Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 210 A new member of the pure-blooded human group

The next morning.

Lin Zichen got up early, read the news on his phone, and then opened the school app to order exotic beast meat.

When he saw that 10 kilograms of extremely rare dimensional rat meat was on the shelves, he bought all of it without thinking.

After devouring these 10 kilograms of dimensional rat meat, the progress of opening the dimensional rat atlas can be increased to 11%.

Lin Zichen used the remaining credits to buy exotic beast meat such as living dead slugs, violent eagles, nine-turn soul insects, ghost squids, etc., to further strengthen the biological properties obtained by opening the atlas before.

After breakfast.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan went to the research institute to share their feelings about the impact of the acupoints last night with Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan.

The nine shallow and one deep impact method was demonstrated to the two on the spot.

After seeing it with their own eyes, the two felt very incredible, as if they were dreaming.

Especially Liu Chuanwu.

He really didn't expect that the method of opening the acupoints that he had studied for many years was actually figured out by a little sister who had just joined Tianren Pavilion for a few days.

It was really a mixture of joy and sorrow.

The joy was that the research had finally made a breakthrough.

The sorrow was that years of hard work were not as good as a single stroke of luck.

"Zichen, how long do you think it will take to completely open the acupoints and evolve into a high-level creature with a pure-blooded human body?"

Liu Chuanwu looked at Lin Zichen and asked.

Lin Zichen thought for a while and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, I think it will be done this semester."

Hearing this answer, Liu Chuanwu became excited.

He originally thought that it would be very fast for Lin Zichen to evolve into a high-level creature before graduating from college.

Unexpectedly, it would be done this semester!

It was a real surprise!

After calming down a little, Liu Chuanwu said with a smile on his face, "When you evolve into a high-level creature, I will take you to see the ancient bronze coffin to see if the seal can be unlocked."

"Okay." Lin Zichen said lightly.

Liu Chuanwu added: "I will call Yuan Dongzhi and some of my old friends to escort you. If Lord Yezhou is free, please invite him too."

The woman in the bronze coffin is the head of Tianren Pavilion, and the ruins are full of praises for her.

But Liu Chuanwu feels that it is still necessary to be on guard against others and be safe.

At this time.

The mobile phone in Lin Zichen's pocket suddenly twitched violently.

He took it out and looked.

It was a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, hello."

Lin Zichen answered the phone politely.

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, classmate Lin, I am Secretary Zhang who accompanied Lord Yezhou to visit the institute that day."

"It turns out to be Secretary Zhang, hello." Lin Zichen said politely again.

Secretary Zhang didn't waste any words and went straight to the point:

"It's like this. Lord Ye watched the surveillance video of you challenging the student union at school and thought that you have reached the standard for entering the list of extraordinary geniuses. I came to inform you."

"Also, your girlfriend's strength is a little weak, but she has a special physique. She should be able to catch up quickly after entering the source. She is worth cultivating. Lord Ye said that she can also be included in the list."

Secretary Zhang continued: "You two are now on the list. According to the normal process, it won't be long before you will be arranged to report to the source and stay there to grow."

"However, considering that you two are now the core figures of the pure-blooded human race, Lord Ye wants to wait until you develop the pure-blooded human race together before arranging you to enter the source."


Lin Zichen: "To what extent is it considered developed?"

Secretary Zhang: "It is considered developed when the scale reaches 100 people."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, I know, thank you Secretary Zhang for notifying me."


After chatting for a few more words, Secretary Zhang hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Lin Zichen shared the good news with Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan was so happy after hearing it.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan congratulated him on the side.

Lin Zichen didn't feel very happy.

There was no fluctuation in his heart.

Because he knew that with his strength and talent, he would definitely be included in the list of extraordinary geniuses.


In the afternoon.

Lin Zichen didn't go to the research institute.

Instead, he went to the administrative building and showed his face in the office of the student union.

When he arrived at the office, it was already full of people.

These people were senior cadres of the student union. When they saw the new president coming, they immediately stood up and shouted:



"Hello, President!"


Listening to these hellos to the president, Lin Zichen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and felt a little surprised.

He thought that these old students in the student union would dislike him and make trouble.

For example, give him a show of power or something.

But now it seems that this will not happen at all.

"Well, actually this is reasonable."

"After all, as a freshman, I beat the student union president with one punch."

"These old students in the student union, unless they are mentally ill, will not choose to offend me..."

Lin Zichen thought about this while walking to the main seat and sitting down.

When the others saw him sitting down, they dared to sit down as well, fearing that they would be targeted by this rookie king.

A new official takes office with three fires.

Now is the most dangerous time for everyone, so we must not offend Lin Zichen.

Otherwise, he will probably be killed as a warning to others.

Everyone knows this very well.

However, Lin Zichen had no such idea at all.

He glanced at everyone and said, "I came here today to explain only one thing."

"The work of the student union remains the same. It will remain the same as before. I will not interfere with your freedom too much, provided that the rights of freshmen will not be infringed as before."

"That's all I want to say. The meeting is adjourned."

After saying that, Lin Zichen stood up and left without even turning his head.

Halfway through the walk, he stopped and looked back at everyone and added, "Also, if you have any questions, just find the vice president, not me."

He became the president of the student union just to get credit subsidies and never thought about managing things.

Although it is a bit irresponsible to take credits and not manage things.

However, this is a situation that both parties are happy to see.

Because these old students in the student union don't want to be managed by him, a freshman.

The old students recognize Lin Zichen's strength, but they don't necessarily recognize his management.

It would be great if they can be self-governing.


After explaining the student union.

Lin Zichen didn't go anywhere and went back to the dormitory to start practicing.

First temper the body, then impact the acupoints.

Two-pronged approach.

In the next long period of time.

Lin Zichen still maintained the two-pronged rhythm of today.

Temper the body during the day, impact the acupoints at night.

Every day is the same, quite fulfilling.

When he is free, he will go home to see his parents and buy some supplements for them.

As for doing off-campus tasks to earn credits, that was never once.

He was afraid that he would be attacked by the Divine Plant Sect if he left school.

Even if the deputy state lord said that he would protect him, he was still afraid.

He didn't trust anyone, only himself.


The days passed one by one.

A month later.

Lin Zichen's five skin temperings were successful, and the five flesh temperings were more than halfway through. The acupoint that had been impacted became looser.

Shen Qinghan, who followed him to temper the body and impact the acupoints every day, also made rapid progress. The progress of body tempering has reached the bone tempering step three times.

At the same time, the acupoints became looser and looser, and it felt that it would not take long to open.

According to this progress, there is no problem in opening the acupoints before the end of this semester.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

This morning.

A loud laugh came from the institute.

"Haha, it's done, Taoist, I've done it!"

It was Liu Chuanwu who was laughing up to the sky.

With a large amount of resources, he finally raised his mental strength to the point where he could attack the acupoints after a month and a half of training.

"Dean, how can you be so fast!"

Song Yuyan said with a look of discomfort: "I still don't feel anything until now. I'm the only one in the institute who can't attack the acupoints. I'm numb!"

Liu Chuanwu smiled and comforted: "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious. Young people need to be patient. I will help you apply for more resources later. I guarantee that you will be able to attack the acupoints soon."

Since Shen Qinghan studied the way to attack the acupoints, the funding of the institute has been fully utilized.

Many forces that were not optimistic about the pure-blooded human path before have begun to invest in Tianren Pavilion.

What exotic flowers and fruits, elixirs, rare and exotic animal meat, etc., are sent one after another.

To help the four people of Tianren Pavilion to open the acupoints and evolve into advanced creatures at the fastest speed.

Thanks to this.

Liu Chuanwu, who has never been very good in spirit, has also improved his spirit strength from the initial ordinary fifth level to the current ordinary ninth level with the blessing of various spiritual treasures.

Mental strength is said to be difficult to improve.

But in fact, as long as there are enough resources, it can be improved in a short period of time.

Of course, the premise is that there is value in improvement.

If Shen Qinghan had not studied the way to open the acupoints, no one would be willing to spend so many resources on the Pure Human Research Institute.

While Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were talking.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, who had just finished attacking the acupoints and were resting, were sitting on the sofa in front and playing with their mobile phones.

The former was reading mobile news to learn about recent information.

The latter put his feet on the former's thighs and sat on the sofa to watch ancient palace fighting dramas.

"Lin Zi, warm my feet."

Shen Qinghan looked up at Lin Zichen and shook her white and tender feet. The tone of her voice sounded like that of the queen in the palace.

Lin Zichen didn't say anything. He silently put his hand on her feet and began to release the blood and qi to warm her feet.

This is not a one-sided favor, but a love of reciprocity.

After all, when they were in the dormitory, Shen Qinghan was often his licking dog, serving him comfortably in the morning, noon and night.

Sometimes, he would call daddy while serving him, which made him feel extremely satisfied physically and mentally.

"Change to the other foot."

Shen Qinghan felt that her right foot was almost warm, so she shook her left foot and asked Lin Zichen to warm it.

Lin Zichen still didn't say anything. He silently put his hand on Shen Qinghan's left foot and released the blood and qi to meet any of her needs.

During this period, his eyes were fixed on the screen of his mobile phone, browsing the hot search news in recent times.

He read hundreds of news in a row, 7 of which were related to pure-blooded humans.

Unlike six months ago, the news reports about pure-blooded humans are now all positive.

They all say that pure-blooded humans are worth investing in and trusting, and encourage geniuses to try.

The reason why the trend has changed so drastically is because the video of Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan challenging the student union was released.

After everyone saw the strength of pure-blood humans, they all changed their past ideas and re-evaluated and examined pure-blood humans.

Also, the official intention is to promote pure-blooded humans.

In the past month or so, the government has arranged for many media outlets to report positively on the pure-blooded human beings, and lead the pure-blooded human beings in a good direction.

"The trend of the pure-blooded human race is so good now. When the recruitment starts in July, Tianren Pavilion will probably be able to recruit a lot of geniuses."

"It shouldn't be a problem to recruit 100 people."

"By then, Hanhan and I should be going to the source..."

Lin Zichen was thinking in his heart while watching the news.

More than ten days later.

Still in the institute.

Song Yuyan sat cross-legged on the yoga mat quietly, trying to hit the acupoints with her mental power.

Suddenly, she opened her light blue eyes and shouted excitedly:

“It’s done!!!”

"Dean, I have become one too!!!"

"Almost two months have passed, and I can finally use my mental power to attack the acupoints!!!"


"I know, I know, what are you shouting so loudly for? The institute will be destroyed by you!" Liu Chuanwu said angrily.

Song Yuyan said with a smile on her face: "If it collapses, it will collapse. Anyway, there is no shortage of funds now. If it collapses, we can just build a new one. I have long had enough of this dilapidated and old research environment!"

Liu Chuanwu felt tired: "You guy, you couldn't save anything in the past, but as soon as you have money, you start spending money."

Song Yuyan disagreed: "That's different. I used to save money because I was poor, but now I'm not poor anymore. Why do I have to wrong myself?"

Liu Chuanwu shook his head: "Today's young people's consumption outlook is really bad."

Song Yuyan pretended not to hear.


Shen Qinghan looked at the two people, smiled and said to Lin Zichen on the side: "Look at the dean and Sister Yan, they look like a father and daughter."

Lin Zichen nodded: "It's a bit similar."

Shen Qinghan put her face close to Lin Zichen's ear and whispered in Lin Zichen's ear: "Dad, what about us? Do we look like father and daughter?"

Lin Zichen felt itchy, but after calming down a little, he couldn't help but complain: "I can't call you a little bitch anymore, I have to call you a little slut."

"It's not coquettish, it's called fun." Shen Qinghan corrected with her cherry lips pouting.

Lin Zichen was about to say something.

Suddenly, he sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura from outside heading towards the research institute.

What is familiar is that the person coming is Ma Xiwei.

What's strange is that the aura on Ma Xiwei's body is different from before.

There is no more shadowy night owl aura.

Only the smell of humanity.

About half a minute later.

Ma Xiwei entered the research institute.

Lin Zichen looked at her for the first time and found that she looked very weak, her face was pale and bloodless, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

Soon, others also saw Ma Xiwei.

Among them, Liu Chuanwu was a little confused and asked: "Wei Wei, why are you here?"

This little cry was very kind.

Liu Chuanwu stayed at Shanhai University for decades and almost watched Ma Xiwei grow up, almost treating her as his little niece.

As for the bad relationship with Ma Zhenhe, that is a matter between adults and has nothing to do with children.

Faced with Liu Chuanwu's confusion, Ma Xiwei made a shocking statement: "Uncle Liu, I want to join the Tianren Pavilion and become a pure-blooded human being!"


Liu Chuanwu was stunned for a moment, feeling very sudden. After a moment, he came to his senses and asked, "Does your father know about this?"

Ma Xiwei: "My dad knows that he helped me remove the alien gene from my body."

Hearing this answer, Liu Chuanwu couldn't help but smile.

Ma Zhenhe, Ma Zhenhe, you have always been against me these years, looking down on pure-blood humans and slandering pure-blood humans.

But now, he wants his daughter to join Tianren Pavilion.

You have completely lost!

I have to find time to make fun of you!

Liu Chuanwu couldn't stop thinking about this, and quickly said to Ma Xiwei with a smile: "Okay, since your father agrees for you to join, from today on, you will be a member of Tianren Pavilion."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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