Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 21 Ghost Squid

Not long after, Shen Qinghan trotted downstairs, fearing to keep Lin Zichen waiting downstairs.

"Why did you come out in your pajamas?"

"I came down in such a hurry that I forgot to change it."

"Then go back and change it."

"I'm too lazy to go back. Let's go to the mall to buy something. My dad just gave me 200 yuan. Now I'm a rich little woman. Whatever you want to buy later, I'll pay for it!"

Shen Qinghan skillfully sat on the back seat of Lin Zichen's bicycle, holding two brand-new hundred-dollar bills in his hand and shaking them in front of him, with a look of pride on his delicate little face.

Lin Zichen touched the 1,000 yuan in his pocket, not wanting to hurt her, and smiled and said:

"Okay, Miss Shen will foot the bill tonight."

"Stop talking, leave quickly, leave quickly, otherwise it will be late and I won't be able to go shopping for long. My parents will definitely call me and urge me to come back early."

"Then sit tight."

"Sit tight already!"

Shen Qinghan put his arms around Lin Zichen's waist and said with a smile on his face.

Lin Zichen didn't waste any time, just pushed hard with his feet, and the speed of the car increased the next moment.

Flower Trade Xintiandi, main entrance on the first floor.

Lin Zichen found a place to park his bicycle, and soon went up to the top floor of the mall with Shen Qinghan.

If it were daytime, he would first take Shen Qinghan for a walk in the ordinary commercial area below, and take her to eat, drink and have fun.

But it was too late. He had to hurry up and go to the exotic beast business area on the top floor to touch the exotic beast meat to verify his conjecture.

"Xiaochen, what do you want to buy? Why are you here?"

In the exotic beast commercial area on the top floor, Shen Qinghan looked at the dazzling array of exotic beast products in front of him and was a little confused for a moment.

At a glance, the prices of the products wherever she looked were more expensive than the last, and they were so expensive that she couldn't get rid of the 200 yuan in her hand.

Lin Zichen said truthfully: "Actually, I didn't want to buy anything, I just wanted to come here to see the meat of exotic animals up close."

After hearing this, Shen Qinghan nodded to show his understanding.

Lin Zichen has loved studying exotic beasts since he was a child. It is only natural that he would want to come here to see with his own eyes what the meat of exotic beasts looks like.

"Then let's hurry up and go shopping. I'm also very curious about strange beasts."

When Shen Qinghan was a child, he often read books about strange beasts with Lin Zichen, and accidentally wet several of his books. The memory is still fresh to this day.

Soon, the two of them started shopping in the exotic beast merchandise area.

In addition to the meat of exotic animals, there are also many derivative products related to exotic animals.

There are jewelry made from the scales of exotic animals.

There are figures that imitate the appearance of exotic animals.

There are specimens of small exotic animals and so on.

Lin Zichen was not interested in any of this. He just walked around with Shen Qinghan and soon walked straight into the area where exotic animal meat was sold.

He looked at a lot of exotic animal meat and found that all the exotic animal meat had been cut and processed, and it was impossible to tell what kind of exotic animal it was.

And the most important thing is that they are all sealed with transparent plastic wrap, so you can't touch them with your hands, so you can't test the devouring effect of [the weak and the strong].

He didn't give up and turned around carefully.

Finally, I saw accessible exotic meat in a corner.

It was fresh meat that had just been slaughtered and processed, and there were staff packing and packaging it.

"Hanhan, wait here for me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to touch the meat of the exotic beasts there."


Shen Qinghan was a little confused.

Lin Zichen didn't explain much to her. When the packing staff wasn't paying attention, he quietly leaned over from the blind spot of the other person's field of vision.

Then, he reached out and touched the nearest piece of fresh exotic animal meat in front of him.

The moment his hand touched it, Lin Zichen felt the vitality contained in the flesh of the alien beast.

It is extremely vigorous, rich, and powerful!

Lin Zichen instinctively wanted to swallow up all the life essence in the flesh of the alien beast, leaving nothing behind.

No, you can't do this!

If the life in the meat is gone, the meat will probably go bad.

If you want it, just buy it with your own money...

Lin Zichen's reason defeated his instinct, and he woke up in time without committing any improper act of stealing the vitality of the meat of exotic animals.

Although this behavior can be done very covertly, if it is done only once, there is a high probability that it will not be discovered.

However, once I get started, I can't imagine what kind of person I will become in the future.

If nothing else goes wrong, there is a high probability that he will become an outlaw who likes to get something for nothing, likes to deceive and abduct, and likes to burn, kill and rob.

You don’t have to be a good person, but you can’t be a bad person. At least you can’t lose your integrity.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Zichen quickly returned to Shen Qinghan.

Seeing him coming back, Shen Qinghan immediately asked curiously: "Xiao Chen, how does the exotic animal meat feel to the touch? Is it any different from ordinary meat?"

"It doesn't feel any different. If there is any difference, it just seems fresher." Lin Zichen replied casually.

At this time, he has confirmed the guess in his heart. Only the flesh of alien beasts can have enough life source to be devoured.

In this way, I will have to find a way to make money in the future to buy the meat of exotic animals and devour them.

Without thinking any more, Lin Zichen continued to take Shen Qinghan around the area.

Look here, look there, everything you see is strange.

Except for some cheap derivatives, most of the products related to exotic beasts are extremely expensive luxuries that are beyond the reach of ordinary families.

It's hard not to be surprised to see so much at once.

I feel like I’ve almost finished my shopping.

It was an eye-opener.

Lin Zichen stopped in front of a counter selling exotic animal meat, pointed to an exotic animal meat called "ghost squid" inside the counter, and said to the female teller:

"Hello, I want to buy a pound of this meat."

After shopping here for so long, ghost squid meat is the cheapest exotic meat he has seen, and it is also the only exotic meat he can afford.

The price is 998 per pound.

The second-to-last cheapest kind of exotic animal meat costs 2,000 per pound.

The price difference is so big that there is no need to consider which one to choose.

"You want to buy this? Where are your parents? Are you alone?"

The female teller looked at Lin Zichen, who was wearing the uniform of Shanhai Middle School, and couldn't help but be puzzled. She didn't understand why a junior high school student came here to buy exotic animal meat.

Lin Zichen took out 1,000 yuan from his pocket and put it on the counter, and said calmly: "Yes, I am alone. I want to buy a pound of ghost squid meat."

"No, you are too young to buy it." The female teller refused to sell it to Lin Zichen.

After all, the amount is too high, and selling it to a minor like this is very risky. The parents of the other party will probably come to settle the account afterwards.

Knowing the female teller's concerns, Lin Zichen could only make a video call to Zhang Wanxin and ask her for permission to buy ghost squid meat in front of the female teller.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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