Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 89 Dragon Girl

Second semester of senior high school, June 6th.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day before the college entrance examination.

There were no classes at the school that day, and students were allowed to rest and relax on their own so that they could prepare for the college entrance examination in the best possible condition.

On the school road.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were walking aimlessly, looking around, talking and laughing.

Shen Qinghan held a cup of milk tea in his hand, took a small sip and said:

"Xiaochen, the college entrance examination is tomorrow, I'm a little nervous."

"You are a student in the top class and your grades are among the best in the school. Why are you so nervous?"

Lin Zichen smiled and said.

Compared with when she first entered high school, Shen Qinghan's grades have improved greatly now.

It has climbed from last place at the beginning to 28th place in the class.

This score ranks second among the girls in the class, higher than several boys.

Looking at the entire third grade of high school, he can be firmly ranked in the top 40, and he is definitely a top student.

"I'm afraid I'll pee during the exam..."

Shen Qinghan licked her thin milk tea-flavored lips, her face full of worry.

Lin Zichen said disapprovingly: "You are somewhat unfounded in your worries. In the past six months, your urgency to urinate has been greatly reduced, and your body has become closer to normal. How can you pee so easily."

"To take a step back, even if you are really nervous and pee, wouldn't you still have diapers?"

"Take a good attitude and don't be nervous."

Since becoming an adult in October last year, Shen Qinghan's health has begun to improve, and she no longer has the urge to urinate as often as before.

As for the specific reason, it is still unknown.

However, Lin Zichen speculated that Shen Qinghan's body became more stable as an adult, and the relevant parts were not so easily penetrated by water.

"Xiao Chen, you said that my body will be penetrated by water at every turn. What is the reason for this?"

Shen Qinghan really wanted to know the answer, but after studying it for almost three years and having his body checked hundreds of times by Lin Zichen, he still couldn't find the reason.

This made her feel depressed.

Seeing her troubled look, Lin Zichen comforted her warmly: "This is a good thing. The less we can find the reason, the older, more mysterious, and more powerful this superpower is."

The older it is, the more powerful it is. This statement is somewhat based on the past and not on the present.

If it were placed in the previous life, he would definitely be sprayed to death.

But in this mutated earth where there are strange beasts, extraordinary abilities, and ancient ruins, this statement is true to a certain extent.

Many scholars have speculated that the alien beasts that suddenly appeared on the earth hundreds of years ago may not be alien species, but ancient creatures that originally existed on the earth.

This speculation has many loopholes and is ridiculous, but it is still recognized by many people.

Because other speculations are even more ridiculous.

What's more, the sudden appearance of the alien beast is already ridiculous, but when combined with it, even the most ridiculous speculations appear reasonable.

"The older the mystery, the more powerful it is?"

Shen Qinghan smiled bitterly and said pessimistically: "It would be great if it were true. I'm afraid this is not a super power at all, but a simple physical defect."

Lin Zichen smiled: "It doesn't matter if it's a physical defect, I won't dislike you anyway."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan's heart warmed and felt a little sweet.

Then he stopped and reached out to grab Lin Zichen's sleeves, begging with a hint of humility in his eyes:

"Xiaochen, you must not dislike me in the future, okay?"

"I won't dislike you."

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan's watery peach blossom eyes and smiled in a humorous but serious voice: "If I dare to dislike you, my mother will definitely be the first to let me go."


After Lin Zichen had dinner, he took a look at the royalties in his bank card. He had saved enough 2 million to open the Void Eel album.

Without wasting time, he immediately went out to the mall to buy meat and devour it.

When I came to the mall, I went straight to the top floor to buy the meat in person.

Now that he is over 18 years old, he no longer needs purchasing agents.

Soon, 100 kilograms of void eel meat was obtained.

Just find a place where no one is around and start devouring your thoughts.

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of "void eels\

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