Han Qian had no chance to take action, and the king did not give him the chance. After getting in the car, the king excitedly asked Han Qian if he had done well and if there was any reward, such as a kiss, a hug, and a lift.

Han Qian looked out the window and ignored the king, who shrugged. She didn't know what Han Qian was thinking, but she felt that His Highness was a little strange today. Even Cui Li, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt that the young master today was different from every day.

He doesn't like talking much anymore, and he didn't speak when he met Chen Jinye today. Cui Li is stupid, but he can also feel that Han Qian's mind is not on tonight's affairs, and his mind has already flown away.

Driving all the way back to Binhai, Liu Ding whispered.

"Master, where are you going?"

Han Qian turned his head to look at Liu Ding and smiled.

"Park on the side of the road. I want to take a walk, so you can go back first."

By the time he finished speaking, Han Qian had already opened the car door. Liu Ding was busy applying the brakes. The GL8 stopped suddenly on the side of the road. Han Qian got out of the car and patted the door.

"Let's go, I'll take a walk for a while and let Nuan Nuan come pick me up."

Liu Ding hesitated for a few seconds, and then Xu Hongchang spoke.

"Let's go, listen to the young master."

Liu Ding looked in the rearview mirror at the young master standing in the rain. Liu Ding sighed softly and Liu Guangming said in a low voice.

"Have you noticed that my brother is a little different today? He seems to be very anxious. With his character, he will maximize the benefits of this matter instead of breaking up with Chen Jinye now."

Cui Li nodded.

"I can feel that something is wrong with the young master's eyes. It's like... it's like... it's like I'm going to kill someone and this person knows he will die! The young master's eyes were not like this before. He looked tired in his eyes. It’s with light.”

Xu Hongchang looked at the rain outside the window and said softly.

"The young master's eyes are not light, but hope! No matter how desperate people are, they will see hope when they see the young master, just like the young master saw the young mistress when he was most helpless. The young master is still injured. The wound is infected and he needs to take medicine and injections. , Yang Lan will have to worry about the young master taking medicine."

Liu Guangming smiled bitterly.

"Then what can be done? He is hiding the medicine!"

Everyone knew that Han Qian was hiding medicine, but one person just found out that Han Qian had this problem. The king looked at Xu Hongchang in astonishment and asked in confusion.

"My Highness doesn't like taking medicine?"

Xu Hongchang sighed.

"It's not just that he doesn't like it! There are two things that our young master hates the most. The first is putting things in his mouth, and the second is sleeping. The young master only takes medicine while Yang Lan is watching."

The king asked with a frown.

"Does His Highness have the habit of taking any vitamins?"

Xu Hongchang shook his head.

"No! Not at all!"

"Stop the car. You can go and play by yourself first. I have something I need to check on! Damn it, stop the car!"

GL8 stopped on the side of the road. The king got out of the car wearing a small suit and walked to the middle of the road to stop a private car. After getting in, the two men driving the car looked at each other. The man in the passenger seat turned his head and was about to ask if it was an affair. , what greeted him was the dark muzzle of the gun.

The king took out a wad of cash from his bag and threw it into the stall.

"You have to choose whether you want money or your life. Once you decide, drive to Binhai Second People's Hospital."

The young man driving the car gritted his teeth. How the hell was this an affair? Didn't he meet a female ghost?

At this time, Han Qian walked to the roadside and sat in a taxi. He looked at the driver's cigarette and sighed that this fate was wonderful.

Unexpectedly, I met the Outer Ring Eleven Lang here.

It is estimated that no other taxi would have dared to let him get in. Han Qian held the AK assault rifle and the driver sighed.

"Are you going to fight for your life again? Why can't you think about it all of a sudden?"

Han Qian held a cigarette in his mouth and said softly.

"I don't have time, brain cancer! I only have half a year."

The uncle driver turned his head to look at Han Qian and said softly.

"It seems that your mental state is very poor, but your face doesn't look like it. But I have to say something, pay attention to your mentality. Some people are misdiagnosed and are not sick, and some are scared to get sick. Some people are sick but haven't found out. It's the same thing. None, you! Don’t think so much, what are you going to do with a gun?"

Han Qian raised his head and smiled.

"There are only half a year left. I have to clear up all the troubles before I die. I didn't catch Chen Qiang when I went to Bin County today. Now when I go to the Lin family villa, I have to clear up all the troubles for Lin Zongheng, and then I have to Take care of the people around me and arrange a way out for them."

Outer Ring Eleven Lang sighed.

"Human! Why is this happening? He is obviously a very kind person, but if you kill Lin Zongheng tonight, will you be able to spend the rest of the day with your family?"

Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"I don't have time to think about so many things. After solving a problem, I can feel more at ease, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep! I suddenly understood Feng Lun back then. It turns out that he can't make his own decisions in life! No matter how hard he tries, he can't It cannot change the destiny."

The driver uncle sighed.

"Perhaps fate plays a joke on you sometimes, but you take it seriously."

Han Qian was not in the mood to pay attention to the joke. When the taxi arrived at the Lin family villa, the lights in the entire villa were dim. Han Qian climbed over the guardrail and followed the backyard into the villa. He came to the floor-to-ceiling window and was about to smash his cell phone. Suddenly it rang. Han Qian took out his mobile phone and looked at the king's number. He frowned and answered the phone and said in a low voice.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."


Han Qian hung up the phone. When Han Qian reached out to open the door, he found that the door was unlocked. The moment he walked into the villa with his AK, the lights in the villa were lit at the same time. The originally dark hall instantly became brighter and also lit up. In an instant, Han Qian realized that the hall at this moment was full of people.

There are forests, flowers, noble concubines, and Tangli.

There is also Baitao and Cheng Jin.

There is Li Jinhai.

There were also a dozen armed police officers and a special police officer standing at the main entrance holding a satellite submachine gun and an anti-riot shield. Xiao Song pointed the pistol at Han Qian with both hands and said with complicated eyes.

"Brother Qian'er, put down the gun first. I know you are drawing material for a movie, right? Brother Qian'er, tell me!"

Han Qian looked at everyone in the hall, smiled to himself, looked down at the AK in his hand, and loaded the bullet like a gangster with his backhand.


A large-caliber bullet penetrated the glass and knocked out the AK assault rifle in Han Qian's hand. Han Qian lowered his head and looked at the shaking red dots on his body. He knew that as long as he bent down, the next bullet would It would hit his head, but Han Qian still bent over and said with a smile.

"In life, pack your bags in time, stop your losses in time, and kill the person in front of you who should be killed in time."

When he reached out to touch the AK, a bullet hit the AK again, causing the assault rifle to slide far on the floor tiles. Han Qian turned his back to the window and gave a thumbs up. He knew that the sniper did not want to kill him. He gave himself a second chance.

But Han Qian didn't care. There was actually no difference between half a year and half a day, but the difference was a bit big whether Lin Zongheng died or not. Han Qian walked towards the AK, waved to Cheng Jin and smiled.

"Is there no way to make up for mistakes? But making mistakes can make people live a good life!"

Cheng Jin snorted coldly.

"False, how long will you have convulsions?"

At this time, Xiao Song put down the gun and walked towards Han Qian. When Han Qian bent down, he picked up the AK and threw it to the police officer not far away. Silver handcuffs were cuffed on Han Qian's wrist. Xiao Song thought about it and asked for it from the other side. But when she was about to take action, Li Jinhai came over, stretched out his hand to grab the handcuff and leaned it against Han Qian's other wrist, then turned his back to Han Qian.

"Hold tighter, my second uncle will carry you on his back."

Han Qian was carried out of the villa by Li Jinhai. Han Qian lay on Li Jinhai's back and cried softly.

"Second uncle, I don't have much time! I really don't have much time. I won't be willing to kill them until I kill them!"

Li Jinhai said in a low voice while carrying Han Qian on his back.

"I don't know why you don't have much time, but from now on, wherever you are, your second uncle will be with you. Your second uncle will accompany you to get the injection first. You have a fever."

Han Qian lay on Li Jinhai's back and shed tears. He was not willing to give in. He really was not willing to give in. He only had half a year left. He still had many things to do, including the marriage of his beloved, the birth of Jia Yi, and the departure of Bell. When they went to college, Changle and Lizhi had not yet spoken to call them daddy.

Han Qian fainted while thinking about it, the wound on his shoulder began to become inflamed, and his body became extremely hot.

The cell phone in his pocket kept ringing. The king stood in the laboratory department of the Second Hospital and looked at Han Qian's physical examination report. Is there anything wrong with his body except kidney deficiency?

Why does he act like he is terminally ill?

Moreover, there was no record of prescribing medicine for Han Qian at all. I asked the attending doctor, but there was no other problem with his shoulder injury. Even if he took medicine, he would take some anti-inflammatory drugs.

What's going on with taking vitamins?

The king has asked many people but has not received an answer. His Highness has not answered the phone at this time. What is going on?

Then the king ran to the Medical Insurance Department to print Han Qian's medical records.

One hundred and seventy dollars.

Fifty cents a piece.

Late at night, the King was sitting in the corridor of the hospital, carefully reading through His Highness's medical records. Starting from the gunshot wound seven years ago, judging from the time, His Highness would have to go to the hospital every one or two months.

Then the king found the blood transfusion record of His Highness. The blood he had transfused was already the total blood in an adult man's body.

There were gunshot wounds to the shoulder and lower abdomen.

There are stitches on the head.

There were countless large and small stab wounds on his body. As he watched a crystal drop fall on the warm case, the king raised his head and wiped his face, only to realize that tears had fallen from his body at some point.

It was as if he had experienced Lingchi!

Thinking of Chu Sui, he did have a heart problem, but he was not tortured, but he still sat in a wheelchair every day with a private doctor, took a lot of medicine every day, and checked his physical condition every day. The pain makes him furious.

Looking at His Highness again, he is always so calm and kind.

Who is deceiving His Highness now, and what is he deceiving?

It allows people who don’t like to put things in their mouths or take medicines to consciously throw medicines into their mouths without anyone watching!

Who is deceiving my Highness?

Your Majesty no longer goes to see the cases, because this is not a case, it is like a crime suffered by a person, and the ten tortures are nothing more than that!

Gunshot wounds, knife wounds, blunt trauma, burns, falls.

He's an idiot who can't even change his WeChat notes, why would you deceive him like this!

Don’t you all have the courage to stand in front of him?

Use such despicable methods!

The king was angry.

Very, very angry. During the time he spent with Han Qian, the king could feel Han Qian's responsible attitude towards the people around him, but it was this attitude that prevented him from telling his grievances to the people around him!

The king called His Highness's phone number again, and this time the call was connected.

"Your Highness..."

"Han Qian broke into the house with a gun and committed murder. He has been jailed."

The king's mind buzzed, and she understood everything instantly.

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