"Liu Shengge, if you and Liu Shengwu can't come back to deal with the company's problems now, and you want to act as the chairman of the Liu Group now, then everything you do must be clearly related to your mental illness certificate. No matter what happens in the future, If you don’t do anything, your mental illness certificate will not be used as proof for you to evade charges, and I will go to Beijing Hospital to revoke your mental illness certificate!”

Liu Shengge frowned and said softly.

"Yang Chu, my disease certificate is a legal channel, but what you are doing is somewhat illegal."

The man named Yang looked at Liu Shengge and smiled.

"Whether it's legal or not is something you need to care about, and what I do is turn what you think is legal into something illegal. I know Lao Gu and Zhou Hui owe you a favor, but I won't give them face if I don't give it to them. Yes, I suggest letting Liu Shengwu come back to handle these matters."

Liu Shengge raised his hands and smiled.

"Okay, okay, you have great power. Whatever you say is what you say. Now that the inspection is over, can I go back? Is it okay if I go to the seaside?"

"No, you'd better appear in my sight within a month, otherwise I will take back Liu's loan in the bank."

When Yang Chu left, he patted Liu Shengge on the shoulder.

After they left the Liu Group, Liu Shengge dialed Han Qian's phone with a gloomy face to question him, but he happened to catch up with Han Qian sleeping. Han Qian was woken up and cursed angrily at the phone.

"Are you mentally retarded? Are you cerebral palsy? There's no place for your fucking semen to go inside your head? Why are you calling me? You don't know that I'm fucking sleeping? If you can't hold it in anymore, find a wall The hole has been pounded for a while, don’t come here to have a convulsion, Liu Shengge, just give me a call and I’ll rip off your head.”

Liu Shengge, who was scolded angrily, glanced at the hung up phone, and then began to call Han Qian continuously. After repeated calls, Han Qian turned off his phone. Liu Shengge's mood eased a bit, and Qu Le beside him Dee stepped forward and whispered.

"The relationship between Yang Yu and Gu's father and Zhou's mother is not very good. It's just a nodding relationship when they meet, but Yang Yu and Lady Song are very close, and according to our reports, Lady Song went to see Lin Zongheng today. ”

Liu Shengge pouted.

"Song lady? She doesn't have a brain as big as a bean. There should be someone behind her directing her to do these things. If nothing else, this person is Han Qian, but the relationship between the two of them is very bad. I don't understand it very well. Baitao and Song The lady can strike up a conversation, but Baitao is avoiding Han Qian now. Anyway, the person here must be Han Qian, but! Lin Zongheng and I know everything, but there is nothing we can do, don't you think it's strange? "

Quledi shook his head.

"Not surprising."

Liu Shengge stretched and sighed.

"That's it. My son has gone to Qinghai, my brother and his mother have gone to Sanya, and now I'm left alone. I'm going to stand still and let's see what tricks they can pull off!"


In Binhai, Han Qian was so disturbed by Liu Shengge's phone calls that he couldn't sleep well. He lay on the bed and became very angry. He didn't fall asleep until it got dark. Han Qian felt that there was someone beside him just as he fell asleep. The sound of high heels reached his ears. He opened his eyes, and under the light of the end of the month, Han Qian spoke.

"Can you take off your high heels when you enter the house? Even if you are tired, I would be too noisy."

Yan Qingqing, who came back from Qinghai, sat beside the bed and smiled.

"I miss you, don't you? Go inside a little bit. I'm tired from the journey, so I'll lie down for a while."

Han Qian moved an inch inside, and the empress lay sideways in Han Qian's arms. The thin empress only occupied a small space. Han Qian hugged Yan Qingqing, and the empress grabbed Han Qian's hand and put it on his chest.

"I went to Qinghai and took a look at my son. The living environment is so bad. I've only been here for a few days and he looks like a little briquette. He doesn't even look up when we eat together."

Han Qian closed his eyes and whispered softly.

"Don't leave me alone, right?"

Yan Qingqing narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"It's not just three sentences, it's you in every sentence. From the time we met to have dinner together until he went home after dinner, he never stopped scolding you. I said I would take him back to Binhai, but Xiao Jia didn't come back, but he Made a request to me.”

Yan Qingqing turned over and looked at Han Qian, who asked with his eyes closed.

"What request?"

"The old nanny from the Liu family is living with him over there now. Jia Yi asked if he could let the old Taoist priest go and live with him."

"I don't care."

"The old Taoist priest agreed, and the old Chinese medicine doctor also said that being in Binhai was not interesting, and he planned to go to Qinghai to play with Jiayi."


Han Qian no longer remembers what Yan Qingqing said after that.

He fell asleep.

Han Qian is the biggest stumbling block in Han Jia's life. The relationship between father and son has been completely played by Han Qian, and not a penny is left.

Yan Qingqing looked at the sleeping Han Qian, stretched out her hand and pinched Han Qian's nose, and whispered.

"Why? Why is the relationship between you and your son so bad? Don't they all say that a son should be pampered more?"

Early in the morning, when Han Qian woke up, Yan Qingqing was no longer there. Wen Nuan was sitting on the bed opposite with her mouth full and half a bun in her hand. Watching Han Qian open his eyes, Wen Nuan gave the bun to him very hypocritically. In front of Han Qian, Han Qian shook his head and let out a sigh of relief.

After getting up and going to the bathroom to wash his face, Han Qian patted his face in the mirror, took out his cell phone and called the old Taoist priest.

"Qinghai, do you want to go? I'll build a Taoist temple for you."

"I can consider it."

"Ask the old Chinese doctor if he wants to go with you. My son is there. I feel relieved to leave him to you two old men. He can also learn some medical skills from the old Chinese doctor. My son is learning Chinese medicine, so I will invest heavily in Chinese medicine."

"Knock him out and take him away. Funding issues..."

"Looking for Yan Qingqing, why are you the same as that monk?"

"I'll take the monk with me."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian rubbed his face again, turned and left the bathroom to the old man's ward. He opened the door and looked at the old man and Yan Qingqing who had already started drinking porridge. Han Qian nodded to the old man.

"You stay in the hospital. Qingqing, have you finished eating? Come to the company with me after you finish eating."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. Yan Qingqing stood up and bowed to the old man, then turned and ran. When he caught up with Han Qian, he was already waiting at the elevator door. Yan Qingqing punched Han Qian in the back.

"Why are you walking so fast? Will you die if you wait for me for a while?"

Han Qian pinched his chin and whispered.

"It's a bit urgent. Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng should not fight each other in the capital. As long as there is no conflict or fight between them within half a month, they will immediately turn the fire on me. I have to speed up the pace of dealing with Lin Zongheng. As for Liu Shengge, I can just beat him up and throw him into the temple to chant sutras."


[Update in the afternoon, sleepy]

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