After the old man and Qian'er's mother returned from the capital, they took the bell directly back to the countryside.

The main problem is that Lingdang doesn't want to go to kindergarten.

She is pretending to be sick and acting coquettishly because Grandma Six is ​​old.

When the old man walked into the village from the west village entrance holding the bell, the doors of every house were closed. When he walked to the door of Grandma Sixth's house, the door that should have been closed at this time was open, and the old man wrinkled his nose. The bell was handed to Qian'er's mother.

Qian'er's mother frowned.

"The dog didn't bark."

The old man nodded. When the old man walked into the yard, his eyes turned red instantly. Grandma Six was sitting at the door of the house, holding the big yellow dog that was already covered in blood in her arms. The old man walked forward vigorously.

"Sixth Aunt!"

Grandma Six raised her head and looked at the old man. The elderly lady burst into tears.

"Dead! They are all dead. The rhubarb that has been with me for ten years was beaten to death by them. The pullets I raised for Wenwen were beaten to death by them. The pigs I raised for Wenwen were beaten to death by them. They are all dead. ! Everyone in the family is dead, I have been raising them for ten years! They said they would kill me! I have nothing left."

The old man lowered his head and looked at Grandma Six's right leg, which was already deformed.

Han Xiu said in a low voice.

"Where are the people!"

Grandma Six had a silly look on her face, holding the big yellow dog in her arms and stroking it gently. At this time, a little boy from the neighbor on the left suddenly popped up and shouted.

"Uncle Han, they came with guns! There were a lot of people and they went to your house. We called and they answered the phone."

The old man nodded.

"I see."

The old man picked up Grandma Six and got into the car, and sent her to the county hospital. After she was hospitalized, the old man looked at Ding Yan.

"The dog can't be saved. If Aunt Six can survive this time, she will pass. If she can't survive, we have to prepare for the funeral. I'll go home."

Qian'er's mother nodded.

When the old man left the hospital, he was carrying a red fire ax in his hand. He put the ax on the passenger side and drove the pickup truck back to the village.

Whose person? What is the purpose?

The old man didn't care at all.

The car stopped at the entrance of East Village. The old man saw a few men wandering at the door of his house. The old man kicked the car door with an ax and got out of the car.

In the past, everyone was worried about whether Han Qian would be beaten to death.

But there is no need to think about such things today.

Several men at the door shouted as they looked at the old man walking over with a fire ax.

"You are Han Qian's father, right? Today I am just teaching you a lesson. Tell your son to stop this auction immediately, otherwise next time..."

The voice stopped suddenly, and the man who spoke saw his back.

Where is my head?

The old man, whose eyes were red, was extremely angry.

He has been failing all his life. His lack of ability almost caused his wife to die in the hospital. His lack of ability almost caused his son to die in Binhai several times. This time, his sixth aunt was bullied.

He didn't understand his current state, but Qian'er's mother in the hospital knew.

How could he think about the consequences?

The common man was angry.

The first one chopped off one head angrily.

The companion next to the beheaded man stretched out his hand to touch the warmth on his face. He looked at the headless body lying on the ground.

what happened?

In the end what happened?

Why does he dare to kill people?

We are guards!

Before he could regain his senses, half of his face was suddenly pinched. At this moment, he felt as if his head was about to be crushed. Another man who had regained his senses pulled out a rubber stick and pointed at him. The old man rushed over.

One kick!

With just a kick to the chest, the man holding a rubber stick knocked over the low stone wall. His chest collapsed and a big mouthful of bright red spurted out of his mouth.

Then the old man lifted up half of his face with one hand and raised his head. The next second, the old man took a step across, grabbed the man's head and smashed it on the floor tiles.

"A life is worth a life, even an egg is worth a life!"

The old man clapped his hands and walked into the yard carrying the ax. He ignored how many people were in the yard. He just turned around and closed the door. After hanging the lock, the old man started to look at the people in the yard.

Some are tattooed with dragons and phoenixes, and some are wearing uniforms.

"Han Xiu! You need to know what you have done. You have just violated the law now! You'd better just show your hands and fight for leniency."

The old man weighed the fire ax in his hand and asked.

"I will kill whoever kills the dog; I will kill whoever kills the pig; I will break the neck of whoever breaks the neck of the chicken; I will break the neck of whoever breaks my sixth aunt's leg. Just a bone, that’s it! Whoever comes first, you come together!”

"Han Xiu, call Han Qian now and ask him to give up the auction. We can discuss everything."

There are still people who don't know how to live or die, the old man licked his ears and said softly.

"If you don't come over, then I will."

The old man stepped forward with his ax in hand.

The neighbor's child in the front yard was awakened in the middle of the night, sat up and shouted.

"Mom, whose house is so noisy!"

"Be good, sleep! Your uncle Han may be cleaning the yard, be good! Sleep~"

The village woman held her child in her arms and coaxed her to sleep. The man at home stood in the yard, smoking a cigarette and staring at the wailing coming from the backyard, muttering softly.

"Why do you think you provoke him?"

In the hospital, Qian'er's mother listened to the doctor's advice. Grandma Six was old. Even if the bones were reattached after the operation, there might be big problems with her future movements. The doctor also said something.

The old lady's heart was broken, and her illness could be cured, but there was nothing she could do about it.

When Qian'er's mother returned to the ward, she looked at Grandma Liu who was chatting with Lingdang, her face glowing red. Qian'er's mother burst into tears. Lingdang and Grandma Sixth talked for a long time until Grandma Liu lay down and fell asleep. , Lingdang climbed out of bed, grabbed grandma's hand and walked out of the ward, Lingdang spoke out of nowhere.

"Grandma, grandma is leaving. She just told me that she saw a big yellow dog waiting for her at the door."

Qian'er's mother's tears fell instantly. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying. She went to the doctor and told them to give up the operation, not wanting the old lady to be tortured.

Five o'clock in the morning.

The courtyard door was opened, and the old man lowered his head and lit a cigarette. The sun shone on his body, and the bright red on his body shimmered, and blood trickled from the small opening on his right leg.

In the hospital, Han Qian held Grandma Six's hand.

"Grandma Six, tell me, I'm here! I'm here."

Grandma Six stretched out her hand to touch Han Qian's face and smiled.

"Little...Han Qian! Grandma Six loves you the most. There is a longevity lock locked in the cabinet at my grandma's give this lock to Beloved...tell Nuan Nuan I want to eat the fish cooked by Grandma Six, Xiaoqian, but Grandma can’t cook the fish I like for Nuan Nuan.”

Han Qian's tears were like threads and he choked with sobs.

"Grandma, let me sit down and I'll do it."

Grandma Six smiled.

"I can no longer accompany you to touch snails in the river. Grandma still wants to see Beloved get married. Grandma hasn't seen Wuyouwu yet. After Xiaoqian... the big yellow dog came to pick me up. It was looking after me. Wag your tail! Xiaoqian, you buried the big yellow dog next to me after my grandma died! She was alone all her life, and she was the only one who stayed with me.”

"I know, I know everything, grandma, I know everything."

"Hmm~ It's good to know, don't talk anymore! Grandma is tired."

Looking at Grandma Six's closed eyes, Han Qian knelt on the ground and cried so hard that he couldn't help but cry.

Qian'er stood by the bed and choked up and dialed the old man's phone number. The old man who received the call said nothing, turned back to the yard and raised the ax in his hand!

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