Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 225: Open the giant strange mouse album! The admiration of the mechanical genius girl!

The sudden earthquake caught everyone in the gym off guard.

Fortunately, the earthquake did not last too long, and it was over in just a few seconds.

Instead, the screen above the Central Martial Arts Platform suddenly lit up, showing the scene in the city center.

It was the shooting angle of the drone.

Lin Zichen looked at the screen and saw that under the scarlet giant tree in the picture, dozens of bottomless caves had collapsed.

The entrance of the cave was dark and bottomless, like a black hole in the universe that could swallow everything.

A group of well-equipped mechanical modified people did not dare to rush over to explore.

They only dared to release the detection robot from a distance and control the robot to enter the cave to find out.

The detection robot just approached the edge of the cave.

The next second!

Those dark caves all rushed out with a huge black shadow several meters long, and rushed towards the detection robot that wanted to enter the cave with a "buzz".

It was just a blink of an eye.

All the released detection robots were torn into pieces by the huge black shadows that suddenly appeared.

The next second, there was a deafening sound of ammunition pouring out.

The mechanically modified people fought with the black shadows.

However, in less than ten seconds, the mechanically modified people on the screen were drowned by the constantly pouring black shadows and completely disappeared from the screen.

Lin Zichen looked at the familiar huge black shadows on the screen, and his expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

Giant alien rats!

The black shadows on the screen were giant alien rats that had disappeared for several years!

These giant alien rats were actually related to the Shenzhi Religion!

When Lin Zichen looked solemn, everyone around him was panicked.

"Why are there so many giant alien rats?"

"It's over, Shanhai City is going to be finished!"

"I don't want to die yet..."

The rat disaster in Yinghai Country more than ten years ago, everyone present had seen it in the video and had studied it in the subsequent textbooks.

Know how tragic the scene was.

Know how heavy the casualties were.

Knowing how terrifying the giant alien rats are...

It is no exaggeration to say that almost half of the Yinghai Kingdom was paralyzed because of this.

And at this moment, a large number of giant alien rats appeared in the land where they lived, which made everyone present feel a little desperate.

"With so many giant alien rats, it feels like Shanhai City will be destroyed into ruins by the rats on the screen like the capital of Yinghai Kingdom back then..."

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and said pessimistically.

Lin Zichen comforted: "It will be fine."

Then he stopped talking and stared at the big screen above, always paying attention to the situation in the city center.

During this period, people kept coming into the gymnasium and looking up at the big screen above.

About a few minutes passed.

The gymnasium, which was originally a little empty, suddenly became crowded.

Almost all the students in the school with a biology level of ordinary level 5 or above came to the gymnasium to gather at this moment.

They were all waiting for arrangements with some anxiety before setting off to the city center for rescue.

"President, do you want to organize it?"

A female mechanical person walked to Lin Zichen and stopped, asking respectfully.

She was the personal secretary of Zhou Xuehong, the former president of the Student Union.

Since Lin Zichen defeated Zhou Xuehong, she has become Lin Zichen's personal secretary.

She wants to provide services to Lin Zichen and assist him in handling affairs.

Lin Zichen didn't even look at the personal secretary, and said lightly: "Ask the vice president to organize it."

He became the president just to get credits, and didn't want to be in charge.

"Okay, I know."

The female secretary walked towards the vice president after she finished speaking.

She never wanted Lin Zichen to organize it.

This time she just asked him out of procedure, so that he wouldn't have any opinions later.

After the female secretary left.

Lin Zichen sensed everyone present.

Almost all of them were ordinary creatures, and there were less than 20 advanced creatures.

Most of the advanced creatures in the school went into the source to resist the beast tide some time ago.

Those who could stay were basically the faculty and staff in charge of administration.

In addition to the faculty and staff, there were also the three senior strongmen of the Student Union - former president Zhou Xuehong, vice president Tan Wanyi, and director of the Discipline Inspection Department Han Weifeng.

"Students, be quiet!"

The deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, a man with more than two-thirds of his body covered in metal, stood upright on the central martial arts stage and shouted loudly to the students below.

Upon hearing this, the students immediately quieted down and let the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office speak.

The deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office said briefly: "I believe that everyone knows what is going on after watching the screen now!"

"The city center of our Shanhai City was attacked by the Divine Plant Cult, and a rat plague broke out!"

"At this critical moment, as a member of the inner campus of Shanhai University, we have the obligation to go to the city center for rescue!"

"Now, please stand in position according to your biological level!"

"Advanced ones stand here!"

"Ordinary ninth-level ones stand here!"

"Ordinary eighth-level ones stand here!"


"Ordinary fifth-level ones stand here!"

Under the loud shout of the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office.

The students set out to their respective positions and lined up in an orderly manner.

Seeing that everyone had lined up, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office shouted again: "This trip will be very dangerous, but it is also an opportunity!"

"Giant rats are terrible, very terrible, but for us, they are a rare evolutionary resource!"

"Under normal circumstances, we have to evolve to a high level of biological level and have the qualifications to enter the source before we can encounter so many beasts in the source!"

"And now, we can encounter so many beasts on Earth, and almost all of them are ordinary beasts!"

"The cost-effectiveness of this is far greater than the cost-effectiveness of us risking our lives to enter the source to obtain evolutionary resources!"

"Everyone should cherish this opportunity to win a large amount of evolutionary resources with minimal risk!"

"Take this opportunity to soar into the sky and change your life!"

The deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office shouted loudly, giving every student present a crazy chicken blood.

The students were still a little panicked, but after listening to the words of the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, they all became excited and their eyes were full of excitement.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen sincerely admired the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office on the martial arts stage.

Just a simple remark made the students who were originally afraid become enthusiastic.


Under the arrangement of the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office.

A team of nearly 2,000 people, transported by 40 buses, drove out of Shanhai University at a very fast speed and headed straight for the city center.


Nearly half an hour later.

The bus where Lin Zichen was located was the first to arrive at the outskirts of the city center.

The moment the bus stopped.

The high-level masters in the car immediately got off the bus quickly and formed a team to rush to the scarlet giant tree.

To rescue any compatriots they met along the way.

And to kill every giant alien rat they met along the way.

Seeing everyone walking in groups, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, who was the leader, shouted with a serious face:

"You are one of the few high-level strong people who can sit in one place. It is a waste to act together!"

"We will act separately and fight individually to expand the rescue range as much as possible and improve the rescue efficiency."

"But we must act within our capabilities and not be entangled by too many giant alien rats at the same time."

"Although the individual strength of giant alien rats is not strong, they have a large number. If they are entangled by multiple giant alien rats at the same time, there is a certain danger."

After saying this, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office waved his hand and said: "Action begins!"

The moment the words fell, everyone immediately dispersed.

No nonsense from beginning to end.

Strong action.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan also chose to act separately.

But they were not far away, only a few hundred meters away.

With such a close distance, if there is any problem with Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen can rush to rescue in time.


Suddenly, a black shadow broke out of the ground and rushed towards Shen Qinghan at a high speed.

It was a giant alien rat with eight eyes.

The biological level was not high, only ordinary eighth level, far from being Shen Qinghan’s opponent.

However, Shen Qinghan was facing an alien beast alone for the first time, and she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

But she was nervous, but she was not afraid of the giant alien rat rushing towards her.

When the giant alien rat rushed in front of her and opened a bloody mouth to bite down.

Her eyes condensed, the blood in her body burst out, and she punched the rat head fiercely!


There was only a dull sound of impact.

The giant alien rat, which was nearly seven meters in size, was directly blown up by a pink fist, and red and white instantly scattered all over the ground.

So disgusting... Shen Qinghan looked at the blood splashed on her body and felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, she immediately had an idea and used the water control ability of [Blue Jellyfish King] to bounce off all the blood of the giant alien rat on her body.

After doing this.

Shen Qinghan had another idea and extracted all the blood in the giant alien rat's body, condensing it into a drop of blood essence floating on her body.

Then she took out a plastic bottle as big as her little finger from her pocket, unscrewed the bottle cap, and collected the floating drop of blood essence.

As for the giant alien rat corpse on the ground that had been drained of blood essence and only a stinking skin was left, she didn't even look at it and walked around it.

This is a skill that Yuan Dongzhi taught her - how to collect spoils.

In most cases, the corpses of alien beasts are huge.

It is very troublesome to take away the corpses of alien beasts.

Even if you don't mind the trouble, you can't take much away.

When it is impossible to take away the corpse of an alien beast, you can use this method of extracting blood essence to take away all the most valuable blood in the body of the alien beast.

If it is a high-level or higher alien beast, you can take an extra beast core with you.

Taking away both the essence and the beast core basically means squeezing out all the value of an alien beast's corpse.


On the other side.

Lin Zichen's way of taking away the spoils is even simpler and more brutal than Shen Qinghan's.

He directly killed the giant alien rat with one punch, and then used [Survival of the fittest] to devour it, devouring all the life essence contained in the corpse, leaving nothing behind.

[You devoured a large amount of life essence of "giant alien rats\

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