Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 27 Joining the Martial Arts Team

Shanhai Middle School.

In a classroom in the first grade of junior high school.

Lin Zichen was in class, but he was not interested in listening to the lectures or reading his own books. His mind was full of thoughts about yesterday.

Thinking of the Rat God Cult, I felt that this was a potential safety hazard and I had to be careful in the future.

I thought about the laser cannon used by the female robot to transform humans, and realized that I was still very weak, but fortunately, I was also young, and with the blessing of three attributes: advance or lose, wisdom from heaven, and the law of the jungle, I had greater growth potential than anyone else.

I thought of the ghost squid's album, thinking about how to make money to fill up the progress bar, and then open the album to gain some of the ghost squid's abilities.

School scholarship?

Prize money from various student competitions?

anything else?

Are there other sources of income?

The price of ghost squid meat is too high. If you earn so much money in a year, how many years and months will it take to fill up the progress bar?

You have to find a way to increase your income.

Be a top academic internet celebrity?

No, this is too ostentatious.

Start a technical side job?

I don’t feel like it. I’m already busy enough with studying and exercising, so I can’t spare any time.

Is there any side job that can make money without delaying my study and exercise?

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, three cobblers, like Zhuge Liang, ask the well-informed netizens.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen took out his mobile phone, opened the post bar and posted a post.

[May I ask, how can junior high school students earn 100,000 yuan quickly without affecting their studies? 】

Perhaps because the title was so outrageous, it quickly attracted many netizens to comment enthusiastically.

First floor: There is everything in the dream.

Second floor: It is recommended to study criminal law.

Third floor: You can join the school's martial arts team to compete. I have a friend who won nearly 300,000 in bonuses in six years of junior high and high school, which makes me envious.

300,000 bonus?

so much?

Lin Zichen was a little surprised. He immediately exited the post bar and opened the browser to search for information about martial arts competitions.

The search was local to Shanhai City.

After searching for it and browsing for a while, I learned that every winter and summer vacation for students, martial arts exchange competitions of various sizes are held in the city.

Mainly targeted at middle school and high school students.

After searching for specific competition information, I found that the netizen who just posted it was not bragging, and the prize money was really generous.

There is a nine-school junior high school league in the city, and the first-place school can get a bonus of up to 50,000 yuan.

Just by dividing points here and there, core players can get at least several thousand yuan.

For junior high school students, this is a lot of money.

The key is that the competition time is not long, only three days to a week at most.

I can get thousands of dollars in a few days, which is no different from putting money in a sack.

The most important thing is that practicing martial arts can exercise your body, make money and evolve at the same time.

"There happens to be a martial arts team in the school. Let's go and have a look after school in the afternoon." Lin Zichen thought to himself.

It didn't take long.

As the bell rang, the morning class finally ended.

After class, the students in the classroom left the classroom one after another and went to the canteen to eat.

Some people who live close by go back to their own homes to eat.

There are also some people who have enrolled in a noon care class nearby and go to the noon care class to eat.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan are special. They both bring their lunch boxes from home. They just need to take their lunch boxes to the teacher's office and heat them in the microwave.

This is one of the privileges that Lin Zichen earned after winning a lot of honors for the school.

As his best friend since childhood, Shen Qinghan was fortunate enough to enjoy this privilege.

"Xiao Chen, try this, it's super delicious."

Shen Qinghan put a piece of egg roll into Lin Zichen's lunch box. The expression on his face was very natural. It was obvious that he was no longer worried about the embarrassing thing that happened in the car yesterday.

Lin Zichen tasted the egg roll and couldn't help but nodded: "It's really delicious."

"Then guess who did it?"

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

"Stop playing word games, just guess!"

"You did it."

"You guessed it right!" Shen Qinghan smiled as happily as a flower.

Then he looked at Lin Zichen with one hand on his chin, and asked with watery eyes:

"Xiaochen, I have started to learn to cook from my mother. From now on, I will cook for you every day, okay?"


Lin Zichen smiled and said.

After a while, the two of them finished their meal.

When he went out to wash the lunch box, Lin Zichen met the coach of the martial arts team in the corridor outside the classroom.

"Classmate Zichen, what a coincidence?"

As soon as Guo Xiangyuan saw Lin Zichen, he immediately walked over and talked with a smile on his face.

He deliberately waited on the edge of the corridor for a long time, and finally waited until Lin Zichen came out after eating.

The reason why they deliberately pretended to be a chance encounter was so that it would not appear too abrupt and unpleasant to Lin Zichen's senses like yesterday.

For a sports genius like Lin Zichen, he believed that he had to take the initiative and recruit Lin Zichen into the martial arts team as soon as possible without wasting even one day of martial arts practice.

Every extra day wasted is a waste of natural resources and will be struck by lightning.

"Teacher Guo, I was looking for you."

Originally, Lin Zichen wanted to go to the gymnasium after school to check it out, but since he has met Guo Xiangyuan now, he might as well go and learn about the martial arts team now.

When Guo Xiangyuan heard this, he was a little surprised at first, and then said with excitement:

"Do you want to know something about the martial arts team?"


Lin Zichen nodded.

Upon hearing this, Guo Xiangyuan immediately walked forward with enthusiasm and said with a smile:

"If you have any questions, just ask me. As long as I know something, I will answer it for you."

So, in the following time, Lin Zichen asked many questions in succession.

About the martial arts competition in the city.

About the competition prize money.

Regarding the strength of each school’s martial arts team, etc.

Guo Xiangyuan patiently answered all these questions for him.

Shen Qinghan on the side saw that the two seemed to be chatting for a long time, so he silently took Lin Zichen's lunch box and washed it together without disturbing them.

About half an hour later.

The two people in the corridor ended their chat.

Lin Zichen verbally agreed to join the martial arts team and said he would go to Room C of the gymnasium after school.

Then he turned around and went back to the classroom.

It was lunch break at this time, and the classroom was empty.

At a glance, there are only about a dozen students who are studying hard without taking a lunch break.

The diligent and studious Shen Qinghan is one of them.

Lin Zichen walked to his seat and sat down. He took out his headphones and put them on. He searched a bunch of videos about martial arts competitions on his mobile phone and watched them to understand what the competition process was like.

Next to him, Shen Qinghan was brushing the test paper with his head down, sometimes frowning, sometimes relaxing.

About half an hour later.

Shen Qinghan finally finished the questions.

She put away the test paper with a sense of accomplishment, turned around and patted Lin Zichen on the shoulder, wanting to talk to him.

Lin Zichen took off his headphones, looked at her and asked:

"Have you finished the test paper?"

"It's done."

"Not bad, I finished it in less than an hour this time. There is progress."

"Of course, although I'm not as smart as you, Xiaochen, I'm still very smart."

Shen Qinghan was a little proud.

Then, she curiously asked Lin Zichen:

"By the way, Xiaochen, are you going to join the school's martial arts team?"

"Yes, I have already joined verbally."

"In this case, will I be able to watch you play games in the future?"

"should be."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan smiled and said with beautiful eyes: "Then I will also be your little fan girl from now on, and I will cheer for you in the audience every day, okay?"

"Okay." Lin Zichen smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Qinghan on the side yawned greatly and looked sleepy.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen moved a chair down from the podium and put it together with the chair Shen Qinghan was sitting on. Then he said to Shen Qinghan:

"There's still more than half an hour left for lunch break. If you feel sleepy, take a nap."

"Well, I'll take a nap then. Remember to call me when it's almost time."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he shrank down like a kitten, lay on his side on the two chairs pushed together, rested his head on Lin Zichen's lap, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Lin Zichen brought a small blanket to cover her.

Then he put on his headphones and continued watching the martial arts competition video on his mobile phone.

I don't know if it was a dream or something, but Shen Qinghan, who had just fallen asleep, moved her red cherry mouth and murmured in a low voice:


"I relied on my own efforts to get into the high school of Shanhai Middle School..."

"We are still at the same table..."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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