Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 566 Chen Qiang’s desperate attempt to drive away tigers and swallow wolves

Wen Nuan and Li Jinhe also came in to make dumplings.

Bell went to Qian Ling.

This child can be with anyone, does not cry or make trouble, and in the words of the mother-in-law, is another kind of warmth.

A family of four hugged dumplings, Wen Shu leaned against the cupboard with a cigarette in his mouth and smiled.

"This time it should be news from Bin County. First of all, consider Chen Qiang's identity. He has a very powerful background and has little impact on you. But it is too easy to suppress a hot search. He has been active on the Internet. He has been active on the Internet before. Because of the concert, Baitao knelt down. This matter has been a hot topic on the Internet recently. He was very active on the Internet because of the live broadcast of the concert a few days ago. Now he has been exposed at the height of the popularity. Everything is fake, and it hasn’t been trending yet, which is weird.”

Han Qian asked while holding the dumplings.

"Is it possible that it's too fast and can't be suppressed?"

Wen She smiled.

"What are you thinking about? If Fang Xiong wanted to, he could even stop the company's software for a period of time, let alone a hot search. Fang Xiong could make the entire Internet unable to find any news about Chen Qiang with just one sentence. The only one The explanation can only be that Chen Qiang did it on purpose. From the perspective of company operations, if Chen Qiang starts the live broadcast at this time, and then finds someone who can prove that everything he did is true, it is estimated that his popularity will increase to another level. !”

Han Qian frowned and blinked.


Wen She made a mixed dish and smiled.

"Then there are so many things. When Chen Qiang is active on the Internet, more and more people know him. This is like having another life-saving talisman. After all, the impact of the death of a public figure who has done good things is huge. Yes, and now is the Internet era, which is also the fastest way to make money. Chen Qiang will seize Binxian’s tourism industry, his company and various online channels this time, which will raise the level of Binxian and Fanyunyuanyu.”

"that's it?"

Han Qian had doubts, and Wen She shook his head and smiled.

"How is it possible? You were also very active on the Internet before, right? You just said that Gu Qingyun was also implicated. Since Gu Qingyun is implicated, the incident of Baitao getting into bed will definitely be exposed. In this way, it will be exposed again. The grudge between Lao Gu and Lao Bai, no matter who loses, is good for Chen Qiang. If Lao Gu loses, Gu Qingyun, You, and Liu Shengge will be implicated. If Lao Bai loses, Baitao and Lin Zongheng and the Huacheng Group also have problems, and now that Chen Qiang is active on the Internet, it is too late for you to do anything. There is nothing you can do against him. This is a small strategy that can be regarded as a defensive way to attack. !”

Han Qian squeezed the dumplings out of shape, and his expression turned extremely ugly. Seeing this, Li Jinhe gently rubbed Han Qian's head, turned to look at Wen She, and frowned.

"You've been nagging for a long time, just tell me the solution! What are you talking about? Xiaoqian has so many things to do in a day, and my daughter can't help. Is this what you, the father-in-law, do?"

Wen She smiled.

"The solution... This matter doesn't have much impact on Xiao Qian, and I don't want to care about other people's life and death. The best way to get the best of both worlds now is to let Gu Qingyun and Baitao get married, and then modify the marriage. But how is it possible? Lao Gu I can agree, but Lao Bai can't agree. There are still Lin family brats here to stir up trouble. Here's a solution! Let me think about it, Li Jinhe, please wash my feet today so that I can think about it carefully."

The mother-in-law laughed angrily.

"Okay, okay, Wen Shu, you are very good!"

Nuan Nuan turned his head and looked at Li Jinhe.

"What are you still unwilling to do?"

Li Jinhe curled his lips and said.

"I don't mind washing your father's feet to make Xiao Qian more relaxed, but at this time, I can't kill everyone in Bin County?"

The mother-in-law's personality is really capable of doing such a thing.

Wen She smiled.

"Okay, you can do it. Tong Defeng just came yesterday. They can't do anything now. Otherwise, why would Chen Qiang come to do this at this time? Oops! Think about it carefully. There are still two plans for the Bin County group. , cooking dumplings!"



"Dad, steam it~it's not delicious."

Three to one.

Wen Shuobediously steamed the dumplings, while Han Qian stood aside pounding garlic. Li Jinhe and his daughter had already gone back to study cosmetics.

The phone is on the cupboard.

Wen She stared at the dumpling pot and smiled.

"Come to Binhai to eat some dumplings? What is there to do in the capital?"

An old and tired voice came from the phone.

"I'm in the mood to eat people now. This little boy Chen Qiang is really insidious. Wen Shu, please stop cooking dumplings."

"It's not cooked, I'm steaming the dumplings! Don't have such a headache, just let Gu Qingyun get married now."

"He listens to me? He listens to everything, but he doesn't listen to this matter. Now that he has run away, I will fuck him up, if he is not my biological son."

Lao Gu is really going to be pissed to death. Now that Chen Qiang is not suppressing hot searches, he is just talking about it on the Internet. Lao Gu has no way to suppress this matter.

Wen She laughed.

"How big of a deal is this? He's not your biological son, so you don't have to be so angry!"

Lao Gu sighed.

"I'm even more angry with my godson. Let me read it for you! "The uncrowned crown prince Han of Binhai City, Fengtian Province has a group of wives and concubines""

Han Qian's face was full of embarrassment and Lao Gu said again.

"That's great! One is the Appreciator of Hundred Flowers, and the other is Nine Meng. Has he done something wrong? Wen Shu, please tell me how to deal with it!"

Wen She turned his head to look at Han Qian, then smiled at the phone.

"Catch him and find someone to marry him immediately. In fact, marrying Baitao is the best thing."

Lao Gu said angrily.

"I don't like his daughter. What a piece of shit. Tell me which one is more suitable, Qian Wan, Wan Fang, or Wu Qingsi."

"If you really let me choose, it would definitely be..."

As soon as the words came out, Han Qian said.

"Wan Fang! She also has a love brain! It would be so interesting to have two love brains together. Mainly, my sister Wan Wan has a very cheerful personality and Gu Qingyun is like a boring gourd. I asked Cui Li to catch Gu Qingyun!"

The words came out Lao Gu roared angrily.

"Who? What the hell is Cui?"

"I said I'd urge you to catch Gu Qingyun..."

"Little Han Qian, just keep playing with fire! What the hell do you...Wan Fang look like? I have no memory. Your mother Zhou and I will go to Binhai later. Wen Shu, you can steam dumplings, right? I'll go over and eat, you... Old man, use your brain! Are you not the father of this child?"

Lao Gu and Wen are simply two different personalities, Wen is too soft and Lao Gu is too strong.

Walking out of the kitchen, Wen She looked at Li Jinhe and smiled.

"Get ready to eat, and then go to Qian Ling's place."

After saying this, Wen Nuan suddenly stood up and ran downstairs. Not long after, Cai Qinghu, carrying six or seven boxes, followed Wen Nuan in. Cai Qinghu whispered, carrying gifts.

"excuse me."

Nuan Nuan hugged Cai Qinghu's shoulders and smiled.

"Why bother? I haven't spent the Chinese New Year with you, eating dumplings! What did you buy me? Givenchy cosmetics? Huh? I don't need this! Tea? I don't drink it! Cigarettes? Cigars? Me Don’t smoke either! Cai Qinghu, what did you buy for me!!! Go home.”

Cai Qinghu took out a car key.

"Give it to you, give it to you! Is this okay?"

"I don't want a car, so you can buy me something to eat."

Wen Nuan stood at the door like a child. Wen Shu stepped forward and took the gift from Cai Qinghu. Others didn't know what to say to this girl without parents. Anyway, Li Jinhe felt very sorry for her.

Wen She looked at the tea leaves and smiled.

"Xiaohu is still sensible, and for such a big girl like Wen Nuan, she hasn't said anything to buy me anything when she comes home after all these years!"

Nuan Nuan looked at Wen She with a resentful look and said seriously.

"Have you forgotten the knee pads I bought for you that don't hurt when you kneel down?"

Wen She took Nuan Wen's arm and pushed out the door. Wen Wen opened the door with the key and stood at the door with a domineering look on his face.

"Hourglass~Hourglass you all."


Chen Qiang from Binxian County was also a little nervous. All the members of his direct family were standing in the living room, except for Mu Xiuxiu who was half-lying on the sofa. Chen Qiang, dressed in a suit, was pacing around.

After a while, Mu Xiuxiu spoke.

"Honey, can you go outside and play for a while?"

Hearing his wife's words, Chen Qiang ran over and squatted beside the sofa and whispered.

"My wife, Master Military Advisor, I'm a little nervous."

Mu Xiuxiu frowned.

"Why are you nervous? Everything is ready. When you funded the students and built the school, all the records were dated. Everything is ready. It will be released at the yamen gates of various places tonight. Notice to prove everything you have done."

Chen Qiang whispered.

"What I'm worried about is that Han Qian and the others will cause trouble."

Mu Xiuxiu shook her head.

"No, they are very busy now. This is a bad thing for them now, but after tomorrow, it won't necessarily be a bad thing for them. Some things are actually very simple. We force Gu Qingyun and Baitao's respective marriages were eliminated. This is a good thing for Lao Gu and Lao Bai. It is not a loss for them. Go cook me a dumpling, and then Chen Lei, prepare to start the live broadcast. Tonight you You are the protagonist, you must be active on the Internet in the future, otherwise I will really not be able to protect you if the nursery rhyme kills you."

Chen Lei nodded, Mu Xiuxiu looked at Li Dongsheng who was texting with his hair down, and smiled.

“If you’re celebrating the New Year, stop scolding!”

Li Dongsheng raised his head and smiled.

"It's okay, let's just scold and play with Wu Siruan. She's free and I have nothing to do today. I won't participate in the live broadcast soon."

At this time, Chen Qiang stood at the door of the kitchen wearing an apron and smiled.

"Dongsheng, it's time to find a partner! Who do you like?"

After saying this, Sun Mingyue patted her belly and said with a smile.

"That woman Gu Qingyun can't catch up with, just throw money at her~"

Wesley was the first to speak.

"Disgusting, that woman is not worthy of Dongsheng!"

Guo Wumei nodded seriously.

"I agree with what Maomao said."

Wesley turned his head and looked at Guo Charming and smiled.

"Happy New Year, Shushu~"

Mu Xiuxiu smiled.

"Sun Mingyue, please stop making random moves. Dongsheng's girlfriend should be carefully chosen. We need a girl with lots of luck. Go find her. Dongsheng, don't make the decision on your own marriage."

Li Dongsheng shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, but I will definitely invite Wu Siruan when I get married."

Mu Xiuxiu smiled.

"Okay, let's get down to business! Answer questions proactively and answer any questions you face. I will be here to keep an eye on you!"

Don't worry about Mu Xiuxiu's feeble speech. Her status in Bin County can be said to be higher than that of Han Qian in Binhai, and no one will question her words.

The live broadcast started, and various questions continued.

First, Chen Qiang began to take out various certificates, bank transfer records, and the location of the primary school under construction. Each amount of funds clearly revealed the location of the primary school. Then Chen Qiang played a video of himself teaching.

Low-quality pixels, Chen Qiang on the hillside took the guitar and led the children to sing "Mouse Loves Rice".

Two simple things were explained clearly, breaking all the messages. Then Chen Qiang's Lian Mai met the children who had taught as teachers. Chen Qiang choked up when he looked at the familiar faces and listened to the familiar voices of Teacher Chen.

But then someone questioned the money.

Sun Mingyue said with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I am Sun Mingyue from Bin County."

"Hello, family, I am Liu Guangming, the former chairman of Shuncheng Group."

"My name is Li Dongsheng, the heir to the previous cips business in Malaysia."

A few people's words solved Chen Qiang's financial problem. After Chen Qiang's commitment and plans for future funding, many Internet celebrities came into the live broadcast room and kept sending gifts to show their support for Chen Qiang.

Mu Xiuxiu glanced at the time and spoke to Chen Qiang.

"It's almost time. Get ready to start selling. Don't let this enthusiasm go to waste."

The live broadcast here in Bin County is in full swing.

On the other hand, the atmosphere on Binhai's side was a little weird. Baitao stood in front of Lin Zongheng, trembling with anger.

She had done something wrong back then, and now she was being grabbed by her hair and chased and scolded. How could she bear it?

Lin Zongheng sat on the sofa and looked at Baitao and sighed.

"If not, why don't you just get married?"

Baitao said angrily.

"Find me a single man!"

"Zhou Le!"

"Lin Bastard, I will fight with you!"

Lin Zongheng let Baitao's fist slap him and said with a smile.

"Mainly, there is really no suitable candidate right now. Zhou Le is indeed a good choice, or it is Li Shaoqi!"

Baitao looked askance at Lin Zongheng.

"Can I torture you to death? Why didn't you say that Liu Shengge and I were married?"

"I'm afraid you'll cuckold Liu Shengge. This guy is mentally ill."

Baitao squinted at Lin Zongheng and frowned.

"So all I have to do now is get married? Are there any consequences if I don't get married?"

Lin Zongheng nodded.

"Yes, if Gu Qingyun doesn't get married, everything is easy to say, but it's impossible for him to continue to condone him. Now that Guangxi and Guangbi have blocked Cui Li and Liu Ding, what impact will Gu Qingyun's escape have on us? None, but if he is caught and gets married, it will be a joke.”

Baitao lay weakly on the sofa and sighed.

"I just wanted to get gold plating, but now my plan is all messed up!"

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"The plans of the four people were mixed together and they were scheming against each other. Chen Qiang was so big this time that he earned nearly 100 million in one day, and there was also follow-up traffic. Bin County's GDP, his personal reputation, poverty You and Gu Qingyun are the victims of the donation to the disaster area and the dramatic and successful transformation. I guess Han Qian is going to steal Chen Qiang’s traffic recently. We also have to prepare. I think about how we can be popular. It’s hard to make money. Shit tastes terrible! How about I create a marketable image for you as a single beauty?"


"White peach!"


"Are you really not considering Zhou Le?"

There are still four thousand words left, and it may be night! I haven't gotten over my cold yet, and I still have it today. But don't worry,

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