Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 40 The Sound of the Sea

During these few days of vacation at the beach, Lin Zichen only did two things every day.

One is to let Shen Qinghan do various underwater actions in the sea during the day, while he observes from the side to see if he can dig out the secrets of Shen Qinghan.

The second is to go to the seabed for high-intensity exercise at night when no one is diving to improve your various abilities in the water.

Several days passed in this way.

Time flies and it’s the last night of vacation at the beach.

That night, Lin Zichen had just finished dinner and was lying in bed watching videos on his mobile phone and learning various ocean-related knowledge.

Not long after, Shen Qinghan sent him a message on WeChat.

[Hanhan: Xiaochen, come to my room now, I’ll give you a surprise! 】

[Zi Chen: OK, come. 】

After replying to the message, Lin Zichen got out of bed and went to Shen Qinghan's room to see what surprise she had prepared.

"Hanhan, open the door."

In front of the door, Lin Zichen reached out and knocked on the door.

Since the last time he entered the room without knocking and accidentally saw Shen Qinghan wearing diapers, he has become much more cautious now.

"The door is unlocked, just come in."

Shen Qinghan's voice came from the room, sounding a little nervous and shy.

Lin Zichen noticed something was wrong with the voice and suddenly became curious.

What surprise did Shen Qinghan prepare that made her voice become nervous and shy now?

Thinking about it, he opened the door and walked in.

The picture that immediately caught his eye was Shen Qinghan wearing a swimsuit, standing by the bed with a trace of blush on her face, looking at him coming in with a shy look on her face.

This swimsuit was different from the one she wore at the beach during the day.

It looks more normal, revealing more, no different than just wearing underwear.

"Xiaochen, do you feel good?" Shen Qinghan suppressed her shyness, walked up to Lin Zichen and turned around, showing off her body in a swimsuit.

Xu Meng prepared this swimsuit for her when she was at home, thinking that she would wear it when she went to the beach.

Unfortunately, she was too embarrassed to wear it. She had been on vacation at the beach for so many days and never wore it once.

Because of this, she felt it would be a pity not to wear it, so she thought about wearing it in her room for Lin Zichen to see what kind of comments she would get.

“Very beautiful, especially suitable for wearing.”

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan in a swimsuit and gave this answer honestly.



Lin Zichen did not speak out of conscience and told the truth.

After all, Shen Qinghan, wearing a swimsuit, looks perfect in both face and figure, and they look really beautiful together.

If you walk on the beach outside, you will have an 80% return rate.

"By the way, it's quite comfortable to walk on the beach at night with the sea breeze. Do you want to come with me to experience it?"

Lin Zichen was at a young age. Facing Shen Qinghan in a swimsuit, he knew that if he continued to watch, he would easily have inappropriate thoughts in his heart, so he made such a suggestion.

Shen Qinghan said without hesitation: "I have to experience it. Just wait for me while I go change my clothes."

As she said that, she picked up the casual clothes on the bed and went into the bathroom in the room to change clothes.

Lin Zichen didn't show any concern at all and didn't let him go out and wait outside the room.

On the beach at night.

The breeze is gentle.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan didn't wear shoes, so they walked barefoot on the beach, feeling the touch from the sand with some enjoyment.

"Xiaochen, it's really comfortable to walk on the beach at night. I didn't even go for a walk on the beach a few nights ago. It's such a pity."

Shen Qinghan felt very embarrassed when he thought about it.

Lin Zichen smiled: "It's okay. There will be more opportunities to come to the beach in the future. You can come every summer vacation."

"Yes, during the holidays from now on, our two families will go to the beach to play, swim together, play beach volleyball together, barbecue together on the shore, and eat all kinds of delicious meat skewers together!"

When it comes to meat skewers, Shen Qinghan can't help but swallow his saliva, a little greedy.

Seeing her look like this, Lin Zichen remembered the scene when he was shopping in the mall when he was a child.

At that time, Zhang Wanxin loved shopping in shopping malls and often asked Xu Meng to go shopping together.

Shen Qinghan, who followed Xu Meng, couldn't help drooling from the corner of his mouth every time he passed a place selling snacks. Then he stopped and said in a coquettish voice that he wanted to buy snacks.

It's like this every time, no exception.

After thinking about it, Lin Zichen couldn't help but look at Shen Qinghan and compared her with the snack food of the past.

In a word, women have undergone a huge transformation.

She used to be a little loli with a fat face and short legs, but now she is a young girl with a small face and long and slender legs. Her attributes have changed from cute to beautiful.

"Why is my face so pretty? I've walked a hundred meters away and you're still staring at my face."

Shen Qinghan couldn't stand Lin Zichen's gaze anymore, and said with a blush on her face.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "It's really good-looking, better-looking than many so-called female celebrities."

"Oh, don't say such things again, you just don't have good intentions and want to see me blush!"

Shen Qinghan really couldn't stand being praised like this. She felt so embarrassed that she couldn't even walk comfortably.

At this time, the two of them had unknowingly walked into the sea water next to them.

My feet feel very cool when soaked in it.

Lin Zichen looked at the sea water under his feet and thought of the colorful underwater world. He looked at Shen Qinghan on a whim and asked, "Would you like to dive with me and enjoy the colorful underwater world?"

"How to dive?"

"I teach you."

With that said, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan to the depths of the shallow water area, and together they dived into the underwater world that was only a few meters deep.

However, less than two seconds after diving, Shen Qinghan suddenly patted Lin Zichen nervously, conveying the message that she was about to surface and would not dive anymore.

When Lin Zichen saw this, he quickly brought her to the surface with him.

The moment he surfaced, Shen Qinghan's face turned pale and she said, "Hurry, Xiaochen, let's get to the shore quickly and stay away from the sea!"

Lin Zichen didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't rush to ask. Instead, he swam to the shore with her first.

After waiting up, he immediately asked with confusion on his face: "What happened? Why did you become so nervous all of a sudden?"

"Sound, I heard a sound. When I just dived to the bottom of the sea, a strange sound suddenly kept coming from my ears. It was so strange that it was a bit scary."

"what sound?"

"I couldn't understand it. Maybe it was a language I didn't know. All I knew was that it was a female voice. The voice was very real and kept echoing in my ears until it disappeared after I surfaced."

Shen Qinghan said with a scared look on his face.

Lin Zichen became even more puzzled. Female voice? Don’t understand the language? Has it been ringing in my ears? Why didn’t I hear anything while I was also diving?

"Let's go, Xiaochen, let's go back quickly. I don't want to stay on this beach any longer. It always feels cold behind me, which is a bit scary."

Shen Qinghan said with a scared look on his face.

Seeing that she was so scared, Lin Zichen stopped staying on the beach any longer and quickly took her back to the sea view room.

late at night.

on the bed.

Lin Zichen stayed awake the whole time, thinking about what Shen Qinghan told him - hearing a woman's voice while diving.

The more he thought about it, the creepier he felt, and he uncontrollably wanted to go to the water ghost.

But soon, he realized that these were meaningless thoughts, and the more he thought about them, the more time he was wasting.

So in order to stop thinking about it, I took out my mobile phone and browsed the current news on the Internet.

Not long after he browsed, he saw an unexpected piece of news.

In Shanhai City, there are traces of giant alien rats again!

A fishing enthusiast went to the river to fish at night, and was snatched away by a giant alien rat that suddenly appeared. He still does not know whether he is dead or alive.

After reading the news, Lin Zichen was immediately filled with a sense of urgency. He thought that since his mind was too messed up to sleep now, he might as well get out of bed and exercise.

So...he got out of bed and started exercising.

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing push-ups, your energy and blood will be +2000, your arm muscle strength will be +2000, your chest muscle strength will be +2000, and your push-up proficiency will be +1000]

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing sit-ups, your energy and blood will be +2000, your abdominal muscle strength will be +2000, and your sit-up proficiency will be +1000]

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing squats, your energy and blood will be +2000, your leg muscle strength will be +2000, and your squat proficiency will be +1000]

[Your biological level is raised to normal level five]

While doing it, Lin Zichen was pleasantly surprised to find that he had actually evolved!

The biological level has evolved from the ordinary fourth level to the ordinary fifth level!

Ordinary level five, this is a level of creature that can compete with an adult giant alien rat!

"I don't know how much the data of the three basic attributes have been improved. I have to test it..."

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen immediately took out the measuring tool from his luggage bag and couldn't wait to go outside to find a place to test his body data.

It took about half an hour to measure all the data of the three basic attributes.

It only takes 3.64 seconds to sprint 100 meters.

The vertical jump can reach 6.98 meters.

It can lift a car weighing about 1600kg with one hand.

Compared with when he first broke through to the ordinary fourth level, the improvement in data is very considerable.

The time of the 100-meter sprint was shortened by 0.85 seconds, the height of the vertical jump increased by 1.33 meters, and the weight of the heavy object lifted with one hand increased by 510kg.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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