals and gods, she painstakingly researched and created the method of tempering the body, the blood quenching technique. "

"This so-called path to becoming immortals, in this era we are in now, is an evolutionary path that allows ordinary creatures to evolve into gods. "


The path to becoming immortals?

The evolutionary path to evolving into gods?


Listening to Liu Chuanwu's explanation, Lin Zichen fell into a period of thought.

Soon, he asked, "Dean, do the immortals and mortals you just mentioned correspond to the origin and the earth respectively?"

After saying that, he added, "What I mean is that mortals refer to people on Earth, and immortals refer to creatures on the origin, or more precisely, to the aliens in the origin."

Liu Chuanwu shook his head and said, "I have made this guess before, but later I found that it seems not to be the case."

"The earth and the origin are obviously two different worlds."

"But the records in the ruins show that mortals and immortals live in the same world, and there is no obvious geographical distinction between the two places."


Hearing this, Lin Zichen felt a little confused.

He found that the relationship between the origin and the earth was much more complicated than he had imagined.

The origin is still full of mystery and unknowns, giving people the feeling of another universe.

Liu Chuanwu continued: "In short, the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion lying in the coffin is fine, you don't have to worry too much."

"If you are really worried, when you evolve into a high-level creature with a pure-blooded human body, I will find several strong people to accompany you when you go to the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in the coffin to transfer blood and qi, so that you can feel safe enough."

"Also, I sent you more than a dozen photos on WeChat, all of which are some records about the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion. You can take a look at them when you have time when you go home."


Lin Zichen: "Dean, I want to see the ancient bronze coffin you mentioned."

Liu Chuanwu: "The ancient bronze coffin has a dormant period. When it is dormant, the coffin will turn gray and lifeless. It will damage your spirit if you get close to it. You can only get close when the coffin turns green and life is alive."

"It is in a dormant period now. It will probably turn green in a few months. I will take you to see it then."

"For now, just look at the photos to satisfy your curiosity."

As he said this, Liu Chuanwu sent Lin Zichen a few more photos on WeChat.

Lin Zichen immediately opened the chat box to look at the coffin photos sent by Liu Chuanwu.

Judging from the photos alone, the so-called bronze ancient coffin is just an ordinary stone coffin.

There is nothing to see.

Lin Zichen looked at it twice and then stopped, thinking that he would go with Liu Chuanwu to see the real thing after the coffin turned green in a few months.


In the following time.

Lin Zichen continued to chat with Liu Chuanwu about the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in the coffin.

After chatting for more than an hour, it felt like they had talked enough.

Lin Zichen left the research room and sat down in the living and leisure area to look at the photos sent by Liu Chuanwu.

The content of the photos was a record of the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion. They were all ancient texts of that era, and they were the same type of text on the original blood quenching technique.

Lin Zichen had learned this kind of writing and could understand what it expressed.

After reading it carefully, Lin Zichen found that it was indeed as Liu Chuanwu said, the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion lying in the coffin was indeed a "Great Love Immortal Master" who was very friendly to mortals.

Unconsciously, more than an hour had passed.

Seeing that it was quite late, Lin Zichen did not stay in the research institute for long, and went home with Shen Qinghan for dinner.

Watching the two people leaving in pairs, Liu Chuanwu said to Song Yuyan: "Yuyan, you are not young anymore, you are almost 30 years old, hurry up and find a man to get married."

Song Yuyan waved her hand: "No, finding a man will distract my attention. I want to keep my attention on studying pure-blooded humans."

Liu Chuanwu was speechless: "Who told you that you have to be single to do research?"

"Look at me and Zichen, who is single?"

"Especially me, I change different women every night to sweat, and I still do research and produce research results during the day."


Song Yuyan didn't listen to the advice and said: "Being single is free and easy, I don't have to worry about other people's feelings. I like being single, long live single!"

Liu Chuanwu: "If you don't find a man while you are young, when you are old in the future, you can't find one even if you want to, and you can only be an older leftover woman for the rest of your life."

Song Yuyan: "It doesn't matter, I don't care, long live single!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to persuade you."

Liu Chuanwu shook his head and left, not wanting to talk about this topic with Song Yuyan.

When he heard Song Yuyan shouting "Long live single", he couldn't help but think of his deceased daughter and felt a little uncomfortable.

When his daughter was still alive, she also shouted that she wanted to be single all day long and didn't care about men.

Young people nowadays, ah——!

11 o'clock in the evening.

After practicing the blood quenching technique, Lin Zichen took a hot bath and went to bed early to lie down and look at his mobile phone.

He didn't watch the news like usual.

He was looking at the list of extraordinary geniuses sent by Ye Yongsheng's secretary on WeChat.

There were 28 names on the list.

Under each name, there was a brief introduction to the record.

Name: Zhao Qingxian

Age: 26 years old

Record: ① Team up to kill a rare first-level thunder cloud beast; ② Single-kill a high-level ninth-level red poisonous fire snake; ③ Successfully escaped from the pursuit of multiple rare-level strongmen.

Name: Fuzhou

Age: 24 years old

Record: ① Single-kill a high-level seventh-level human-faced demon spider; ② Single-kill a high-level seventh-level Yin object.

Name: Luo Qianxue

Age: 19 years old

Battle record: ① Crossed the Death Snow Valley alone; ② Killed a high-level fifth-level disciple of the Snow Sect alone; ③ Designed to seriously injure a rare first-level ice crystal tiger.

Lin Zichen looked at the battle records on the list and was a little surprised.

He knew that these extraordinary geniuses must have extremely high talents.

But he didn't expect it to be so high.

Especially Shen Qinghan's cheap senior sister.

That white-haired girl named Luo Qianxue.

She is only 19 years old now, and she can kill a high-level fifth-level strongman alone?

What kind of monster is this?

Lin Zichen's mood fluctuated for a long time and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Well, I was a little stimulated.

But this excitement was only fleeting and soon dissipated.

Lin Zichen thought about it and felt that there was nothing to be stimulated.

One: I was born in poverty and my family could not provide any help in evolution, which was a great disadvantage.

Two: I have been staying on the earth where evolutionary resources are scarce and cannot get good resource blessings, which is also a great disadvantage.

Three: I am a pure-blooded human, and my biological level has been stuck at the ordinary ninth level before I opened my mind, which is also a loss.

Under so many restrictions, my current strength can be compared with Luo Qianxue. If I go to the source and get better evolutionary resources, I can easily surpass Luo Qianxue, right?

Yes, the source, I must go to the source.

The sooner the better!

Lin Zichen felt a sense of urgency for the first time.

Before he saw this list of alien-level geniuses tonight, he felt that it was good to stay on Earth and evolve steadily.

But now, seeing that the geniuses on the list are so exaggerated, he feels that it is time for him to speed up his evolution.

"Next, prepare your own plan to become famous."

"Start with school first."

"Wait until school starts in half a month, and then challenge the seniors on the top list immediately."

"In front of all the teachers and students in the school, beat up all the old students on the list."

"Let the old students become my stepping stones, so that I can meet the standards for entering the list..."

Lin Zichen stared at the people on the list, thinking seriously about his plan to become famous.

It took him a while to think.

At this time, Shen Qinghan's voice came from outside the door.

"Xiaochen, why did you lock the door?"

Hearing the voice, Lin Zichen knew that the little dirty girl was coming to sleep together.

Without thinking much.

He got out of bed and opened the door for her as soon as possible.

There was only a "creak".

The door opened.

Then what came into Lin Zichen's eyes was Shen Qinghan wearing a blue floral nightgown, looking very pure and cute.

"You didn't lock the door before, why did you lock it tonight?"

Shen Qinghan said with a puzzled look.

Lin Zichen explained: "Maybe it was locked accidentally."

Shen Qinghan didn't believe it: "Did you do something bad in the room just now?"

Lin Zichen: "What bad things could I do?"

Shen Qinghan: "The frictional electricity experiment in junior high school physics class!"

As she said that, she walked into the room and sniffed around like a puppy, smelling to see if there was any strange smell in the room.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly when he saw this, thinking what was in this little dirty girl's head?

I shouldn't have let her watch the two-dimensional educational film of Yinghai Country in the first place, which polluted her mind.

"Well, there is no strange smell, it seems that she didn't do anything bad."

Shen Qinghan sniffed for a while, and seeing that there was no strange smell, she didn't bother why Lin Zichen locked the door.

Soon, she walked to the bed with her slender legs and sat down on it, then complained to Lin Zichen:

"Xiaochen, the sister Yan from the institute was so enthusiastic today, so enthusiastic that I felt she had some improper thoughts about me."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Zichen closed the door and walked to sit next to Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan frowned slightly: "She just likes to touch my hand, like a nympho, and she keeps touching it, trying to touch my chest, which feels a bit like a lesbian."

Lin Zichen clarified for Song Yuyan: "You must have misunderstood, she is not a lesbian."

"When I was in the institute, I occasionally saw her watching short videos of handsome guys on her phone. Her sexual orientation is normal."

"I guess she saw that your skin was too tender and it felt very good to touch it, so she couldn't help but want to touch your hand."

"In fact, to put it bluntly, it's just for the sake of novelty."

"Once the novelty is over, I guess she won't touch you like a nympho."


"Is that so?" Shen Qinghan smiled at her watery peach blossom eyes.

Lin Zichen affirmed, "That's it."

Shen Qinghan looked at her hands and asked, "Xiaochen, do my hands really feel good?"

Lin Zichen commented objectively, "That can't be described with just one word 'good', at least it has to be described with the three words 'very good'."


Shen Qinghan's smile became brighter, like a bright lily.

Lin Zichen nodded, "Really, and it's not just the hands that feel good, every part of your body feels very good, making people love it."

Shen Qinghan lay in Lin Zichen's arms, raised her delicate face, and said with a smile, "Since you think it feels so good, I will let you touch it every day in the future, okay?"

"You can touch my hands, feet, and everywhere."

"If you get tired of touching, change to rubbing."

"Except for not poking, you can do whatever you want to me."


Shen Qinghan doesn't like the feeling of being poked.

When she was in elementary school and junior high school, she enjoyed being touched and rubbed on the face by Lin Zichen, but she just didn't like being poked on the face by Lin Zichen's fingers.

Her skin was too tender, and it would feel uncomfortable if it was poked by fingers.

Lin Zichen rubbed her face and smiled gently: "I touch you every day, when have I not touched you, little dirty girl?"

"I didn't touch you today, and I waited until now to touch you when I was about to go to bed, it's too late."

Shen Qinghan said, sitting up from Lin Zichen's arms.

She kicked off her slippers, moved her buttocks and sat back, stretched out her white and tender feet to Lin Zichen's hands, and said with a condescending look: "Xiao Linzi, since you like to touch me so much, I will reward you tonight to warm my feet and let you touch my jade feet."

Lin Zichen pinched her increasingly round buttocks and said speechlessly: "You still call me Xiao Linzi, you are addicted to it, right?"

"But you are Xiao Linzi, it's easy to call you, I will call you Xiao Linzi."

"You still call me that, it seems that the last time I taught you a lesson in bed was not enough."

After saying that, Lin Zichen lifted up Shen Qinghan's nightgown and began to teach her a lesson with the same method as last time.

After just three or two strokes, Shen Qinghan couldn't stand it anymore and begged for mercy: "No, no, Dad, I was wrong, I won't call you Xiao Linzi anymore, I will call you Daddy from now on, stop it!"

"Forgive you once." Lin Zichen put down the skirt of the little dirty girl and stopped "torturing" her.

Shen Qinghan lay on the bed, his chest rising and falling slightly, his breathing a little disordered, "Lin Zi, I will call you Lin Zi from now on, okay? Without the word 'Xiao', you are not a eunuch."

"Okay, Lao Han, no problem, Lao Han." Lin Zichen also gave the little dirty girl an ugly nickname.

Shen Qinghan immediately became unhappy: "What Lao Han? It sounds so ugly. You want to call me Han Bao. Please call me Han Bao at home from now on!"

"Okay idiot, no problem idiot."

"Dad, good dad, can you call your daughter Hanbao?" Shen Qinghan said coquettishly.

"Hanbao, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied." Shen Qinghan kissed Lin Zichen with satisfaction.

at the same time.

Kyushu Military Region Headquarters.

Governor's Office.

Ye Yongsheng looked at the pile of information brought back from the research institute, his eyes fixed on the photo of the ancient bronze coffin above, and after a long time he murmured:

"The ancient bronze coffin unearthed from the ruins?"

"Is the master of the Tianren Pavilion also an ancient human of that era?"

"From this point of view, pure-blood humans are indeed worthy of attention..."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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