The land was finally relaxed.

Well, it’s still a bit of a brain.

Otherwise, too wise opponent, it seems that he has some price.

"In fact, the fund is a fund of Amano. I am just bored and help him to call you. After all, you are too familiar. His voice can be heard as soon as you hear it. As for me..." Hold a palm and hold the chin gently. "You know, my new girlfriend is an actor, so... I also learned a little bit of acting. Butler!"

"Yes, young master!"

The butler immediately took out a document and gently placed it on the table.

"This is a contract signed by Mr. Chen Ziming and Y&L private fund. The contract is very clear. Mr. Chen used the assets of the entire Goldman Sachs Group and all the assets in his name as collateral to borrow cash from the fund. And the owner of this fund is Mr. Mu Tianye."

Needless to say the rest, everyone is not a fool.

To put it bluntly, Chen Ziming used all his own homes to borrow money to buy Mu Tianye's stock. As a result, he borrowed Mu Tianye's own money, and instead handed over the entire Goldman Sachs Group he and he acquired.

This is really being sold and still helping people count the money!

Everyone at the table understands that everyone is a heart.

When I look at Mu Tianye again, the gaze has been adored with enthusiasm.

This is too cow, right? !

Originally thought that Muhammad is already all the assets of Mu Tianye, I think that in addition to the new century, now there is another private equity fund, and casually take out the money that can be used for Chen Ziming to buy 20% of Mu's stake, what is the concept.

Everyone unknowingly swallowed.

It turns out that the man’s assets are much more than they know!

Of course, they ignored the point, that is the name of this private equity fund.

Y&L Private Equity Fund.

"Y" is the first letter of the wild word, what about the "L"?

Ning Xiaofei?

She doesn't have the word in her name, and if she goes to know the company, they will find that the company was founded a few years ago, when Mu Tianye didn't even know that there was a Ning Xiaofei in the world.

Of course, no one cares about it now, and of course no one will think of the dude named Lu Ru, who is in a wheelchair.

"You guys..." Chen Ziming’s hands were all picked up. "You two despicable and shameless guys, guys fooled me?!"

Chen Ziming is self-sufficient, but he also has conceited capital, and he quickly came up with the twists and turns.

Two people, one digging a pit, one pushing behind him, and finally completely tying him, he was thoroughly played by Mu Tianye and Lu.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

Mu Tianye is also a dull expression, dealing with despicable people, he has his own mean method, he does not think there is anything shameful and inappropriate.


Chen Ziming pointed to this for a while, pointing at that for a while, and he did not know what he was going to say.

Excited to the extreme, he rushed over and grabbed the contract on the table.

"Don't waste it, that's a copy!" Lu Li whispered.

Chen Ziming was scared by him, his movements in his hand, his eyes subconsciously falling on the contract, and it was a copy.

However, he glanced over and saw a few keywords "repayment dates."

He squatted for two seconds and then laughed.

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