Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1130 I am strong, I am strong

Liu Shengge was sitting in the villa by the seaside, looking at the sea. Qu Ledi stood behind him, bending slightly and whispered softly.

"What you did this time is inconsistent with your past style."

Liu Shengge said softly.

"What kind of style do I have? Han Qian took the initiative to invite me to participate in the auction. Do you think he will make preparations for me? No products for me? The photo of my wife is just a cover. He must have taken advantage of something in me. To be so arrogant, the fact that there is only one Cui Li beside Han Qian is a loophole! I just didn’t expect that this loser Yan Ran couldn’t even take down Cui Li!”

Quledi whispered.

"It's not Yanran's fault. Xiao Yangjia threw a handful of flour at his face. Yanran stopped when her fist was about to fall on Xiao Yangjia's face. She also gave Cui Li a chance, otherwise Yanran would commit suicide after failure. Will not be captured alive."

Liu Shengge waved his hand. At this time, Han Qian was sitting in Yan Qingqing's office playing games. He was noisily drinking Coke, but it was Yang Lan who brought Coke. Han Qian asked suspiciously where little Yang Jia had gone, and was told by Yang Lan Follow Mr. Yan away.

Yang Lan opened the Coke and put it on the table, saying softly.

"Drink less Coke."

After Yang Lan sat down, he looked at Han Qian. Han Qian took a sip of Coke and smiled.

"I won't drink two bottles of this thing a year. Are you angry, Sister Yang? You got into a little chaos last night."

Yang Lan shook his head gently.

"There is no reason to be angry. We are a family. Xiaoqian, I am very curious about how you know."

Han Qian took a sip of Coke and typed the mouse seriously. After a while, looking at the dark screen, Han Qian turned sideways and looked at Yang Lan and asked.

"Sister Yang, what are you talking about? Oh, did you say that Yanran will find out about you and Xiao Yang Jia? This is inevitable. We two sisters closed the door and talked. You know Cui Li's identity as well as I do. He is a Mid-Autumn University student. The only person involved in the robbery has a good ending, and he is also the person with the most special status around me. It is illegal to catch others, but Cui Li will not be caught. "

Yang Lan whispered.

"But if you catch Yanran now, will it cause trouble for you?"

Han Qian smiled.

"You are talking about the trouble at the Yamen Gate? I had trouble at the Yamen Gate when Chen Qiang was still there. When it comes to the relationship at the Yamen Gate, I can honestly admit that I am not as good as Chen Qiang. My father Gu has a bad relationship in the capital, but Fang Xiong and Chen Zhan have disciples all over the world, otherwise why would I be so anxious to kill Chen Qiang? If I kill Chen Qiang, Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng will not be able to do anything to me unless I kill someone on the street. "

Yang Lan whispered.

"Why did you guess that Liu Shengge would come to trouble me? What I meant..."

"Sister Yang, I understand what you mean. Are you curious why Liu Shengge suddenly took action? Do you think it was for no reason?"

Han Qian drank the Coke in one gulp. Yang Lan opened the second can and nodded lightly. Han Qian smiled.

"No more. Sister Yang, please make me some tea. The tea Yan Qingqing made just now was like washing water from the pot. I don't know how she made it."


Yang Lan stood up and walked to the tea table. Han Qian stood up, lit a cigarette and smiled.

"And Sister Yang, this is not for no reason. Is it really a chance encounter that I met Liu Shengge when I came to work that day? I came to him on purpose. Xiaoliu is a suspicious person by nature, and he always thinks about it in his mind. Think of it as a story. I took a photo of his wife on his chest and asked him to attend my auction. What do you think he would think? "

Yang Lan made tea and shook his head.

"I have no idea."

Han Qian smiled.

"But I know that he will think that my auction has something specifically to sell to him and something specifically for him, so he needs a bargaining chip to trade with me. Except for Cui Li, he doesn't dare to touch the bargaining chip in this transaction. Anyone! So do you understand?"

Yang Lan opened a bag of tea and asked doubtfully.

"Can't he not go?"

Han Qian pouted and smiled.

"Does he dare not go? My sister Yang, he doesn't dare. He can guess 80% of my thoughts, but I showed him the 80% deliberately, and the remaining 20% He can't guess that this 20% is the most important! Let me put it in a simple way. Liu Shengge doesn't even dare to go to Han Qian's auction. Why is he still hanging out in Binhai? Drowning in spit, the label of coward will be branded on him for the rest of his life.”

Yang Lan shook his head and Han Qian said again.

"Sister Yang, I have no one to say a lot of things to you. You are my sister, so just treat me as my brother and I am a garrulous person. Let me tell you these things to make me feel more relaxed."

Yang Lan raised his head, narrowed his eyes into crescent moons, and smiled.

"Tell me~ Listen to what you say~ Just say whatever you want~ I'm also curious about what you have prepared now~"

Han Qian took a deep breath, lowered his head, held a cigarette in his mouth, looked at his toes, and said softly.

"In the three days of preparation today, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, everyone who should know that Liu Shengge has taken action against Cui Li probably knows it. Do you think Lin Zongheng will be honest? Do you think Lin Zongheng can not go? Is he going to the auction? Even if I don’t give him an invitation, he will go. If he goes and I won’t let him in, that’s because I, Han Qian, are afraid. But if I, Han Qian, hold an auction and he doesn’t go, that’s him. I’m scared, since it’s an auction, why would he let me be the protagonist?”

Watching Yang Lan show off her tea skills, Han Qian said again.

"The relationship between Liu Shengge and Qian Ling is at its freezing point. At the first party in Swan Lake, Qian Wan asked Dong Yangjie to kill Liu Shengge but failed. If! If! I said if, Qian Wan and the Japs met in the past three days Ambush, two people were arrested, who was the first suspect? "

Yang Lan came over with a tea cup and said crisply.

"Liu Shengge!"

Han Qian took the teacup and nodded.

"Yes! It's Liu Shengge, but Liu Shengge doesn't have the courage, and he won't be so narrow-minded that he will argue with a fool like Qian Wan about these things. But we know Liu Shengge, but what about us who don't? What about Qian Ling? Put the blame on Liu Shengge , and these two people are in the hands of Lin Zongheng. With my feelings and protection for Qian Wan, one Qian Wan is enough to make the entire auction the home of Lin Zongheng alone. I don’t even dare to rule out the possibility of cooperation between the two! "

After taking a sip of tea, Han Qian said again.

"And if Lin Zongheng lets people capture Qian Wan, I still believe that the Japanese will not let me down. He will capture these people alive and he will satisfy me, Sister Yang! Now the entire Binhai is my chessboard, Lin Zongheng, Liu Shengge The two of them are puppets in my hands. If I tell them to move forward, they have no reason or courage to retreat. "

Han Qian crushed the tea cup and said in a low voice.

"Everyone has been questioning me since I came back. Everyone is doubting me. Everyone thinks my brain is ruined."

Blood flowed between his fingers, Han Qian growled with red eyes.

"I am strong, I am strong, I am strong, because I am terrifyingly strong, because Binhai is my home court, and I will never fail at my home court. There may be flaws in my plan, but it will never affect me. I want results, I am strong, I have always been strong, and I even look forward to Lin Liu’s cooperation, because I am strong! I can always use my hands to control every move they make!”

Yang Lan wrapped Han Qian's fist in a tissue and said softly.

"I know, I have always known that my Xiaoqian is the most powerful!"

Yang Lan understands Han Qian's heart very well. When the voices of doubt keep echoing in his ears, he also hopes to prove himself, hopes that someone can know his inner thoughts, and hopes that someone will affirm him.

Today, Yang Lan is definitely the only one who can help Han Qian. Others will be worried that Han Qian is too tired and worried about danger. Some may even say that Han Qian does not consider the safety of the people around him because of his plan.

But Yang Lan wouldn't think so. Her trust in Han Qian had never wavered since he walked into the general department.

Just like he said.

He is strong!

And Yang Lan also knows that times have changed, and he is no longer the fledgling child who needs to fight alone.

To enjoy the dividends of the Han family, you must be prepared to devote your life to the Han family.

"Xiao Qian."

Han Qian raised his head and smiled awkwardly at Yang Lan, scratching his head.

"Sister Yang, I'm a little embarrassed and shy."

Yang Lan smiled.

"No! I feel very good. Men should have this kind of confidence! We women always have inexplicable self-confidence. I think you should have returned to what you are now. You are strong! You have always been strong and broke all doubts. !”


"I made dumplings this morning. I'll get them for you."

"Sister Yang."


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