Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 8 Passenger in childhood

The arrival of the white-haired girl immediately attracted everyone's attention and became the focus of the class.

That white hair is really eye-catching.

"Xiaochen, her hair is so beautiful, as beautiful as snowflakes in winter."

Shen Qinghan came close to Lin Zichen's ear and whispered.

Lin Zichen didn't have time to care about whether the white-haired girl's hair looked good or not.

At this moment, his thoughts were all focused on the inhuman aura exuding from the other party.

Why is there an aura that is not human?

Could it be a gene fusion person?

Or...are they the descendants of gene fusion people?

Lin Zichen had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

In the days that followed, he kept paying attention to the white-haired girl.

The white-haired girl is named Bai Xue.

This name is very popular, but it goes well with her white hair.

It has been several days since I transferred here, and I have never actively communicated with anyone.

As soon as get out of class is over, he lies on the table motionless.

I rarely even go to the toilet.

At the beginning, everyone was curious about her.

But as time went on, he gradually stopped paying so much attention to her.

The classroom returned to its usual calm.

Except for the appearance of a white-haired girl who was suspected of being autistic in the corner, everything else was the same as before.

Until more than a month later.

The peace in the classroom was finally broken.

The white-haired girl sitting in the corner of the classroom often exudes a bad smell.

It's not pungent, but it can be very uncomfortable if you get close.

Lin Zichen made a special observation and found that the reason why the white-haired girl smelled bad was because her skin secreted some white substance.

I don’t know what the specific substance is. The color looks clean, but it smells bad.

The white-haired girl became unpopular because of her odor.

I began to be ostracized and ridiculed by my classmates.

Faced with these ostracisms and ridicules, the white-haired girl didn't care from the beginning to the end, and just fell asleep on the table after class as usual.

Lin Zichen saw all this and was surprised that the white-haired girl could endure it so well. He felt that this was probably a dangerous person and was wary of her.

until one day.

There was a naughty boy who deliberately poured water on the white-haired girl's desk so that she could not sleep on the desk after class.

She, who had always been expressionless, suddenly burst into tears.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably.

My eyes were swollen from crying.

Lin Zichen was confused. The person he always considered dangerous was actually crying?

Shen Qinghan on the side couldn't stand it any longer. He remembered his experience of being ostracized by his classmates when he first entered kindergarten. He immediately looked at Lin Zichen and said:

"Xiaochen, Bai Xue is so pitiful, can we go and help her?"


Lin Zichen said without thinking.

He didn't know the details of the white-haired girl or what was going on with her.

All I know is that the other person seems not to be a dangerous person as I imagined, but more like an autistic little girl who was bullied and cried by her classmates.

"Guan Chun, wipe away the water on Bai Xue's table."

Lin Zichen walked to the naughty boy, stopped in front of him, and spoke to him in a calm tone.

Very bland.

It was so bland that there was no disturbance.

However, the naughty boy was so frightened that he hurriedly picked up one of his books, used the book as a tissue, and stepped forward to quickly wipe away the water on the white-haired girl's desk.

He was too afraid of Lin Zichen, for fear of making this campus figure with both civil and military talents unhappy.

Not to mention the students in the class, even the sixth grade students were afraid of Lin Zichen.

Every student in Sunshine Primary School has witnessed Lin Zichen's feats in the school sports meeting. They know how powerful his body is and dare not offend him.

"Those who bullied Bai Xue before should come over and apologize to her now."

Lin Zichen looked around the class and said to everyone wherever he looked.

As soon as she finished speaking, the students in the class who had bullied the white-haired girl came over one after another to apologize to her.

There are those who just say sorry.

Some took out their own snacks to apologize.

Whether it was sincere or not, everyone was apologizing to the white-haired girl.

Facing so many people's apologies, the white-haired girl felt a little overwhelmed and forgot to cry for a while.

Wait until everyone has apologized.

Shen Qinghan walked to the white-haired girl and stopped, turned around and said to the class: "No one is allowed to bully Bai Xue in the future. She is a classmate in our class, and we all need to be friends with her."

With Lin Zichen here, no one dared not listen to Shen Qinghan's words.

From this moment on, no one in the class dared to bully the white-haired girl.

"Thank you, thank you..."

The white-haired girl sobbed quietly and thanked Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan inaudibly.

Shen Qinghan smiled and said, "You're welcome. We are classmates and we have to help each other."

Lin Zichen said nothing, just took out a tissue and handed it to the white-haired girl.

The white-haired girl reached out to take the tissue, timidly raised her head and glanced at Lin Zichen, etching his appearance deeply in her heart.

Since that day.

Shen Qinghan began to take the initiative to approach the white-haired girl and wanted to become friends with her.

If there is something delicious and fun to eat, I will share it with her as soon as possible.

He also led her to get to know Lin Zichen.

He said that the three of us would play together and become the best triangular friends in the class.

Shen Qinghan was able to do this because she herself had been ostracized and was full of pity for the white-haired girls who had the same experience.

The white-haired girl was very flattered by this, and said in a weak voice: "I, I smell so bad, don't you dislike me?"

As long as she can remember, she has been ostracized and disliked by her peers.

Now that she met Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen who were willing to make friends with her, she felt unreal, as if she was in a dream.

Shen Qinghan held the white-haired girl's hand and said seriously: "I won't dislike it. We will always be good friends."

After receiving Shen Qinghan's answer, the white-haired girl looked at Lin Zichen standing aside with a humble expression, wanting to hear his answer and caring about his thoughts.

"me too."

Lin Zichen said lightly.

The white-haired girl was moved after hearing this. She took off a pair of animal teeth from her neck and put them in their hands respectively. She said a little unconfidently:

"Hanhan, Xiaochen, you always give me delicious and fun things, and I want to give you things too."

"This pair of animal teeth was a birthday gift from my mother last year. Now I'm giving them to you. I hope you won't dislike them."

"Also, I hope... I hope we will always be good friends."

"Well, we will always be good friends." Shen Qinghan accepted the beast fang with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, she looked at the two of them and suggested, "Let's hook up and make a promise that we won't change that for a hundred years."

Soon, the slightly childish voices of three people could be heard on the playground of Sunshine Primary School.


"Hang yourself..."

"No change allowed for a hundred years!"

The next day, the white-haired girl dropped out of school.

After hearing the news, Shen Qinghan was completely confused and didn't understand what happened.

On the day the white-haired girl dropped out of school, Lin Zichen saw a tall man walking into the Academic Affairs Office with the white-haired girl.

He was impressed by the man.

Because the opponent's arms, half of his chest, and neck are all made of alloy.

Suspected to be a mechanical transformation person.

In this regard, Lin Zichen realized that the identity of the white-haired girl might not be simple.

However, he didn't dwell too much on it.

After all, the white-haired girl has already transferred to another school, and maybe we will never see her again in this life.

It will just become a passerby in childhood.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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