Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 73 Crotch Humiliation

Several days have passed since the last queue-jumping incident in the canteen.

As soon as He Yu came to school that day, he mentioned this matter to Lin Zichen and said angrily:

"I checked for several days and finally found out which class the person who joined my team that day was from!"

"You may not believe it, but those people are actually from Class 3 of the sophomore year of high school, which is the strongest key class of the sophomore class that we are going to challenge!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help complaining: "I'm really convinced that the people in the key classes are so unqualified!"

"Good study does not mean good quality."

Lin Zichen said casually while scrolling through the news on his mobile phone.

At this time, a piece of news caught his attention.

It is said that a wealthy second-generation man in the city has gone missing. He has been unable to be contacted for three days. His family is offering a large reward online to find his son.

Another rich second generation disappeared?

Lin Zichen frowned.

This is the fifth case of the disappearance of a rich second generation that he has seen in the past few days.

At first, he thought someone was kidnapping for ransom, but a few days later he discovered that there were no kidnappers looking for ransom from the family.

It's just weird.

It's scary to think about it.

Just as he was thinking about this, Li Chuxin at the front desk said to Shen Qinghan:

"Hanhan, the school will have a singing competition at the end of December. I want to sing a song that two people sing together. Now I need a partner with a soft voice. Your voice sounds very soft. How about we compete together."

"I do not know how to sing……"

"It's okay. You are responsible for very few lyrics. You only need to hum a few lines occasionally to cooperate with me."

"How about you find someone else..."

Shen Qinghan had a bit of social anxiety at school and simply didn't have the courage to perform on stage.

Seeing her refusal, Li Chuxin immediately held her hand and begged her: "Hanhan, just accompany me to participate. Your voice is so soft and pleasant. With your partner, we will definitely get the ranking!"


Shen Qinghan felt very embarrassed and didn't know how to reject Li Chuxin for a while.

Lin Zichen, who was sitting in the back, saw this and advised: "Hanhan, why don't you accompany Chu Xin to participate? Your voice is very suitable for singing, and you will definitely sing well."

He felt that Shen Qinghan was too introverted in school now, so it would be good for her to participate in a singing competition and go on stage to exercise her courage.

Li Chuxin also advised: "That's right, Hanhan, your voice is really suitable for singing. It would be a pity not to participate in the competition and show off yourself."

Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed to Li Chuxin's participation for Lin Zichen's sake.

[You and Li Chuxin successfully persuaded Shen Qinghan to participate in the singing competition, and the cumulative number of completed tasks +1]

Lin Zichen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this could also improve the completion progress of the social animal achievement.

A few days later, Saturday morning.

In the gym.

Lin Zichen's Class 1, Grade 1, will challenge Class 3, the strongest key class in Grade 2, today.

During the warm-up period, several boys from Class 3, Grade 2, gathered together to chat, looking at Lin Zichen and He Yu from time to time.

It was none other than the people who joined He Yu's team last week.

Lin Zichen noticed the other party's gaze, but didn't pay attention and still silently helped Shen Qinghan warm up.

He Yu looked over and was so angry that the other party raised his middle finger provocatively and immediately raised it back.

Soon after, both classes finished warming up, and the competition began immediately.

In Class 1, Grade 1, Shen Qinghan came out to play the first game just like last time.

The only difference was that this time Shen Qinghan was defeated within three seconds of entering the stage. He was swept to the ground by his opponent and was pinned down unable to move.

The senior in the key class is too strong, even if she adopts the turtle style, she can't hold it.

Not only her, but several other girls behind her, including Wen Yuntong, Chu Yuxi, Li Chuxin, etc., were all instantly killed by the same opponent as soon as they came on stage, without any ability to fight back.

It wasn't until the ninth game when it was the turn of a strong, short-haired girl to appear that she finally knocked off the opponent's senior who had appeared in the first game.

After that, a stronger senior appeared on the opponent's side and began to push her all the way around the martial arts stage.

In less than ten minutes, 9 people were killed in a row.

Among them, there are also three boys.

The two classes continued to face each other with such a clear trend of strength and weakness.

It didn't take long.

Class 1, Grade 1, was beaten until only four people, Lin Zichen, Wang Shujie, Lu Gang, and He Yu, were left.

In Class 3 of the second grade of high school, only 5 people were knocked off the stage, and as many as 36 people did not appear.

The five people who were knocked off the stage were all girls, and not even a boy appeared on the stage.

This difference in strength is too big, and it is completely impossible to fight.

Regarding this situation, everyone in Class 1, Grade 1, frowned, feeling a little powerless and desperate.

Except Lin Zichen.

He needs to defeat as many opponents as possible to complete the achievement of natural selection.

At this moment, seeing that everyone in the class was almost wiped out, he was secretly happy in his heart, wishing that he could quickly become the only one.

"He Yu, it's your turn."

Han Yuanfeng looked at He Yu and gave him a difficult task: "The other party has 6 girls left. Go and kill them all. Can you do it?"

"piece of cake."

He Yu answered confidently, and then jumped onto the martial arts platform.

Then he lived up to expectations and knocked down all six girls from the other side with just a little effort.

Then, a boy wearing a vest appeared on the other side.

He Yu took a look and found that he was an acquaintance. He was the first person to join his team in the canteen that day.

"Are you ready to die?"

The man in the vest said with a smile as he came up.

He Yu also smiled: "Not only do you have no quality as a person, you also don't know yourself."

The opponent is the first boy in the class to appear, so he must be a rookie. He is full of confidence in this duel.

Seeing that both of them were in good positions, the referee raised his right hand high and made a quick chop:

"The duel begins!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the man in the vest flashed in front of He Yu. Before He Yu could react at all, he raised his hand and knocked him to the ground with a punch.

Then, in front of everyone, he raised his leg and stepped over He Yu, deliberately humiliating him.

"Fuck you!" He Yu became angry and got up to hit the man in the vest.

However, as soon as he took action, he was kicked to the ground by the man in the vest, and was immediately stepped over again.

Referee: "This student must not deliberately humiliate his opponent. Warn him once!"

The man in the vest ignored him and kicked He Yu down who had just gotten up, then raised his leg and stepped over.

Referee: "Two warnings!"

Seeing that he had been warned twice, the man in the vest stopped humiliating He Yu and kicked him off the martial arts platform.

The kick was so hard that the pain caused He Yu to shrink into a ball in the audience, his face full of pain.

The man in the vest looked at the referee and asked: "You will be sent off after three warnings, right?"

The referee frowned: "That's the rule, but insulting your opponent is an extremely bad behavior. I advise you not to do it."

The man in the vest ignored the referee, but looked at Lin Zichen in the audience, and said with a smile on his face: "Junior, I remember that you seem to like to meddle in other people's business. Do you want to go on stage to meddle in it again?"

After saying that, he hooked his fingers at Lin Zichen and said with a provocative look: "Come if you have the guts, forget it if you don't."

Lin Zichen could see that the man in the vest was very strong and definitely at the top of the class. He deliberately came out to snipe He Yu first and then humiliated him in public.

But now, it's his turn.

But...I'm worried about not having a chance to play.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen jumped directly onto the martial arts platform.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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