Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 249 Shocking the City's Leaders

"What's going on?!"

"What happened in the forest?!"

"The attack by the Divine Plant Cult?!"

In the city, many people noticed the huge tree cage that Lin Zichen had created in a flash.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and felt unbelievable for a moment, as well as a trace of fear of death.

City No. 1 was heavily guarded, and not even a fly could fly in.

And the Divine Plant Cult could actually launch such a large-scale attack in the city.

This shows that there must be high-level people in the city who are doing the inside work, and the situation is very serious.

A war is bound to break out today.

A war with countless casualties.

"Quick, the generals of the emergency department quickly organize people to check the situation!"

As the voice sounded, a large number of strong men in the city instantly soared into the sky and flew towards the tree cage at a high speed in the form of flying in the air.

Everyone looked solemn and prepared for a fight to the death.


On the other side.

Qin Chuan and other city leaders have arrived above the tree cage, and everyone's faces are full of disbelief, and they can't believe that the scene in front of them is real.

They had already arrived above Lin Zichen and others before the tree cage was formed.

They saw Lin Zichen burst out his spirit, manipulated the towering trees to form a tree cage, and summoned scarlet and thick vines to weave a vine net that covered the sky.

This scene made them all stunned.

"What's going on? Why can this newcomer control plants and summon vines?"

"Is he a pagan of the Divine Plant Religion?"

"No, it's not a question of whether he is a pagan or not, but he is a pure-blooded human with no beast genes in his body. How can he control plants and summon vines?"

"Is his mental power too strong? He can directly control plants by controlling objects in the air?"

"Impossible, no matter how strong his mental power is, can it be as strong as ours? Even we can't do this, how can he do it?"

"So what is going on?"


The leaders talked one after another, and almost none of them could figure out what was going on.

Only Qin Chuan, the city lord, fell into a period of contemplation.

Lin Zichen is not a gene fusion, but he can control plants and summon vines like the pagans of the Divine Plant Religion.

There are two possible explanations for this situation.

The first possibility is that Lin Zichen is a fairy master who has survived from the Age of Gods, or a descendant of a fairy master.

The second possibility is that Lin Zichen is not an earthling.

Either possibility is shocking and unbelievable.

Inside the tree cage.

Under the leadership of Lan Tianbai.

The alien-level geniuses in the team quickly set up their positions in a well-trained manner and prepared for a deadly battle.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan wanted to remind everyone that this was not an attack by the Divine Plant Religion, but the work of Lin Zichen.

But before he could say anything, he saw Lin Zichen shaking his head, indicating not to say it.

Lin Zichen wanted to try whether he could blow up the entire team of alien-level geniuses by himself.

It was a bit crazy to do this.

But he really wanted to try.

He wanted to try what level he was at when he was at full output.

A cheater should have the fighting power of a cheater, and should completely crush his peers.

Otherwise, he would be unworthy of his identity.




There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Under Lin Zichen's mental control.

Countless scarlet and thick vines fell from the vine net on the top of the tree cage, and shot towards Lan Tianbai and others below like poisonous snakes.

Facing the fierce attack of the vines, Lan Tianbai's blood burst out instantly, and he used all his strength to swing a long sword in his hand, slashing out a sword with the momentum of thousands of troops.

As soon as this sword energy came out, the surrounding air suddenly surged like a huge wave on the sea, stirring up a circle of terrifying shock waves.


There was a sound of tough objects breaking.

The scarlet vines that covered the sky were instantly chopped into large pieces of wood chips by the sword energy, and slowly fell like snowflakes in winter.




A dull sound came.

Under Lan Tianbai's feet, a large number of scarlet vines suddenly broke out of the ground.

As soon as these vines appeared, they immediately wrapped around Lan Tianbai's body, wrapping him up like an airtight cicada pupa, and pulled him up to the air, hanging and swaying.

At the same time.

Except for Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, all the other geniuses in the team were also entangled by scarlet vines like cicada pupae, pulled up to the air, and swayed with Lan Tianbai.

At a glance.

It looked like countless bodies of people who committed suicide by hanging were hanging there.

It made people feel cold in their hearts.

The back felt cold.

"They were all beaten without any ability to fight back..."

Shen Qinghan stared at the creepy scene above her head in a daze, and a sense of powerlessness instantly surged from her heart.

She always thought that she had kept up with Lin Zichen's pace.

But from now on, the gap is still so big that it makes people despair.

Lin Zichen's current biological level is only advanced level seven, but he can wipe out an entire team of extraordinary geniuses in just a few seconds.

The strength shown is so strong that people don't have the slightest thought of catching up.

I don't want to be the peerless twins, it's good to be the little woman next to Lin Zi... Shen Qinghan thought a little discouraged and gave up chasing Lin Zichen.

It wasn't that she didn't want to persevere, it was just that Lin Zichen was too exaggerated and she couldn't see any hope of persevering.


Only a crisp cracking sound was heard.

The whole person was entangled by vines and turned into a cicada chrysalis. Lan Tianbai struggled to break the vines on his body and turned into a huge bird-man to break free from the restraints.

The rare third-level powerhouse is indeed powerful... Lin Zichen thought, and the next second he had an idea, summoning a large number of thick scarlet vines to surge towards the blue sky.

This scene was very similar to the scene when the ninth elder of Shenzhi Sect arrested him in the coastal forest.

Ahead, Lan Tianbai sensed danger.

Immediately his energy and blood burst out, he suddenly flapped the wings on his back and shot out the sharp feathers on them.


Only a crisp cutting sound was heard.

All the vines that shot towards the blue sky and white were cut into pieces by the feathers carrying a large amount of energy and blood in an instant, and dispersed in the air and faded away.




Lin Zichen wanted to try to capture Lan Tianbai and once again controlled a large number of scarlet vines to surge towards him.

Lan Tianbai, who was in mid-air, didn't even look down the whole time.

When he felt another vine rising into the sky from below, he instantly lost all fighting spirit and chose to rush towards the top of the tree cage at high speed.

He knew that with his own strength alone, he could not get rid of those thick scarlet vines, and it would be useless to stay.

It's better to escape from the tree cage and go outside to ask for support.


There was a messy and dull sound of branches and leaves breaking.

Lan Tianbai, who was furiously bursting with energy and blood, successfully broke through the solid vine net and escaped from the suffocating tree cage.

Then the next moment, he was stunned.

He saw that most of the leaders in the city were hovering above the tree cage, discussing with each other Lin Zichen, who had just joined the team.

His appearance caused several leaders to stop talking and look at him.

But he just glanced at it and quickly looked away, continuing to discuss Lin Zichen.

Lan Tianbai was a little confused.

The leaders had obviously seen the tree cage and knew that the Shenzhi Cult was launching an attack in the city. Why did they all turn a blind eye?

what is happening?

With this confused state, Lan Tianbai listened to the leaders' discussion, and soon his eyes widened, suspecting that he was hallucinating.

What the hell?

Was this tree cage created by Lin Zichen manipulating plants?

Even those fierce scarlet vines just now were summoned by him?

What exactly is going on? !

Lan Tianbai was completely confused and could not understand the discussions he heard.

At this moment, there was a violent earthquake and mountain shaking.


Lan Tianbai looked down following the sound and found that the tree cage below was actually disintegrating.

Countless giant trees hundreds of meters high rose up from the ground and returned to their original positions at extremely fast speeds to take root again.

A large number of scarlet and thick vines instantly burrowed into the ground and disappeared like poisonous snakes returning to their burrows.

This vast process lasted less than ten seconds.

The huge tree cage and the fierce scarlet vines all disappeared without a trace, as if everything they just saw was an illusion.

The next second, Lan Tianbai saw the leaders hovering above, landing one after another in the open space below, and couldn't wait to arrive in front of Lin Zichen.

Could it be that what just happened was really Zichen's handiwork?

But how is this possible?

With confusion in his heart, Lan Tianbai quickly followed the leaders and landed in front of Lin Zichen.

on the ground.

When Shen Qinghan saw so many important figures appearing in front of him, his legs suddenly felt weak and he shrank nervously behind Lin Zichen.

Compared with her, Lin Zichen looked calm and not timid at all.

He had expected this scene from the moment he chose to reveal his full strength.

This is exactly the purpose of showing his strength.

"Lin Zichen, how did you control so many plants to form a 100-meter tree cage?"

"Also, why were you able to summon those thick scarlet vines just now?"

"This kind of method is exclusive to the pagans of Shenzhi Cult."

Qin Chuan looked at Lin Zichen in front of him, his resolute face full of doubts.

Lin Zichen did not fully explain, but simply said:

"My physique is a bit special and I can acquire the abilities of other living beings. As for how I acquired them, this involves my privacy and I am not in a position to tell you."

"It's really inconvenient."

Qin Chuan nodded to express his understanding.

In the origin, many powerful people have their own evolutionary secrets.

As long as you don't say anything, others will not take the initiative to ask or investigate thoroughly.

Otherwise, it would be a naked provocation and a conflict involving death or injury would break out.

"Secretary Guan."

Qin Chuan shouted lightly.

Soon, a heroic short-haired woman walked out of the crowd and said in a respectful voice:

"City Lord, I'm here."

"Take him to the warehouse to receive the reward. You can choose three rare fruits at will."

Qin Chuan's expression remained calm.

He knew that Lin Zichen's purpose for suddenly showing his strength was to obtain more evolutionary resources.

This is a no-brainer to figure out.

If he can't even figure this out, then he doesn't need to be the city lord.

"Okay, I know the city lord."

After Secretary Guan said this, he walked quickly to Lin Zichen and wanted to take him to the warehouse.

Before leaving, Secretary Guan asked, "Can you fly in the air?"


Lin Zichen cherished every word like gold.

As early as the day when he felt that he had a rare level, with the blessing of [Higher Spirit], he tried to use his spiritual power to fly in the air.

The result was very successful and I could fly in the air at will.

It's just that the flying skills are not very proficient, and the mental energy is consumed accordingly, and the flight cannot be far.

"Since you can fly, then come with me."

The moment he finished speaking, Secretary Guan used his mental energy to fly high into the sky.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zichen also used his spiritual power to fly up, and at the same time said to Shen Qinghan below:

"Go back to the dormitory and wait for me. I'll be back soon."

He had only mastered the skill of pre-controlled flight some time ago.

It's okay to fly alone, but if you want to fly with an extra person, it will be a bit difficult.

It's not necessary.

Not long after Lin Zichen left, all the alien-level geniuses who escaped from the vines looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Until this moment, they were still unwilling to believe that Lin Zichen could possess such great strength, and preferred to believe that they were just dreaming.

For this reason, there is an alien-level genius who is slapping himself wildly, hoping that he can wake up from this outrageous dream.

Unfortunately, in the end reality will only tell him that all this is in vain.

Facts are facts, not dreams.

The warehouse of City No. 1.

This is a separate building. The walls are made of special ores and are inlaid with a large number of blue crystal blocks, exuding a biting chill.

The entire warehouse is like a huge low-temperature refrigerator, used to preserve all kinds of fresh food.

Secretary Guan led Lin Zichen in silently and with brisk steps, stopping in front of a wall sealed with a large number of exotic flowers and fruits.

She turned her head to look at Lin Zichen, who was opposite her, and said in a knowing voice:

"The exotic fruits in this wall are all of rare quality. You can choose any three."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zichen responded, his eyes focused on the strange flowers and fruits on the wall.

Star grass emitting little starlight.

The blood dragon grass is surrounded by blood mist.

A black phoenix burning with black flames.

The color of the Three Immortals Kirin Fruit is as bright as blood essence.

The Nine-Revolution Soul Yin Fruit spreads out ice flowers...

Lin Zichen looked at these strange fruits on the wall curiously. While observing their strange appearance, he was also browsing their descriptions.

After watching it for a few minutes, Lin Zichen looked at Secretary Guan aside and asked:

"Can we only choose exotic fruits? Can we choose exotic flowers or herbs?"


Secretary Guan replied in the affirmative.

Upon hearing this, Lin Zichen hesitated for a while and finally chose a black phoenix flower, a three-immortal unicorn fruit, and a nine-turn soul yin fruit.

Among these three kinds of treasures, the Black Phoenix Flower can strengthen self-healing ability, the Three Immortals Kirin Fruit can increase Qi and blood, and the Nine-turn Yin Soul Fruit can enhance the spirit.

They are all chosen at will.

I didn’t say which one I would choose specifically.

The main thing is to wear it equally with rain and dew, choose one piece of each, and don’t repeat it.

Soon, Secretary Guan took out these three treasures, put them into a specially made wooden box, and said to Lin Zichen:

"It should be consumed as soon as possible, otherwise improper storage will cause the effect to weaken."

"Well, I understand. Thank you, Secretary Guan, for reminding me."

Lin Zichen nodded.

After saying that, he didn't stay in the warehouse for long, and soon left the place and went back to the dormitory.

Before he left, Secretary Guan said to him: "If you are free tonight, remember to go to the City Lord's office at 12 o'clock on time. The City Lord wants to talk to you about something."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zichen nodded, then flew away in the air at high speed as soon as he thought about it.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that the three heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the wooden box were losing energy.

You have to take it back to the dormitory and share it with Shen Qinghan as soon as possible. It's best not to delay even a second.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets! (End of chapter)

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