Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 46 The fall of the genius girl! The wailing of the followers of the Rat God Cult!

Because the whole day was free time, the students quickly started to wander around the school.

There are groups of people who go out to visit the campus.

Some got together to chat.

Some of them are playing with their mobile phones with their heads down.

There are also those who read new books and preview them in advance.

Shen Qinghan is one of those who reads. He is looking down at the textbook, previewing the content in the textbook in advance, very seriously and hard.

Lin Zichen had read the textbook before and found that many of the contents were learned by himself when he was a child, so he didn't read more, and instead played with his mobile phone and browsed the real-time news on the Internet.

"Live up to expectations! The Kyoto prodigy who was a sensation all over the country has now been recommended to Kyoto University and is studying at the School of Evolution. He is expected to evolve into an advanced creature during his college years."

"Sad! The genius mechanical girl underwent mechanical transformation prematurely because her body was not fully developed. Now her body has developed a lot of physiological problems, and many parts of her body have developed deformities. She may become a disabled person in the rest of her life."

"Great news! Huawei Group has successfully cultivated rare fifth-level spiritual plants, and the global spiritual plant market may usher in major changes."

Lin Zichen glanced at the three news items on the home page, and his eyes quickly fell on the second one about a mechanical genius girl.

After reading the content for a while, he felt a little mixed.

Parents are great.

But obviously, not everyone with children is qualified to be a parent.

The parents of this mechanical genius girl, in order to make money by marketing their daughter as a genius, completely ignored their daughter's physical safety and asked her to undergo various mechanical modifications.

What a waste of time as a parent.

Even, in vain.

Lin Zichen shook his head, no longer thought about it, and slid down the phone screen to browse other news.

I read more than twenty of them in a row and found that there was a lot of news about the Rat God Cult.

After counting, the proportion is almost half.

Lin Zichen frowned slightly.

Why are there so many news about the Rat God Cult suddenly appearing?

What happened?

With these questions in mind, he clicked on all the news related to the Rat God Cult to browse.

Then I learned that it turned out that the city security headquarters had recently closed down the net and arrested many followers of the Rat God Cult.

All related news will be reported today.

Are they just arresting believers?

What about the rat king who is regarded as a god by believers?

Have you caught him?

Lin Zichen had so many thoughts in his mind that he quickly continued browsing the news.

After reading the recommended news on the web page, search for other related news yourself.

As a result, I was disappointed to find that the city's security headquarters' net closing operation this time was noisy. It only caught a few believers and not even a giant alien rat.

I browsed the news for a while and felt a little bored.

Lin Zichen put away his cell phone, silently stood up and left the classroom, intending to find a deserted corner to exercise so as not to waste time in the classroom.

After walking around the school, I finally came to a deserted grove.

This place is not monitored by anyone, so it is most suitable to be used as a secret base for training.

So, I casually moved a stone weighing hundreds of kilograms over and started doing high-intensity weight-bearing exercises.

[You are doing weight-bearing push-ups, Qi and blood +2, arm muscle strength +2, chest muscle strength +2, push-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing weight-bearing sit-ups, Qi and blood +2, abdominal muscle strength +2, sit-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing weight-bearing squats, qi and blood +2, leg muscle strength +2, squat proficiency +1...]

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Zichen finally finished his exercise and was covered in sweat.

Very tired, but very fulfilling, and I can clearly feel that I am getting stronger again.

"The biological level of ordinary adult giant alien rats is ordinary level five. As long as I evolve one more level, my strength will surpass them..."

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen lay down again, put the stone he just removed on his back again, and moved up and down against the ground crazily again.

[You did 300 weight-bearing push-ups, your energy and blood were +600, your arm muscle strength was +600, your chest muscle strength was +600, and your push-up proficiency was +300]

After doing a quick set of weighted push-ups.

Lin Zichen felt that the time was almost up, so he stopped and wiped the sweat from his face, took out his mobile phone to see what time it was.

Looking at the upper right corner of the phone screen, it showed that the time was already 17:20 in the afternoon, and school was almost over.

Afterwards, I saw a WeChat message prompt from Shen Qinghan at the top of the phone screen.

When I clicked on it, there were three pieces of information.

15:12 pm.

[Hanhan: Xiaochen, where have you been? Why haven't you come back for so long? 】

16:22 pm.

[Hanhan: Where are the people? (Confused emoticon)]

17:11 pm.

[Hanhan: Xiaochen, school is over in 19 minutes. I will stay in the classroom waiting for you to come back. When you see the message, remember to come to the classroom to find me. Don’t go home by yourself. 】

17:22 pm.

[Zi Chen: I was exercising just now and didn’t look at my phone. I’ll go back now. 】

After replying such a message to Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen put away his phone and returned to the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom door, Li Chuxin saw that he was sweating profusely and asked curiously: "What are you doing? Why are you covered in sweat?"

He Yu was also confused and said: "That's right. Why haven't I seen you for a long time? Did you go to play or play soccer?"

Shen Qinghan didn't speak quietly, but thoughtfully took out a few tissues and handed them to Lin Zichen to wipe the sweat from his face.

Originally, she wanted to help Lin Zichen wipe it, but there were too many people watching in the classroom, so she was embarrassed to wipe it.

Lin Zichen took the tissue that was handed to him, wiped the sweat from his face, and said honestly: "I didn't go anywhere, I just sat in the classroom and was bored, so I went outside to find a place with no one to exercise."

Li Chuxin said with admiration on her face: "Even if you have talent, you still work so hard. No wonder you are the top scorer in the high school entrance examination in our district."

He Yu complained: "Good guy, you secretly went out to exercise. Why don't you do this!"

He spoke loudly, which attracted many people around him to look over.

"He Yu, please keep your voice down."

Li Chuxin glanced at him dissatisfied, feeling that this Nan Wan boy was too arrogant and spoke louder than a rooster crowing, which made people feel bad.

He Yu also realized that something was wrong and quickly said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry."

At this time, the get out of class bell rang.

Students can go home from school.

Li Chuxin took out three bags from her schoolbag, handed them to the three people in the group and said, "Here, give each of you a bag to put your school uniforms in."


"Thank you Chu Xin."

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan took the bag at the same time, both smiled and thanked.

He Yu took the bag and shouted as usual: "I'll go, you actually know to prepare the bag in your schoolbag in advance, you are as smart as you!"

Seeing him whining again, Li Chuxin rolled her eyes at him speechlessly.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were packing their things silently, one thinking about going home early for dinner, and the other thinking about going home early to read.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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