Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 34 Son of Destiny

The big boy's sudden appearance made Lin Zichen feel speechless.

I'm afraid this kid is a bit big-breasted and brainless.

On the other side, in the audience.

Looking at the big boy on the martial arts platform, Zhang Wanxin was shocked.

What did this child grow up on? How did he grow so strong and tall in junior high school?

Then, with a worried look on his face, he said: "Husband, that kid is so big, how can Xiao Chen fight with him? What if he gets hurt?"

"It's okay. The flexibility of such a big guy is generally not very good. Xiaochen can use his flexible positioning to win. As for the injury... with the referee watching, it shouldn't happen."

Lin Yansheng comforted him.

He said this, but in fact he didn't know what he was thinking, and he was more just trying to appease Zhang Wanxin.

Unlike the couple, Shen Qinghan on the side was full of confidence in Lin Zichen.

She looked at Zhang Wanxin and said with certainty: "Don't worry, Aunt Xin, Xiaochen will definitely win. Xiaochen can punch a big stupid guy like that!"

Hearing her say that people are stupid, Zhang Wanxin immediately educated her in a gentle voice: "Hanhan, you can't call people stupid. This is not good."

"Oh, I won't be Aunt Xin anymore." Shen Qinghan knows her mistakes and can correct them.

After that, she looked towards the martial arts platform, put her small and white hands in front of her mouth, and shouted to Lin Zichen in a small voice: "Xiaochen, come on!"

Hearing her cheers, someone in the audience on the opposite side quickly followed suit and shouted, "Big Zhuang, come on, beat him!"

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, she immediately became unhappy and immediately shouted: "Xiaochen, come on, you will definitely win, mom believes in you!"

After shouting, he hit Lin Yansheng next to him and urged him: "Husband, shout quickly, you have a loud voice, and you can't lose your momentum!"

"Xiaochen, come on!!!" Lin Yansheng shouted at the top of his lungs, causing the ears of many spectators around him to buzz.

Guo Xiangyuan in the rest area heard the sound and asked the other four team members to cheer for Lin Zichen.

When the people over at Shanhai No. 1 Middle School saw this, they immediately learned to shout "come on" in a decent manner.

In just a short moment, the entire venue became lively.

On the martial arts stage.

When Lin Zichen heard the cheers from his family and teammates, he immediately smiled and waved to both sides.

The big boy opposite him stood still with a cold expression on his face, ignoring his family and teammates who were cheering him on. He thought he looked more handsome this way.

"Two contestants, please take your position quickly. The duel will begin immediately!"

Seeing that time was almost up, the referee immediately spoke loudly to the two people on the stage.

After hearing this, the two quickly took their positions.

Seeing that both of them were standing still, the referee immediately raised his right hand and said, "The duel begins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the big boy immediately rushed towards Lin Zichen like a bull.

This is a formal game, and no player will do anything stupid to let their opponent take the first shot.

This is a bad habit that is not conducive to winning. Players on the stage dare to do it, and coaches off the stage dare to curse.

Facing the big boy who was charging towards him, Lin Zichen simply dodged sideways, then stretched out his hand and gave the boy a gentle push on his back.

The next moment, the big boy lost his balance and stumbled straight out of the martial arts platform, defeated at the speed of light.

For a moment, the scene was completely silent, everyone was stunned by this unexpected scene.

About two seconds passed.

Shen Qinghan was the first to recover, and shouted with excitement on his face:

"Xiaochen, you are so awesome!!!"

Zhang Wanxin also hugged Lin Yansheng excitedly and said excitedly:

"Husband, you are really good at predicting things. Xiaochen really defeated that big guy with his flexibility!"

"Hahaha, that's that." Lin Yansheng was very happy. He was just talking nonsense, but he accidentally got the result, and no one else could.

As the voices of these three people rang out, other people around them also came to their senses, and there was a burst of discussion in the audience.

"What the hell? Your body is so much stronger than a human's, how can you still lose?"

"Dead muscle, definitely dead muscle, not flexible at all, so it's normal to lose."

"Damn it, you stupid guy, you ruined my money!"


On the other side, in the players' rest area.

Guo Xiangyuan and the four team members were so excited that one or two of them shouted at the top of their lungs: "Zi Chen is awesome!"

On the opposite side, the people in Shanhai No. 1 Middle School frowned and felt a little unhappy.

Among them, the coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School was so angry that his face turned green. He pointed at the big boy and cursed:

"Shen Technique! Shen Technique! How many times have I told you! Don't just run rampant on the martial arts stage! Use Shen Technique! Why don't you listen!!!"

The big boy was scolded for being stupid, and his eyes immediately became moist, but he wanted to cry but didn't dare.

Lin Zichen looked at the coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School and felt that this person might not be good enough.

The reason why the big boy rushed out of the martial arts platform was not because he rushed too fast and couldn't stop the car and lost his balance. It was simply because the hand that pushed lightly on his back was too strong.

After all, an arm that can easily lift a weight of 1,600kg is not something that a junior high school student can stop.

No matter how strong this junior high school student is, facing such an explosive arm, he will only end up being pushed out of the martial arts platform.

[You successfully defeated a competitor and your ranking in the competition was improved]

[Cumulative elimination of opponents: 2/1000]

Sure enough, as long as you defeat your opponent in a very competitive match, you can increase the progress bar of the achievement mission!

Lin Zichen felt slightly excited and couldn't wait to start the next duel.

Fortunately, there is no intermission in the arena competition this time. After the players win this duel, they will immediately start the next one.

"Chen Feng, if you go up to this duel, use all your strength to defeat that junior general from Shanhai Middle School as quickly as possible, do you understand?"

In the rest area of ​​Shanhai No. 1 Middle School, the coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School said with a serious face to the short-haired boy who ranked second in strength in the team.

The short-haired boy nodded seriously and said, "I understand, coach."

After saying that, he walked up to the martial arts platform, stood expertly at his correct position, and quietly waited for the referee to give the order.

Seeing that both of them were in good positions, the referee immediately raised his right hand and said, "The duel begins!"

Upon hearing the command to start the duel, the short-haired boy rushed out with a single stride and aimed an extremely sharp side kick at Lin Zichen's neck.

Lin Zichen calmly shrank his body down, just in time to avoid the side kick, and at the same time, he gently pushed the short-haired boy on the waist.

The next moment, the short-haired boy who was still doing side kicks and standing on one leg lost his balance in an instant. From a distance, it looked like his foot had slipped and he fell to the ground with a "plop". on the ground.

What a coincidence, I just hit the back of the head and fainted.

The scene was completely silent once again, completely stunned by the scene on the martial arts platform.

The first to react were the medical staff who had been waiting in the audience.

When several people saw the short-haired boy knocked on the back of his head and fainted, they immediately went to the stage and carried him down on a stretcher for treatment.

Then, there was a burst of discussion in the audience.

"What's going on? Why is that student from Shanhai Middle School so lucky?"

"Good guy, the last opponent rushed out of the ring and lost. Now this opponent accidentally slipped and fell and hit his head and fainted. What kind of luck is this?"

"It's not just luck. The way I dodged the side kick just now was very fast and powerful."

"Zinima! It must be a fake match! Refund the money!"


In the rest area of ​​Shanhai No. 1 Middle School.

The coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School was stunned and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

luck? Is this really luck?

wrong! This is not luck!

This junior general from Shanhai Middle School is very capable!

Realizing this, the coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School immediately looked at the strongest person in the team, a genius who could sprint 100 meters in only 9 seconds, and said in a panic:

"Gao Fei, in the next duel, focus on defense, don't take the initiative, and see what happens to the junior general from Shanhai Middle School. You must not lose!"

"Don't worry, coach, I will win."

The boy named Gao Fei walked onto the martial arts stage with confidence after speaking.

He had been observing the two duels that had just ended. He felt that Lin Zichen was not physically strong, but was more flexible and knew how to use tricks in the duels, so he could win so easily.

Therefore, he felt that with an equally flexible body, rich combat experience, and a 100-meter sprint that only takes 9 seconds, he felt that as long as he took the upcoming duel seriously and worked hard throughout, there would be no reason to lose.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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