Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 25 Giant Alien Rat Album

Follow the way into the park.

Lin Zichen felt that the carrion in his hand was a bit in the way, so he opened the bag and threw the meat into a bush on the roadside.

The stench emitted by this rotten ghost squid meat is getting stronger and more pungent. Just smelling it makes you feel nauseous. There is no need to keep it.

We can only use the waste to give back to the nature that gave birth to all things, so that the saprophytic organisms in nature can have a feast.

As for how to explain to my parents when I got home, I just said that I encountered pagan believers making trouble and accidentally lost the meat in the panic.

Also, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, if you want to buy exotic animal meat to devour in the future, you have to find a way to find someone to help purchase it...

While thinking, Lin Zichen had already followed the security team into the park.

At a glance, there was still purple-blue smoke in the air, but it had almost dissipated, revealing a large area of ​​scorched earth that was still smoking.

If you go forward and take a closer look, you can see a deep pit with a radius of about one meter in the middle.

Moving forward to see what was going on in the pit, I saw a completely burnt corpse.

It was the giant rat-turned-pagan believer.

Lin Zichen was a little surprised.

Such a powerful laser cannon could not completely wipe out the rat man, but just turned it into a coke?

It seems that genetic fusion is still powerful.

"Don't let irrelevant people come near. Please leave this place quickly!"

Beside the pit, a security guard saw Lin Zichen standing aside and immediately shouted to drive him away.

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain of the security team across from him said, "Let him stay. Anyway, we will take him back to the station later to make notes."

"Making notes?"

The security officer was a little confused and didn't understand what Lin Zichen wanted to record when he returned to the station.

He still didn't know that Lin Zichen was the one who secretly managed to escape the hostages from the hands of the pagan believers.

At this time, Lin Zichen's cell phone rang, and it was Shen Qinghan's call.

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Qinghan's worried voice immediately came from inside.

"Xiaochen, it's been more than ten minutes. You haven't come back yet. Did something happen on the road?"

"It's okay, don't worry. The rat man has been eliminated by the mechanical transformation man. I'll stay to see the situation at the scene. You can sit in the convenience store for a while. I'll be back soon."

"How about I come over to find you?"

"No, I don't feel safe. I'll go pick you up now. Just wait for me. I'll be there soon."

Lin Zichen quickly hung up the phone and ran all the way to pick up Shen Qinghan.

Within a moment, he brought Shen Qinghan to the park.

Shen Qinghan looked at the charred ground in front of him, his little face full of surprise.

It was hard for her to imagine what had just happened here to cause it to become like this.

At this time, the people from the security team had already taken the body out of the pit and carried it on a stretcher into the trunk of the security vehicle.

Fortunately, the trunk of a security vehicle often contains various large tools, and the space is designed to be large enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate a stretcher.

Lin Zichen looked at the completely charred corpse and thought of the Rat King gene that the captain of the security team seemed to have mentioned when he asked for support.

It is said that this pagan believer, who has become a charred corpse, is most likely fused with the rat king gene in his body.

The rat king gene must also be a kind of alien gene.

So...can I devour the Rat King genes in the corpse?

Lin Zichen suddenly thought of this.

He thought about it and thought it should be possible. He decided to find an opportunity to touch the body when he got off the car at the police station to verify his suspicion.

Soon, everything on site was taken care of.

The captain of the security team looked at Lin Zichen and asked: "We are going back to the security station. Do you two know where it is? Can you ride over by yourself?"

"The chain of our bike is broken and we can't ride it."

"In that case, let's take the security car back together."

“Can you bring our bikes too?”

"Okay, go ahead and push it over."


After a few brief conversations, Lin Zichen went outside and pushed the broken bicycle over.

Because there was no room for the trunk, a tall security guard helped him secure the bicycle to the roof with ropes.

Afterwards, the group took a car to the police station.

In the car, Lin Zichen didn't see Teacher Strawberry, thinking that he had been sent to the hospital by the security guard for treatment of his wounds.

On the way, because both Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were minors, the captain of the security team asked them to notify their parents to come to the security station.

Both called their parents to inform them.

About ten minutes passed.

The car finally arrived at the police station.

After getting out of the car, Lin Zichen took the initiative to go to the back of the car and help carry out the bodies of the pagan believers.

When the security guards weren't paying attention, he endured his nausea and reached out to touch the corpse to see if he could swallow the Rat King gene inside.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that it could actually be swallowed!

Genes are the origin of life, or one type of origin of life!

So without even thinking about it, I decided to devour it.

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "giant alien rat\

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