Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 77 The strongest person in the top class of high school students

After watching the video of Wu Tiancheng killing the Rat King, Lin Zichen continued to search for relevant news.

Soon, a piece of wanted news about the remnants of the Rat God Cult caught his eye.

The content of the news is that there are still nine followers of the Rat God Cult on the run, but the security department has found the specific identity information of the nine people and made them all public. It is hoped that citizens can provide clues to assist in the arrest.

There are prizes for providing clues, ranging from 5,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, depending on the importance of the clue.

Lin Zichen glanced at the wanted photos and memorized the faces of the nine remaining members of the Rat God Cult.

These nine people are all walking 500,000, and it is worth remembering their appearance.

However, the bounty is secondary, the most important thing is to protect yourself.

Knowing the appearance of the remnants of the Rat God Cult, if one day they accidentally encounter them, they can recognize them immediately and quickly move away to avoid danger.

When you can ensure your own safety, provide clues to the security department to get the reward.

"Xiaochen, haven't you gotten up yet?"

"It's already six o'clock!"

"If you don't get up, you'll be late for school!"

While watching the news, Zhang Wanxin's voice came from outside the door.

"I know, get up now!"

Lin Zichen responded and quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

Then wash up and go downstairs to have breakfast.

About half an hour later.

Lin Zichen walked out of the house and went to school with Shen Qinghan, who had been waiting for him outside the door.

Along the way, Shen Qinghan rarely chatted with Lin Zichen, and kept humming softly, singing more and more skillfully and more beautifully.

Lin Zichen enjoyed listening to it.

Before, he felt that Shen Qinghan would definitely win the prize in the competition at the end of December, but now, he felt that Shen Qinghan would definitely win the championship.

In less than ten minutes, the two of them walked into the school gate.

When walking on the school road, many people were pointing at Lin Zichen and whispering about what happened to him yesterday.

He is now famous throughout the school because he announced on the playground stage yesterday afternoon that he would challenge the entire school.

To exaggerate a little, maybe even the wild cats on the roadside and the dog raised by the school teacher know him.

However, the name he gave was not a good one.

In the two grades of high school, the second and third grade, especially the third grade, except for some nymphomaniac seniors who followed the facial features, most of the remaining seniors couldn't stand him.

I felt that he, a freshman in high school, was too crazy and deeply offended them, the seniors.

Lin Zichen didn't care at all about the pointing and whispering on the road. He just pretended that he didn't see or hear anything and just did as he should.

It was Shen Qinghan who was suffering from being with him.

Shen Qinghan was originally afraid of social problems in school, but as she walked along the school road, she was constantly being accidentally hurt by all kinds of glances at Lin Zichen, which made her dare not raise her head and walked with her head down the whole time.

Listening to the constant chatter around her, she felt even more uncomfortable. At one point, she was so uncomfortable that she could no longer walk with her legs, and she felt awkward no matter how she walked.

Seeing her in such a situation, Lin Zichen also felt helpless.

My childhood sweetheart is really lacking in self-confidence. When I was in school, I was always submissive and easy to bully.

I don’t know when I will become confident.

The time soon came to 12 noon.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Lin Zichen left the classroom and rushed to the school gymnasium without even eating.

He had already eaten something to fill his stomach during recess before.

It was rice balls made by Zhang Wanxin for him.

It’s convenient to eat, doesn’t take time, and doesn’t require washing lunch boxes.

Seeing that Lin Zichen had gone to the gymnasium, Shen Qinghan hurriedly left his seat and went to the office to heat up the meal. He wanted to take the heated meal to the gymnasium to eat, accompanying Lin Zichen throughout the challenge.

She wanted to use her mobile phone to capture every wonderful moment worth recording of Lin Zichen, collect all the charms of his student days, and then make a slideshow for him.

On the other side, Lin Zichen had arrived at the stadium and climbed onto the stage.

The gymnasium was completely empty at this time, and not a single person could be seen.

The students have just finished class, and no one has arrived yet.

About two or three minutes later, students began to enter the gymnasium.

These students didn't go to the canteen to eat. They just bought some bread in the school supermarket and came here specifically to watch Lin Zichen's personal challenge on the first day.

There are classmates in the class.

There are people who eat melon.

There is a little fan girl.

There are challengers ready to take action.

There are also students who simply come to draw prizes.

In order to encourage students to actively participate in the challenge, the headmistress included a prize for participation in the plan. Students who come to participate in the challenge will receive a lottery ticket.

The prizes are generous and include all kinds of latest electronic products.

"Zi Chen, the number one in the top class of the second grade of high school is eyeing you. He said that today he will push you on the martial arts platform and rub you so hard that you won't even recognize your mother!"

Under the martial arts platform, He Yu was munching bread leisurely while transmitting messages to Lin Zichen in the tone of voice of the overlord of the top sophomore class, looking like a eunuch delivering a message.

Wang Shujie on the side heard this and sneered: "You are just a waste who has practiced for one more year. How can he be compared with Lin Zichen?"

Lu Gang also said: "Those senior frogs in the well have no idea how strong Lin Zichen is."

At this moment, the two top students in Nanguan City were speaking on Lin Zichen's side, sharing the same hatred with him and looking down on the top student in the top two class of high school.

After experiencing several shocks, shocks, and doubts about life, both of them were now convinced of Lin Zichen. They were completely convinced that Lin Zichen was the number one in Shanhai Middle School.

Even if Lin Zichen has not yet played against the top students in the second and third grade of high school, it does not prevent them from thinking so definitely.

They trust their instincts as geniuses.

"Xiaochen, come on later!"

Shen Qinghan sat in a corner under the stage holding a hot meal and shouted to Lin Zichen with a smile.

Li Chuxin on the side also shouted: "Zichen, come on!"

Lin Zichen smiled and waved in response to the two of them and everyone else in the class.

About ten minutes later.

The teacher who is the referee is here.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen didn't waste a second. He immediately looked at everyone in the audience and asked: "Everyone, the individual challenge can begin. Does anyone want to come up and compete?"

"I'll do it!"

As a delicate voice sounded, a girl with twin tails jumped onto the stage.

He is a student in the ordinary class of high school and is weaker than Shen Qinghan.

The reason why I took the stage to challenge was mainly because I wanted to have physical contact with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen accommodated her without seeing that she was a girl. In order to save time and have more sparring matches, he killed her in less than three seconds.

Natural Selection achievement completion progress +1!

"I come!"

"It's my turn, it's my turn!"

"And me!"

In the following time, the little fans rushed to the stage one after another, all wanting to have physical contact with Lin Zichen.

In less than half an hour, Lin Zichen had killed nearly a hundred little fans and improved his achievement completion progress by dozens of points.

In less than half an hour, the completion progress increased by 95 points. If we continue to improve at this rate, I feel that we will be able to complete the Natural Selection achievement this week...

Lin Zichen was slightly excited.

Another half hour passed, and all the fans in the audience were almost exhausted.

At this time, the cumulative completion progress of the Natural Selection achievement has reached 309 points!

It rose 190 points in one hour!

The progress of this improvement is much greater than that of the past few years combined, and the efficiency is exaggeratedly high.

During this period, some fans were still unsatisfied and wanted to challenge again after failing the challenge.

Lin Zichen directly refused and refused to accept the second challenge from the defeated.

Because of the achievement of Natural Selection, you have to defeat different competitors in order to improve the completion progress.

"Are there any other challengers?"

After using the little fan girl, Lin Zichen looked at the other people in the audience and asked.

"Yes, yes!"

Someone in the audience responded immediately.

As long as you take the challenge on stage, you will get a lottery ticket afterwards.

Everyone was very enthusiastic about this and lined up to challenge.

After another half an hour passed, the completion progress of the Natural Selection achievement reached 419 points, which was almost halfway.

At the same time, the accumulated amount in the bonus pool also reached 2,000 yuan.

"Is anyone else coming?"

Lin Zichen looked towards the audience and asked.

By this time, all the little fans had finished playing, and so had the students who wanted raffle tickets.

"I come!"

A senior in the key class of the third year of high school jumped onto the martial arts platform. He was a two-meter-tall big man with muscles all over his body. He looked like a mountain.

He was interested in the 2,000 yuan in the bonus pool.

"Junior, I know you are very strong, but for you, a freshman, to challenge the whole school in a arena, you are too ignorant. Let me teach you a lesson today!"

After saying that, the senior took off his clothes in front of everyone, revealing his extremely exaggerated chest muscles. When he exerted force, the two large chest muscles jumped and looked full of explosive power.

Ten seconds later.


Only a crash was heard.

The muscular senior who looked confident just now flew backwards from the martial arts platform.


After killing the muscular man instantly, Lin Zichen immediately shouted to the audience.

However, no one came to the stage to challenge.

Even the seniors in the key class of senior high school were killed instantly. Everyone felt very confident when they saw this, so they stopped humiliating themselves.

As for raffle tickets, not everyone cares about that.

Just when Lin Zichen thought that this was the end of the day.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the audience.

"Yan Shaoxuan is here!"

"I didn't expect that he would come here specially to participate in the challenge. I must have disliked this new student and wanted to go on stage to torture him."

"Interesting, there's something good to watch now."

Most of the students who came to the gymnasium to watch the show just wanted to watch Yan Shaoxuan teach Lin Zichen a lesson.

After waiting for so long, the leader of the top class in the second grade of high school is finally here.

Who is Yan Shaoxuan?

Listening to the voices in the audience, and following everyone's gaze towards a boy walking towards Wutai from a distance, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel curious.

Thinking about it, he turned to look at He Yu, who was well-informed in the audience.

Seeing him looking curiously, He Yu knew what he wanted to ask, and immediately introduced him: "Yan Shaoxuan is the top student in the top two class of high school I told you about before. I heard he can raise the ball with one hand. With a 560kg barbell, the 100-meter sprint only takes 6 seconds 38, and his overall strength ranks among the top five in the entire school.”

Lin Zichen nodded after hearing this, without any fluctuation in his heart.

At this moment, a slender figure jumped out of the crowd!

The jumping height is almost 4 meters!

Then, like a god descending to earth, he landed on the martial arts platform with a "dong" sound!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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