Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 3 Childhood sweethearts

As he grew older, Lin Zichen began to understand his family background.

Living in a place called Shanhai City.

Live in a single-family house in a village in the city.

Just a simple family of three with no other relatives.

My parents both write online novels and have little interpersonal contact. They usually stay at home typing on the keyboard and typing.

The only social interaction is the occasional dinner party with the family of the baby girl who just moved next door.

There were many dinner parties, and Lin Zichen also became familiar with the baby girl's family.

It was learned that the baby girl's name was Shen Qinghan, and her parents were both teachers. Her mother's name was Xu Meng, and her father's name was Shen Jianye.

Other than that, the rest is not clear.

this day.

Lin Zichen celebrated his second birthday.

After celebrating, the first thing he did was to find a glove box, add nearly 20kg of groceries into it, and then try to lift it with one hand.

As a result, it was lifted easily.

"Okay, now I am also a nationally sensational child prodigy."

Lin Zichen smiled.

At this time, Zhang Wanxin's shout came from the living room: "Chenchen, sister Hanhan is here to play with you!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Zichen put down the glove box and walked slowly to the living room.

When he came to the living room, what caught his eyes was a beautiful young woman and a young girl who looked as delicate as a porcelain doll.

The visitors were Shen Qinghan's mother and daughter who lived next door.

The baby girl who could not crawl back then has now grown into a cute little loli with twin tails.

"Chenchen, these are egg tarts made by Aunt Meng. They are delicious."

Xu Meng handed the box of egg tarts to Lin Zichen and said with a smile on his face.

Lin Zichen took the egg tart and thanked him politely: "Thank you, Aunt Meng."

Hearing this thank you made Xu Meng feel bitter.

At the same age, Lin Zichen can already communicate with adults fluently, but his daughter Shen Qinghan is often unable to fully express her thoughts.

This is so obtuse and looks stupid.

There really is no harm without comparison.

After staying in the living room for a while and tasting a few egg tarts.

Lin Zichen had nothing to do and quickly returned to his room, closed the door and exercised intensively.

Shen Qinghan liked staying with him very much and followed him into the room. He sat aside and watched curiously as he lay on the ground and moved up and down crazily.

"T-T, egg tarts."

Looking at it, Shen Qinghan handed an egg tart in his hand to Lin Zichen's mouth.

Her voice sounded milky, and she was a little slurred in speech. She said "eat" instead of "time".

"No, you can eat it yourself."

"Time, time, good time."

Shen Qinghan insisted on Lin Zichen eating it.

Egg tarts are her favorite food, and she must share them with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen had no choice but to stop and eat the egg tart she handed him.

After eating the egg tarts, continue doing push-ups.

After doing it for a while, I felt that the intensity was not enough and my body was not improved significantly.

As his body becomes stronger and stronger, simple fitness exercises can no longer meet his evolutionary needs.

He stopped and looked around the room, and finally his eyes fell on Shen Qinghan beside him, and asked her to sit on him as a weight-bearing pendant.

Shen Qinghan was extremely happy, lying on his back like a sloth and hugging him.

While doing weight-bearing push-ups, through the strange feeling on his back, Lin Zichen discovered that Shen Qinghan was wearing a thick diaper under her skirt.

It's obviously a bit abnormal to still wear diapers at the age of two.

Regarding this matter, Lin Zichen heard Xu Meng complain to Zhang Wanxin, which seemed to mean that Shen Qinghan still likes to wet her pants, so she has to wear diapers many times.

time flies.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Zichen's age has reached three years old.

At this time, his physical fitness was so abnormal that he could lift a 40kg rice box with one hand.

He didn't know what level it was.

All I know is that the Kyoto prodigy I saw on TV last year is now far inferior to myself.

He had been paying attention to the news about the child prodigy.

The child prodigy is now four and a half years old and is still challenging to lift a 30kg dumbbell with one hand.

The gap in strength is already very wide.

Lin Zichen was very confused about this.

Then the Kyoto prodigy could lift a 20kg dumbbell with one hand when he was two years old. How come he couldn't lift a 30kg dumbbell with one hand at the age of four and a half?

This strength growth curve is very inconsistent with common sense.

Lin Zichen just thought about it without getting too entangled. He quickly had an idea and opened the character panel to check the data.

[Name: Lin Zichen]

[Age: 3 years old]

[Creature Level: Ordinary (First Level)]

[Biological attributes: use it or lose it]

Lin Zichen turned his attention to the biological level, where the original words "Ordinary First Level" were still displayed.

You can even lift a 40kg object with one hand, but is your biological level still only at the first level?

So what is the level of ordinary second level?

Beyond human limits?

Just as she was thinking about it, Zhang Wanxin came over from nowhere and said, "Chenchen, mom is going shopping with your Aunt Meng later. Do you want to go shopping with mom, or do you want to stay at home with dad?"

"My mother and I went shopping."

Lin Zichen answered without hesitation.

I am stuck at home exercising every day, and my life is a bit depressing. I need to go out and relax appropriately.

When the mother and son changed their shoes and went out, Shen Qinghan and her daughter were already waiting outside.

Three-year-old Shen Qinghan is wearing a small lace skirt and a pink butterfly hairpin on her head. She has a pair of big Kazilan eyes with watery eyes, which makes her look very fresh and cute.

"Chenchen, eat biscuits."

Shen Qinghan broke a biscuit in his hand into two halves and gave the larger half to Lin Zichen.

The voice is no longer so milky, the speech is no longer slurred, and it sounds much smoother.


Lin Zichen took the cookie and ate it in one bite.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan's face was filled with smiles. She still loved to laugh and pee as before. She still wore a thick diaper under her skirt.

[You are walking, qi and blood +1, body coordination +1, walking proficiency +1...]

Come to the street.

Lin Zichen was exercising while hiking and observing the surrounding environment along the way.

Busy with traffic and numerous high-rise buildings, it looks not much different from its previous life.

At most, it's just construction facilities and means of transportation, which looks a bit high-tech.

A somewhat noticeable difference is the occasional presence of orcs and robots among the crowds.

The so-called orcs are actually warriors who have fused the genes of alien beasts, and then have some of the characteristics of alien beasts in their bodies.

Some have animal ears on their heads.

There are wings sprouting from the back.

There are also ones covered with scales, like a lizard walking among the crowd.

The robot is a mechanically modified human being with many parts of its body made of metal. It looks like Genos from the anime One Punch Man, full of cyber technology style.

Whether they are genetic fusion people or mechanically modified people, there are not many of them, and you have to walk a long way to see one occasionally.

It's just that this kind of person's appearance is more conspicuous, and they are often noticed as soon as they appear.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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