Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 60 Turtle Style

Seeing that Shen Qinghan asked for it on his own initiative, Han Yuanfeng had no reason to refuse, so he let her play in the first battle.

Soon, Shen Qinghan boarded the martial arts platform under the gaze of everyone.

Because of her outstanding appearance, the eyes of the seniors in Class 6 of the second year of high school suddenly lit up when they saw her.

Some people with a more out-of-touch personality couldn't help but booed in the audience, shouting at the contestants in their own class, saying that elementary school girls are so cute, so they should be gentler later!

He kept shouting.

It wasn't until he got a hard look from his homeroom teacher that he knew to shut up and be quiet.

"Hanhan, come on!"

"Team member, fuck her!"

In the audience, Li Chuxin and He Yu were cheering for Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan smiled at the two of them in response, but it was obvious that his smile was a little forced and had no fighting spirit.

She knew how weak she was, and knew that she would definitely be beaten unilaterally by her opponent when the fight started.

No matter how hard others try, it can't change this fact.

In fact, the more others cheered, the more pressure she felt, and she felt so depressed that she couldn't breathe.

"Are you all ready?"

On the stage, the third-party teacher who acted as the referee asked in a loud voice immediately after seeing the two of them taking their positions.

"Ready." x2

Shen Qinghan and senior sister responded at the same time.

When the referee saw this, he immediately raised his right hand and then made a quick and skillful chop:

"The duel begins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the senior sister stepped forward and charged towards Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan was already prepared for this and quickly raised his hands to protect his body from being beaten.

He only received beatings throughout the whole process and basically never fought back.

It's not that she's cowardly, but she knows it well and understands that she can't win against her opponent no matter what.

The only thing you can do is to hold on as long as possible and consume the opponent's physical strength.

The senior sister saw that she was using the tortoise style of fighting and never fought back no matter how hard she was beaten. She immediately became anxious and decisively unleashed all her firepower, pouring all her fists and kicks on her body.

It lasted about three minutes.

Shen Qinghan couldn't hold it anymore and was knocked off the martial arts platform by his senior sister.

The fall hurt quite a bit.

But she didn't show much on her face, she just stood up silently and walked back to the class team.

"Qinghan, you played well. You know how to focus on defense to consume the opponent's energy. You are very smart."

Han Yuanfeng gave Shen Qinghan a thumbs up and praised with approval.

Shen Qinghan just smiled at him and quickly walked towards Lin Zichen.

When Lin Zichen saw Shen Qinghan coming, he smiled and affirmed her: "It's okay. I can persist for more than three minutes against a senior who has practiced for one more year. I've made a lot of progress."

"I haven't made much progress. It's just that I chose to be a turtle and get beaten, so I managed to hold on a little longer."

"Progress is progress, don't always belittle yourself."

As Lin Zichen said this, he pulled Shen Qinghan to sit next to him and skillfully checked her body to see if there was any injury.

After all, he had just been beaten hard by his senior sister on the stage with all his strength, and there must have been bruises in many places on his body.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Shen Qinghan suddenly screamed in pain. Lin Zichen pressed where he shouldn't.

When Lin Zichen saw this, he immediately used his body to block the surrounding view, then slightly opened Shen Qinghan's clothes and found an obvious bruise on her waist.

"I'll give you a cold compress to stop the bleeding first, and then you can apply a hot compress on your own to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis the next day."

"Well, I understand."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

Lin Zichen found his schoolbag, took out a cold compress plaster, and gently applied it to the bruise on her waist.

During this period, when she felt the touch and temperature from Lin Zichen's fingertips, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but blush.

The two of them were acting too close now, and there were so many people around, which made her feel embarrassed.

Lin Zichen didn't think as much as she did, and just continued to check her body silently to see if she was injured anywhere.

Many girls in the class looked at this scene, their faces full of envy and even jealousy for Shen Qinghan.

I thought that Shen Qinghan was really lucky to be born next door to Lin Zichen's family and grew up with him.

Otherwise, with her grades, would she be worthy of having a word with Lin Zichen?

I'm afraid that at most it will just become a roadside wild flower with some beauty, and then live a mediocre life.

Shen Qinghan, whose body was being checked, was somewhat aware of the glances from the girls in the class.

When she felt the envy and jealousy mixed in these eyes, she couldn't help but lower her head and purse her lips.

In the past, she would have enjoyed the envious or jealous looks from girls of the same age.

But as she grew older and realized the gap between herself and Lin Zichen, as well as the hatred caused by this gap, she gradually began to become afraid of this kind of gaze.

I always feel that I am not good enough for Lin Zichen, and I feel a lot of pressure every day.

On the other side, the second duel has begun on the martial stage.

The girl who was previously arranged to play in the first match by Han Yuanfeng came on stage.

His surname is Wen and his given name is Yun Tong.

Wen Yuntong has a strong personality and doesn't like the turtle style of fighting. As soon as the fight starts, she rushes in front of the senior sister, raises her leg and kicks the opponent in the face.

She felt that the senior who could last Shen Qinghan on stage for three minutes was probably rubbish, and she could easily knock him off in seconds with just one full kick.

However, this petite senior was not the trash she imagined.

Faced with the kick from her, the senior sister just turned slightly to the side and just dodged it with incomparable accuracy.

Then, before she could take her legs back, he raised his hand and punched her in the face, causing her to become confused and staggered.

Then he took advantage of the victory and swept her to the ground with a sweep of his legs. He quickly pressed on her and pinned her to the ground, unable to move and making it difficult to breathe.

Upon seeing this, the referee immediately declared the senior sister the winner.

The senior sister got up from the ground after hearing the sound, looked down at her defeated generals from a high position, and sneered:

"Haha, you only attack but don't defend when you come up. Are you looking down on the ordinary class?"

"It's true that I'm not as talented as you, but I've practiced for one more year than you. How do you have the confidence to think that you are stronger than me now?"

"You'd better practice for one more year before you come back to fight me!"


Wen Yuntong said nothing and stood up and left the stage without saying a word.

When Han Yuanfeng saw her coming down from the stage, he immediately frowned and criticized:

"Yuntong, what's going on with your style of play? You only know how to attack and don't consider defense at all. Have you forgotten everything I taught you in class before?"

"Teacher, I was arrogant just now. I will not make the same mistake again in the future."

Wen Yuntong admitted her mistake openly.

Seeing that she had admitted her mistake, Han Yuanfeng couldn't say anything more.

Just thinking about it.

This Wen Yuntong is not as good as Shen Qinghan. At least Shen Qinghan lasted on the stage for more than three minutes.

Soon, the third duel began.

The one who appeared was Li Chuxin.

Her strength is third from the bottom in the class, only better than Shen Qinghan and Wen Yuntong.

"Hanhan, let me help you take revenge. Watch me crush that senior!"

"Well, come on."

"Just watch, I can take her down in less than five minutes!"

After saying these words, Li Chuxin took the stage with confidence.

Then he kept his promise and killed the senior sister in less than five minutes.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan in the audience said with envy on his face: "Xiaochen, Chu Xin is so awesome."

"You are also powerful. If you hadn't consumed that senior's energy in front of you, Chu Xin wouldn't have won so easily." Lin Zichen praised her with reason.

Shen Qinghan knew that this was contrary to the truth and he was trying to coax her, but she was still very happy after hearing it and felt that she was not so useless in the class.

PS: The next chapter will be posted at 1 o'clock. I found a bug in the plot and need to rewrite it. I'm sorry.

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